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 Raverage's bio

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World Champ
World Champ

Posts : 423
Join date : 2015-04-11
Age : 25
Location : France

Raverage's bio Empty
PostSubject: Raverage's bio   Raverage's bio I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 12, 2015 5:11 pm

Wrestler Name : Raverage
Wrestler Level : 5
Wrestler Age : 21
Build : Balanced
Fans : 39
Height : Heavyweight
Face/Tweener/Heel : Heel
Hometown : Paris, France
Nickname : "The Excellence of Arrogance"
Backstory : Raverage was born in Paris and grow there. He is a wrestling fan since he was kid and a huge fan of Andre the Giant. At 18, he became a professionnal wrestler with his best friend, Téo Dublé and now waiting for an opportunity in a fed, in solo or as a team.

Gimmick : Like his nickname indicates, Raverage is very arrogant and thinks he's better than anyone here. He also like to seduce young ladies. He also talks fluently French.
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