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 Lee Morrison

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Lee Morrison
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-11-12

Lee Morrison Empty
PostSubject: Lee Morrison   Lee Morrison I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2015 1:08 am

Wrestler Name:  Lee Morrison

Wrestler Level: 3

Age (character): 24

Build: Balanced

Fans:  572

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 195 pounds

Face/Heel/Tweener: Tweener

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Nickname: None

Backstory: The one thing Lee Morrison is good at is running his mouth, from an early age he could talk his way out of any situation, and with his charisma and moxie, he soon became one of the best managers in the business.

Lee Morrison Pic:  Lee Morrison Jared-Leto-Critics-Choice-Awards-2014

Clients:  The Pariahs (Luther Price & Merle Cox)

Wrestler Name: Luther Price
Age: 20
Height: 6 feet 6 inches
Weight:  235 pounds
Alignment:  Tweener
Hometown:  Brooklyn, New York
Nick Name:  None
Backstory:  Growing up on the streets toughened up Luther Price.  With a natural talent for fighting, Price along with his best friend Merle Cox became names feared and respected by thugs and hooligans.  

Luther Price Pic: Lee Morrison Chris_hero_render_2_by_dfreedom30-d8n5fkx

Wrestler Name: Merle Cox
Age:  20
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight:  215 pounds
Alignment:  Tweener
Hometown:  Brooklyn, New York
Nick Name:  None
Backstory:  Son of a rich industrialist, Merle Cox was bored with what life had to offer.  It was then that he met a young cocky man that soon became his best friend, Luther Price.  With Price, both men soon became figures synonymous with infamy.  

Merle Cox Pic: Lee Morrison 174cab5494ricochet

It was during an altercation in the streets that both men were spotted by  Lee Morrison who saw potential in the two.  After getting bailed out from jail by Morrison who offered them an outlet for their lust for fighting, wrestling.  Shunned by society, living by their own rules The Pariahs was born.

Entrance: "Pathless" by Amongst Pariahs starts playing on the speakers as Lee Morrison steps forth from the tunnel followed by the tag team of Luther Price and Merle Cox collectively known as The Pariahs.  All three men traverse down the entrance ramp and make their way to the ring as some fans seems split in booing and cheering for them.

Taunt:  Luther Price and Merle Cox both raises their fists up in the air and unfurls their middle finger towards their opponents performing an infuriating F* You & Your Family!

Finishers:  Luther Price lifts and slings his opponent up over his back with his opponent's arms out forming a crucifix, he then tosses his opponent into the turnbuckles back first.  He then scoops up his opponent and slams his opponent into the canvas executing a spine-shattering High Price!

Merle Cox leaps to the top turnbuckle and leaps off driving his knees into the back of his stunned opponent driving his opponent into the canvas executing a backbreaking Coxcomb!

Tag Finisher:  Luther Price lifts and slings their opponent up over his back with their opponent's arms out forming a crucifix, he then tosses their opponent into the turnbuckles back first.  As their opponent staggers from the corner Merle Cox leaps to the top turnbuckle and leaps off driving his knees into the back of his stunned opponent driving his opponent into the canvas executing a career-ending Pariah's Execution!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
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PostSubject: Re: Lee Morrison   Lee Morrison I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2015 10:51 am


Sweet bios.
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Lee Morrison
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-11-12

Lee Morrison Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lee Morrison   Lee Morrison I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2015 4:21 pm

Ookay, it seems that the contract I accepted wasn't from TTF but from UUW... >.< I'll try to sort something out with them, if not, I'll have to let my contract expire first before I become active here. AUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! FML oTL
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PostSubject: Re: Lee Morrison   Lee Morrison I_icon_minitime

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