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 TTF Global Warning

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
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GM Chris Brooks

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Location : Land of Confusion

TTF Global Warning   Empty
PostSubject: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2015 2:50 pm

** A sold out arena in Australia goes wild as the house show tour's first show begins. **


Ring Announcer Jim: Our following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, Sleepwalker!

Sleepwalker makes his entrance

He raises his arms high after his first win in a previous show over some idiot who won't be named who quit after the show

Ring Announcer Jim: And his opponent, Streak!
Streak runs into the ring and poses


Sleepwalker offers Streak a handshake
Streak kicks him in the gut
Streak irish whips Sleepwalker
He clotheslines him
Streak: WOOHOO!
He places Sleepwalker into the corner
He runs into him with an Icon Splash
He goes for a pin
He kicks out!
Sleepwalker gets up and dropkicks Streak
He hits him with another
And another
He picks up Streak and slams him into the mat
Sleepwalker rebounds from the ropes and drops a knee on Streak
Streak tries to hit Sleepwalker back, but Sleepwalker grabs his fist and slaps him across the face
Sleepwalker headbutts Streak
Sleepwalker knees him in the gut, sends him to the ropes and hits him with a huge Big Boot
Sleepwalker mocks Streak's "WOOHOO"  chant
Sleepwalker kicks Streak in the gut
And picks him in a suplex position to drop him right on his head with a Brainbuster!

Sleepwalker pins him


Phillip Blake: Sleepwalker's first clean win! He has gotten better.  Or perhaps he is just fighting weak opponents?

Devon Wyatt: Nah.

Phillip Blake: What a solid opening to our show here in Australia! We have even better stuff stored!

Last edited by GM Chris Brooks on Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2015 5:36 pm

Rikishi makes his way out to the ring with a microphone in hand..

Rikishi: Looks like tonight I get a chance to take on a newbie. I don't really have much to say, but tonight I'm going to crush this rookies' dreams and smother him with my fat ass. 

Rikishi pauses and waits for his opponent.

James Wilson: Look at this lazy son of a bitch. He is so lazy he can't even complete a promo. He makes me sick. He is horrible. I hate Rikishi. He is an obtuse thick dolt. He needs to accept the fact that not all promos are dialogue and stop using excuses. Screw this. Just start the match.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2015 6:22 pm

Ring Announcer Jim: And introducing, our guest competitor, Jimi Hendrix!

Jimi Hendrix high fives the hands of the fans who have no idea who he is

Phillip Blake: From what I understand this rookie is getting a shot at Rikishi to see if he can make in this fed. If he has a good performance, he might get signed. Basically, we'll never see him again.


Jimi runs straight to Rikishi and punches him in the face
He throws punch after punch, but Big Kish is unphased
Jimi runs into the ropes and tries shoulder blocking Rikishi, but he won't fall down
He repeats the same move and gets knocked down with a lariat
Rikishi steps on his gut and walks over him
Jimi is in pain

Devon Wyatt: What a tough task for that rookie.

Rikishi drops his elbow into Jimi's mid-section
Rikishi pins him
Rikishi breaks the count with a hair pull
Rikishi throws Jimi to the corner
He runs towards him and Jimi knees him in the face
He climbs the turnbuckle and drops Rikishi with a missile dropkick
He runs to get a cover
Kick out!
Jimi stomps Rikishi when he's down
Jim puts Rikishi in a headlock
He squeezes
He keeps the hold locked in
Rikishi is in pain
Rikishi stands up elbows Jimi in the gut which frees him from the hold
Rikishi takes a few steps backward and leaps into a huge Superkick dropping Jimi into a sitting position in the bottom turnbuckle
Rikishi slaps his big ass and starts rubbing it in Jimi's face!
Jimi looks like he wants to throw up
Rikishi runs to the ropes and delievers a big splash with a pin


Ring Announcer Jim: Here is the winner, Rikishi!

Devon Wyatt: Another victim for Rikishi. Poor dude.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 3:12 pm

* After making his way to the ring, Raverage grabs a mic. *

Raverage: I don't know what the hell I am doing in this world tour. Thank god, I am payed to "entertain" you ugly citizens.

