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 IMPORTANT WWE 2k16 News + Gameplay !

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World Champ
World Champ

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Join date : 2015-04-11
Age : 25
Location : France

IMPORTANT WWE 2k16 News + Gameplay !  Empty
PostSubject: IMPORTANT WWE 2k16 News + Gameplay !    IMPORTANT WWE 2k16 News + Gameplay !  I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2015 2:00 am

2k Games announced that :
- MyCareer is back, and this time it goes a lot further, all the way to you gaining admission to the Hall of Fame.
- Create a Diva, Create a Show, Create an Arena and Create a Championship are back in !
- WWE Universe : Wrestlers can now be booked in multiple shows !
- Online has been "overhauled"
- Three man commentary team, with JBL joining King and Cole.
- Ladder, Handicap, Tornado Tag are back in !
- No loading screen between entrances, you can attack during entrances.
- Improved ref and manager AI.

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IMPORTANT WWE 2k16 News + Gameplay !
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