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 Rikishi's Bio

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SD! Wrestler
SD! Wrestler

Posts : 70
Join date : 2015-04-05
Location : California

Rikishi's Bio Empty
PostSubject: Rikishi's Bio   Rikishi's Bio I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2015 5:17 pm

Real Name: Dave

Wrestler Name: Rikishi

Wrestler Level: 100(Master Level)

Age : 28

Attire: Red Lycra Wrestling Briefs & Pair of Black Boots.

Build: It's to good for you.

Fans: Everyone is a fan of me.

Height: 6'3

Weight: 425lbs

Face/Heel/Tweener: Heel

Hometown: Missouri

Nickname: Stinkface King

Backstory: From a young age Dave was always picked on at school for being much bigger and "slower" than all the other kids. Because of this Dave was pulled out of Junior High. He spent many years away from others while helping his family on their farm. At the age of 17, Dave went on to join some Indy federations taking on the stage name of "Rikishi". Despite his eighth grade level education, Dave was the talk of his federation. His skills in the ring were unmatched by the other wrestlers. And those who crossed his path were doomed to face his massive rear end. While preforming in a main event one night he was scouted by Chris Brooks. Dave immediately took his offer and now looks to make a name for himself in True Talent Fighting. Rikishi's on the hunt for fresh meat and ready to crush anyone who stands in his way.

---Dreaded Stinkface (Rikishi tosses [nome] into the corner turnbuckle. Rikishi smacks his giant ass before charging [nome]. Rikishi jumps up, turns himself around and smacks [nome]'s chest with his massive ass causing him to fall into a seated position against the corner turnbuckle.

Rikishi turns around and begins to repeatedly smack his ass against [nome]'s face. Rikishi pauses for a second to hover his ass over [nome]'s face. Rikishi then proceeds to fully humiliate [nome] by rubbing his giant, sweaty, stinky ass in [nome]'s face executing a Dreaded Stinkface)

--- Crushing PinĀ (Big Splash Pin)
--- Ass Crusher (Banzai Drop)

---Showoff (Rikishi flexes his arms for the crowd to admire and proceeds to slap his ass a few times executing a Showoff)

Catch Phrase:
"You kiss ass."
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