* The crowd boos Raverage. *

Raverage: Now I understand why the Zombie popped his eyes, because he saw Australia! 

* Raverage laughs, the crowd continues to boo. *

Raverage: Bring me my opponent!
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2015 10:52 am

Ring Announcer Jim: And the opponent, Connor Michalek!

Connor is making his slow zombie entrance to the ring.
Raverage runs outside the ring and begins smacking the hell out of Connor!
He is beating him down
He picks Connor up and slams him on the steel ramp
Connor is in severe pain
Raverage flexes his bicep
Raverage goes to ringside
Raverage takes out something
It's a Singapore cane!
He begins pummeling Connor with shots
OUCH.. those shots are heard all around the arena
Connor is helpless
Raverage drags him into the ring
Referee just now rings the bell
And the match has started, but Connor is knocked out
Raverage puts his leg on the chest of Conno and pins him
He kicks out!!
Raverage is enraged
Raverage kicks Connor in the gut
And sets him up for the powerbomb position
He lifts him for a piledriver..
And he jumps and spikes his rival's neck right into the mat!!!
Raverage pins Connor


Ring Announcer Jim: Here is your winner.. Raverage..

Raverage celebrates his win as the packed arena boos him out of the ring.

Devon Wyatt: What a vicious beat down. Who beats up a kid like that?!

Phillip Blake: Listen, Devon, that is no kid.. that's a disgusting creature from the depths of hell. Raverage just protected himself. It was self defense!

Devon Wyatt: Thanks for the Fox News-ish answer. Let's go the GM office to see what's going on there.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

TTF Global Warning   Empty
PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2015 10:53 am

** Roscar9GRE walks inside General Manager's office. He is furious. **

GM Johnny Wolf: Hello, Roscar9GRE.

Roscar9GRE: Shut up and listen carefully. We both know that Warlocks of Greece is the most talented tag team in TTF and we deserve to be TTF's tag team champions. Everybody
saw that my foot was on the rope when I was pinned. I hope that you didn't have any involvement, because if you are the reason that we lost at TTF: Californication I have a message for you. If you mess with my career, i will END yours.

Roscar9GRE: Oh, inform that faggot that you call a referee, to be more careful with his decisions, because consequences will be unpleasant for him.

** Roscar9GRE sits back and waits for GM's Johnny Wolf response. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2015 10:54 am

GM Johnny Wolf: Watch your fucking mouth, Roscar9GRE. I am the goddamn GM of this federation and you will show me respect. 

** Wolf stares him down. **

GM Johnny Wolf: But you do have a point.. your foot was on the ropes. We all noticed. Even our commentators. So here's what I will do because I am a good GM. I can give you a rematch for the titles at the next season's first show. Do you want that?

Roscar9GRE: I'm fine with the rematch. That's all I wanted. A chance to prove our superiority.

** Roscar9GRE exits the room. Camera fades. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2015 4:35 pm

** TTF's referee enters the parking lot and moves towards his car after the end of the Australian house show. As he reaches his car, he notices that his car is trashed. The car's windows are broken and the car has a lot of dents. Someone also wrote "faggot" on the car's hood. Roscar9GRE is sitting on the hood of a car which is next to the referee's car. He is holding a beer can and a sledgehammer.**

Referee: What? What did you do to my car, you psycho? Why did you trash my car, nutjob?!

Roscar9GRE: It's revenge man! You made me lose my tag team title and I wrecked your car.

** The referee is speechless.**

Roscar9GRE: Warlock, are you ok man?

**Car door opens and Warlock exits. He is zipping his pants.**

Warlock: Yeah man.

Referee: What was he doing inside my car?

Warlock: I was pissing.

Roscar9GRE: And I took a dump on the trunk. I had Mexican for lunch, you should't open it.

** The referee can't believe what happened. Warlock and Roscar9GRE get out of the parking lot. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2015 4:38 pm

Rikishi is seen walking through the backstage area holding pizza slices in each hand. Rikishi isn't paying attention and bumps into a parked motorcycle causing him to drop his food.

Rikishi: Son of a bitch... 

Rikishi looks pissed as he stares down the motorcycle. Rikishi begins to kick the motorcycle over and over.

