** whydoicry walks out to the ring with a microphone. **
whydoicry: Rikishi has spent weeks coming after me and talking trash. I finally accept a match and kick his ass. Rather than accepting the fact that he lost, he proceeds to bitch like a 5 year old girl. I decided to accept his challenge and fight him in a Kiss My Ass match. I will kick that fat overgrown mental midget's ass and remind him that he shouldn't be playing in the big leagues.
Phillip Blake: Can't he cut longer promos?
Voice: Hold it. Hold it. Hoooold.. it.
** Chris Brooks come out to the stage with a mic. **
Chris Brooks: It seems you are forgetting a few things, champ.. first, this is not a one on one match. Check the billing. Rikishi asked for a handicap match. He wants to get revenge against both of us for some reason. And number two, you would have not beat Big Kish if it wasn't for my man, Wicked Blitz.
** Crowd boos. **
Chris Brooks: I know you hate me, but tonight unless you wanna get an ass in your face for 20 seconds.. we need to co-exist as a team.
whydoicry: I don't care what you have to say, Brooks. So shut up. I have no idea why our GM put me in a team with a shithead like you, but I have no choice. I would have beat Rikishi regardless. And tonight I'll beat him again. With or without your help.
** Chris Brooks shrugs. **
Chris Brooks: Fair enough. Let's get this crap done so we could back to beating each other up. See you in the ring.
** Chris heads to the back and the champ later follows. **