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 Yelawolf Bio

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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-07-10

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PostSubject: Yelawolf Bio   Yelawolf Bio I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 10, 2015 5:58 pm

Ring Name: Yelawolf
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music: "Devil in my veins" Yelawolf

Height: 5 foot 11
Weight: 170lbs

Hometown: Alabama: City unknown

Bio: Formerly a Bike gang member, Yelawolf left that life style behind to pursue a career in professional wrestling, Yelawolf is constantly looked over as an underdog, he stands up to these people with his guts and charisma, often disrespecting them, however he respects everyone who let's him be and stands up for his cause of being the small guy sticking up for the small guy.

Attributes: Being a former gang member, Yela is street wise, his main attribute is his speed which he uses to dodge a lot of attacks, he has a grappler based style and knows how to throw any sort of suplex.
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