Rikishi: Who the fuck just leaves their motorcycle in my way. 

Rikishi closely examines the now scratched up motorcycle.

Rikishi: Oh this is whydoicry's motorcycle. Dumbass. 

Rikishi grabs one of the mirrors, breaks it off, and continues to kick the motorcycle. After a few minutes Rikishi leaves the area.

** whydoicry enters the garage and see his bike completely destroyed. **

Whydoicry: Who the fuck..

** Dan Gidlow walks into the garage. **

Dan: It's was Rikishi. It's nice to see that some one has the balls to step up to you.

** Whydoicry turns around and pops Dan in the face. **

Whydoicry: I am really tired of your shit. It's about time some put you in your place.

** Whydoicry looks towards the camera. **

Whydoicry: Rikishi, if you are watching this, know this;I will destroy you. You screwed me out of a match against Hydra and now you destroyed my bike. I don't tolerate that type of shit. When you least expect it, I will punish you. It doesn't have to be in the ring. I will find you at your home or when you are on the toilet. But you will pay. 

** Camera cuts to ring. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2015 5:18 pm

Ring Announcer Jim: Our following contest is a tag team match. Introducing first, from Greece and Georgia respectively, the Warlocks of Greece!

Warlocks of Greece come out of the ring and start dissing the fans
Slapping their hands away from them
Both men walk in the ring with bravado and pose in the turnbuckles

Ring Announcer Jim: And their opponents, Harold and Fresh King!

The random tag team of Harold and Fresh King walk into the ring
Both men can be seen attempting to plan an attack against the veteran duo


Warlock and Fresh King start the match
Warlock rushes into Fresh King with clothesline which almost knocked his head off
He begins choking him
Referee starts counting

Warlock releases the choke
He picks up Fresh and drags him to Roscar
He tags Roscar
Warlock slams King into the mat and lifts Roscar and slams him into Fresh King!
Roscar covers Fresh King
Referee counts


Roscar starts punching Fresh King in the face  
Fresh King stands up and is in clear pain he tries punching Roscar, but fails
Roscar laughs at him
Fresh King slaps Roscar
Roscar is enraged
Roscar spits in Fresh King's face and boots him in the face.
Warlock distracts the ref
Roscar stomps Fresh King's groin repeatedly before the ref returns
Harold steps into the ring
Warlocks runs in too and hits Harold with a should block knocking him off the ring
Warlock sizes up Harold outside the ring
And spears him right into the steel steps!!!
Roscar lifts Frsh King into a Rampaiger and spikes his head
He signals Warlock over and tags him in
Warlock gets on the turnbuckle
And jumps high in the air and splashes Fresh King with a frog splash for the pin


Ring Announcer Jim: Here are the winners, Warlocks of Greece!

Match is over, but the Warlocks want to cause more pain
After the match Warlock sets up the announce desk

Philip Blake: NO! I can't commentate standing up!
Devon Wyatt: Oh crap..

Warlock roars

Roscar grabs Fresh King and places him on Warlock's shoulders in a powerbomb position
Warlocks and Roscar drive Fresh King through the announce table
Fresh King isn't moving
Roscar and Warlock are pleased with their actions and leave

Philip Blake: I think we won't be seeing him soon. Or ever again. Good.
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
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GM Chris Brooks

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Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

TTF Global Warning   Empty
PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2015 5:39 pm

Rikishi's theme music fills the arena as he makes his way out of the backstage area and into the arena wearing his normal attire consisting of a pair of red lycra wrestling briefs and some black boots. Rikishi holds a microphone in his right hand as he makes his way down to the ring. Rikishi slides into the ring and walks to the center. Rikishi raises the microphone to his mouth.

Rikishi: So whydoicry, it seems you weren't happy about what I did to your bike. Also looks like you had a few choice objections toward me.  

Rikishi looks out to the crowd for a moment.

Rikishi: You want to destroy me!? Don't make me laugh you're pathetic. But I admit you got some guts so I went ahead and did you a favor. I spoke with the General Manager and I booked us a match, tonight. Right now. You and I, KMA Match. So come on down and show me what you've got. 

Rikishi tosses the microphone to the side and waits for his opponent.

