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 Not here to win or lose.

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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 18
Join date : 2015-04-11

Not here to win or lose. Empty
PostSubject: Not here to win or lose.   Not here to win or lose. I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2015 6:17 pm

The lights go dark and Good day to die by Godsmack starts to play through the arena speakers. The crowd go silent and wait in anticipation of what is to come. The titantron suddenly flickers to life and white alphabets start swirling around in a black background.

The letters finally start assembling themselves and form a big bold word. 'EMINEM'. Some members of the crowd cheer while the others just look on eagerly.

The lights then come back for a moment but again dim down to a darker shade of blue this time. Smoke starts to swirl around the entrance ramp. Finally, a 6ft tall silhouette of a man wearing a hoodie emerges from the smoke. He looks at the titantron and the word 'EMINEM' on it. He then lifts his hand and points at the titantron and then at himself and suddenly the word 'EMINEM' fades out and the words, '...has come to TTF!' instantly pops up onto the screen!

The crowd cheers a bit and the hooded man walks really slowly to the ring. He grabs a mic from the announcer and slides into the ring elegantly. He slowly walks to the corner and stands on the second turnbuckle whilst overlooking the crowd as if they were non-existent. He then gets off and walks to the center of the ring and holds the hood covering his face.

He looks straight at the crowd and then lifts his hood to reveal his face as the music stops almost simultaneously. The man appears to have short, blonde hair and blue eyes that stare out into the crowd. He brings the mic to his lips very slowly, cherishing the slow burn build up and finally speaks in a calm and slow manner,

Eminem: My name is Eminem!! And I have arrived in TTF!

Some fans cheer while others just look on.

Eminem: I have heard a lot about TTF and to now be a part of this federation has to be the biggest 'MISTAKE' of my life!

The fans suddenly start to boo as Eminem pauses.

Eminem: Thank you for the warm welcome! I never got much at the previous organization that I worked for. Well the reason I left my previous federation, was because I WAS the best there, and the reason I've come to this federation IS to be the best here. I have lost my money, lost my home, lost my life, But now I'm here to reclaim them all! I don't wanna be loved by you, I don't wanna be loved by anyone backstage... All I want is respect and I have my ways of earning it. By the way, I seriously expected more from this rundown shack.

The fans continue booing as Eminem just shrugs and smirks.

Eminem: The guys backstage are nothing compared to me! They are nothing more than dull kindergarteners and wannabe wrestlers! Enough of trashing this crappy company, you fans are much worse than this hell hole!  

Eminem pauses and looks around seriously at the fans.

Eminem:  I was like all you people once a upon a time, I was fat, rich, drunk and wasted all my money on unnecessary things that didn't really help me at all. As I said before I lost my life, but unlike you people I changed, I changed into me. I changed into this athletic, handsome successful son of a gun. The difference between you people,the guys backstage and me is that I unlike you, have got a life and I am gonna live it to be the best in this --this, whatever you call this pathetic place.

The crowd start booing really loudly and do so for a long time. Eminem just looks at them and yawns which makes the fans to stop as they see that Eminem isn't acknowledging them. Suddenly a fan in the front row stands up and shouts, "Hope you *censored* up your debut match!". This makes the crowd cheer but they go silent as the see Eminem roll out of the ring.

Eminem walks angrily over to the fan at the front row and shoves his face right into the now scared fan. He looks at the fan for quite some time and then lifts the mic and calmly says,

Eminem: You'd better thank your stars that this 'third-rate' company is PG. and also that this 'third-rate' company provides a barricade between me and you, boy!

The fan sits back into his chair sweating profusely as Eminem just stares daggers into his eyes. He continues speaking while looking at the fan.

Eminem: I don't care about winning or losing if that is what your comment meant. You see, I care about punishing my opponent till he says that he'll never step into the ring with me ever again! Winning isn't everything in life. It is suffering and pain that I carried with me my whole life and that is same bloody thing that I will give to my opponent.

The crowd go completely silent and listen intently to what Eminem says. Eminem pauses and doesn't take his eyes off of the fan in the front row.

Eminem: I know that Raverage is my opponent tonight, I watched his ridiculous interview earlier this evening. He said that he wants me to worry about facing him? Yeah, I am worrying alright. I am worrying about how to break this MAN'S NECK!!

Saying this Eminem flings the mic at the fan who somehow dodges it. A ring side security runs over to Eminem and requests him to go backstage. Eminem looks angrily at the scared fan and then starts to smirk.

He puts on the hood back on his face to cover it and starts walking towards the entrance ramp. The fans boo him as he walks slowly away from the ring. He suddenly turns back and shouts so that the crowd hears him,

Eminem: Remember, I am not here to win or lose. Just to kick *censored*.

Finally he walks back backstage as the camera fades to black while the fans boo.
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