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 Checking in on the new guy

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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 37
Join date : 2015-06-22

Checking in on the new guy Empty
PostSubject: Checking in on the new guy   Checking in on the new guy I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2015 3:08 pm

OOT: Feel free to edit Daniel's lines if I haven't quite got the gimmick right.

**The camera is focused on Daniel Gidlow, whose facial expression and overall demeanour quite clearly indicate that he has better things to do. He turns to the camera, giving a meagre attempt at a smile.**
Daniel Gidlow:(half-heartedly) "Ladies and gentlemen, we’re now live in the backstage area from TTF! Let’s take a short look behind the action."
**Daniel is seen walking down a hallway, initially making an effort to adjust his suit in an effort to look more proper but after a few seconds giving up. He then stops after a few steps at a large oak double-door.**
Daniel Gidlow: "On the right, you can see our production room where the whole show is getting produced by the higher ups like our GM Johnny Wolf and his associates."
**The camera swings to the right showing a door with "PRODUCTION ROOM" emblazoned in gold. Through the door's glass panel, one can see modern equipment, a large bulletin board with plans stuck almost arbitrarily on top, and a few workers who seem to be in some sort of heated debate. The camera then turns and follows Daniel again.**
Daniel Gidlow: "Well, now I’m about to introduce you to our locker room and let’s have a look if we’re able to catch some wrestlers and find out their opinions about TTF!"
**He peers into the doorway, and frowns. The frown turns into a look of exasperation for the slightest moment before he looks back at the camera, again making a lame attempt at a smile.**
Daniel Gidlow: "Well there doesn't seem to be many people here at the moment.. I guess we'll have to start off with the newbie."
**Daniel approaches a door with a newly placed label reading "Coulrophobia". He sighs, and knocks loudly on the door. No answer. He tries again twice, still to no avail.**
Daniel Gidlow: "Hmm, this is strange.."
**Daniel looks around the locker room, only to see a few jobbers hopelessly attempting to flirt with divas. He sighs once more, shakes his head and knocks on Coulrophobia's door once again.**
Daniel Gidlow: "Hello? Anyone in here?"
**Silence. The look of exasperation returns, albeit more pronounced this time, and he seems to not know what to do. He pauses for thought. He then tests the door handle, and finds that it's unlocked.**
Daniel Gidlow: "Alright, well I guess the newbie isn't here.. I'm sure he won't mind some publicity though - let’s go on in and take a look at how he's settling in!"
**Daniel walks in to the room, closely followed by the cameraman. Suddenly the lights turn off and pure darkness fills the room. Only one lamp flares across the room, just a few metres away from the camera.**
Daniel Gidlow: (with a hint of fear) "It's probably just a power cut.."
Cameraman: "Wait a second.. I think there’s someone that's holding the lamp!"
**The cameraman indicates the flaring lamp.**

Daniel Gidlow: "It’s coming nearer! Oh my god! Who’s th.."
**A grim smile appears from behind the lamp. Daniel, in the fashion of a young child in a haunted house, opens his eyes wide and a look of fear is spread all over his face.**
Daniel Gidlow: "Run! Hurry up, run!!"
**Daniel runs to the door, only to find that it's locked. Even under the dim light, it can be seen that he goes white with fear. Daniel is frantically trying, but failing,  to open the door. The lamp gets closer and closer to him. Daniel begins to cower in fear against the door. The lamp stops moving about a metre away from him. The face behind the lamp is as menacing as ever.**
Coulrophobia: "BOO!"
**Daniel screams, while Coulrophobia erupts in laughter.**
Coulrophobia:(while laughing) "Gotcha!"
**The lights come back on and Coulrophobia tosses the lamp. Coulrophobia can be fully seen now - all 6ft4" and 250lbs of him. He has a medium build, not quite stocky but not lean either. After a few seconds, Daniel opens his eyes and realises it was all a joke. He is evidently relieved until he notices that the camera is still rolling. In embarrassment, he jumps back to his feet and tries to act normal. Upon seeing this, Coulrophobia starts laughing even harder.**
Coulrophobia: "Damn, this is fun! I've gotta do stuff like this more often!"
**Daniel, furious and humiliated, storms out of the room - forgetting his microphone in the process. The cameraman looks at Coulrophobia, who shrugs. The cameraman follows him out.**
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