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 Lifting routine

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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2015 6:22 pm

Here is how I workout. Enjoy.

Super Set 1:

4 sets of dumbbell Bench Press - 10 kgs and 10 reps.
4 sets and 10 reps of squats.

Super set 2:

3 sets and 12 reps of shoulder press - 60 lbs (I know, I know..).
3 sets and 12 reps of lat pulldowns - 75 lbs.

Super set 3:
3 sets and 12 reps of seated row - 105 lbs.
3 sets and 20 reps of roman chair knee raises.

Super set 4:
4 sets and 10 reps of dumbbell bicep curls - 7 kg.  
4 sets and 12 reps of triceps cable pushdowns - 50 lbs (I know..).


Sit-ups/crunches - 2 sets of 25 reps.  
Plank - 2 sets of 60 seconds.
2 sets and 15 reps of that Superman ab workout.

Might have forgot some.

Feel free to mock me.

Last edited by GM Chris Brooks on Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2015 1:43 pm

I also do 2/3 sets of leg extensions with around 150 lbs.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2015 1:12 pm

Now once a week instead of doing the knee raises I do the same super set, but with leg extensions instead. Minimum weight is 150 lbs and maximum is anything over 150 (so far).
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 2:48 pm

Disclaimer: I lift light. I do what the trainers tell me.

New routine:

1. Super set
4 sets and 10 reps Dumbbell bench press - 18 kg.
10 reps of squats (with weight) - 20 kg barbell and two 5 kg plates on each side.

2. Super set
3 sets and 10 reps of incline dumbbell bench press - 12 kg.
3 sets and 10 reps of reverse lunges (fuck that set..).

3. Super set
4 sets and 10 reps of reverse lat pulldown - 90 lbs (40 kg).
4 sets and 10 reps of lateral raise - 6 kg.

4. Super set
3 sets and 10 reps of seated row - 105 lbs (47 kg).
3 sets and 10 reps of shoulder press - 70 lbs (31 kg).

5. Super set
3 sets and reps of pull-overs - 10 kg.
3 sets and 20 reps of calf raises.

6. 4 sets and maximum reps of parallel dips.

7. 4 sets and 10 reps of machine bicep curls. Each single hand does 10 reps - 40 lbs.

8. 2 sets and 16 reps of roman chair leg raises.

I like it.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2016 4:00 pm

I'm summoning the weightlifting king of this fed, @Po1ski to give his thoughts on the routine.
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Raw Superstar
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PostSubject: Re: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 2:43 am

I like it a lot actually. It's a really well balanced full body workout.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2016 12:57 pm

Weight updates:

Dumbbell bench press - 20 kg.

Squat: two 10 LBS plates on each side with an extra 1 LBS plates on each side.

Incline bench: 14 kg.

Seated Row: 120 LBS.

Pull-overs: 12 kg.
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PostSubject: Re: Lifting routine   Lifting routine I_icon_minitime

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