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 The Judge's Thoughts on His Debut

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The Judge David Griffin
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 14
Join date : 2015-04-14
Age : 29
Location : Roseville, Minnesota

The Judge's Thoughts on His Debut Empty
PostSubject: The Judge's Thoughts on His Debut   The Judge's Thoughts on His Debut I_icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2015 7:00 am

*After the previous match is finished, the titantron shows interviewer Seamus O’Doherty standing backstage with The Judge David Griffin.*

Seamus O’Doherty: Hello fans of TTF, tonight, I am here with one of TTF’s newest superstars The Judge David Griffin.

*There are a few cheers in the crowd throughout the arena.*

O’Doherty: What are your thoughts on your debut match next against The Archangel Jacob Jones?

The Judge David Griffin: Honestly, it is very exciting. One, it’s a debut, who isn’t excited for a debut, and two, that man has been a friend of mine for as long as I can remember, so this is almost like, uh, how do I put this? Do you have a brother?

O’Doherty: Yeah, why?

The Judge: Do you fight with your brother at all?

O’Doherty: Sure, who doesn’t?

The Judge: I see this match like that, a fight between brothers, and as with all fights amongst brothers, this is for bragging rights. I will give it all I have, and I can only expect the best from The Archangel as well.

O’Doherty: Do you feel confident enough in your abilities to beat him?

The Judge: If I wasn’t confident in my own abilities, why would I be here? In order to be successful or even be on a wrestling show, you have to be confident in your abilities. I wouldn’t even be in the wrestling profession if I wasn’t confident in my abilities. I love wrestling, I love honing my craft, and I do it all to give the fans an entertaining match every week!

*The crowd gives a loud cheer.*

The Judge: Now I have to go get ready for my match.
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