** Simpleman (acoustic) blares through out the arena. **

** Whydoicry exits from the back with a microphone and looks pissy. **

Whydoicry: It amazes me that they keep your worthless ass around here. But then again that closet homosexual Not So Silent Bob still has job. 

Devon Wyatt: What's with this rampant homophobia in 2015? Come on. 

** Whydoicry shrugs. **

Whydoicry: It is what it is I guess. I will beat your ass with a fameasser. At that point you will kiss my ass. You better hope I lose because when I am done, I am going to take a massive dump on your face.

Philip Blake: So Bob is a homosexual and our champ has a feces fetish. 
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2015 6:33 pm

Ring Announcer Jim: Apparently the following match.. is a Stinkface match!

Crowd goes wild

Philip Blake: Stinkface matches are rare. Our fans are in for a treat.


Rikishi and whydoicry don't even wait a second before trading punches as the dislike is apparent and is in the air
Crowd is electric as both men trade punches
Rikishi hits him with a right
WDIC hits back with a left
Rikishi hits with a right
WDIC hits with a left
WDIC hits with a right
WDIC takes a few steps backwards and clothesline Rikishi's big ass out of the ring
Rikishi is mad and attempts to regroup
WDIC dives at him like a torpedo executing a Suicide Dive!
WDIC raises his arm in the air
He searches for a weapon as Rikishi is laid out
He takes out a baseball bat
Rikishi quickly superkicks him
He splashes WDIC on the floor mat
WDIC is splatted on the floor while Rikishi grabs a steel chair
He bashes WDIC's knee with the chair
WDIC screams in pain
Rikishi drops the chair and stomps WDIC's knee
WDIC's knee is banged up
Rikishi sends WDIC to the ring
Rikishi places him in the turnbuckle in a seated position and begins rubbing his ass in his face! Gross!
WDIC shoves him off and starts fighting back
He elbows Rikishi in the nose and Rikishi felt that on the bone
WDIC lifts Rikishi and slams him down
WDIC rebounds off the ropes and hits Rikishi with a brutal Leg Drop
WDIC gets on the top rope and hits him with a Diving Elbow Drop
Rikishi is getting worn out
He is taking massive damage
WDIC is unloading
WDIC goes unbuckles his jeans belt and raises it in the air
He bends Rikishi over his knee and starts literally whipping his ass!
Rikishi's ass is red as a Russian
Rikishi is in pain from the whipping
He rolls out of the ring
WDIC follows him and runs after him
Rikishi slides in the ring as does WDIC
Rikishi jumps and hits WDIC with big ass right in the face
He slaps WDIC in the face
He is now sitting on his face and choking him with his ass.. on his face
He gets on the second rope and drops his big ass on WDIC
WDIC is having a hard time breathing
Rikishi picks him up for the Samoan Driver
It's gonna be over
WDIC gets down from his shoulder and dropkicks him in the back of the head
WDIC back suplexes him on the top of his dome
WDIC sets up for the kill as well
But wait!
Wicked Blitz runs into the ring with a chair of his own

Philip Blake: Apparently the rivalry between the Hydra and our champ is far from over.

Wicked stabs WDIC in his ribs with the chair
WDIC goes down!
Wicked waits for him to get up for the final shot..
WDIC ducks and Wicked hits Rikishi on the top of his head!!!
Wicked turns around and gets sprayed with Green Mist coming out of the champ's mouth!
Wicked is blinded and he goes down after a kick to the side of the head
WDIC goes for the Fameasser and hits it!
He sets up Rikishi in the corner..
He takes off his jeans to reveal underwear with Rikishi's face on them!
He rubs his small ass in Rikishi's face!!!

Ring Announcer Jim: Here is your winner, whydoicry!

whydoicry celebrates his win with his fans in the crowd

Philip Blake: Well, this was a good show. Rikishi and the champ tore the house down. It was gross, violent AND entertaining.

Devon Wyatt: And that's the show. We had a few more matches planned, but blame the roster for that not happening.. so.. goodnight!

Philip Blake: Coul is a douche!
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: TTF Global Warning    TTF Global Warning   I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 13, 2015 3:23 pm

** A picture of Coulrophobia in a micro bikini shows up for 2 seconds. **
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