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 Raverage RP Show n°7

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World Champ
World Champ

Posts : 423
Join date : 2015-04-11
Age : 25
Location : France

Raverage RP Show n°7 Empty
PostSubject: Raverage RP Show n°7   Raverage RP Show n°7 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2015 7:00 pm

Raverage : Finally,
Raverage is back on live TV !

*Raverage taunts while the crowd boo him*

Raverage : Shut up !
Now listen to me.

*Raverage looks at the camera*
I'm facing Roscar one of the "Tag Champion", I didn't know that barbarians had opportunities for titles.
Rather than me, a noble and honest wrestler, can't have any titles matches and facing a zombie, a judge or any jobber around this planet.

*Raverage looks at the crowd*

Raverage : I going elimate anyone who's getting in my way. I mean anyone !

*Raverage drops the mic and prepares himself for his match*
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