** GM Johnny Wolf is in his office preparing to speak to the fans. **
GM Johnny Wolf: Hello, fans worldwide. How are you? Enjoying the show?
** A loud yes is heard from the fans. **
GM Johnny Wolf: Splendid. I am here to make a few announcements. Let's start with the championship related ones. I want to announce that as of November 19th, 2015, Coul has been stripped of his Fire championship due to his work visa expiring. He is currently in Nigeria awaiting their renewal. If or when he comes back, he will have a fair shot at the title.
** GM Johnny Wolf hears a knock on the door, but ignores it. **
GM Johnny Wolf: I am also announcing that next week, the monster known as Entropy will receive a title match against Global champion, Soldier123!
Philip Blake: What a load of crap. Our GM just has against Hydra. First he removes Soldier123 from power, then books Roscar VS Chris and now this!
GM Johnny Wolf: And now..
** Suddenly a redheaded woman bursts through the door and falls down to the floor in the process.
Redhead Woman: Hahahaha.. ow..
GM Johnny Wolf: Hello?
Redhead Woman: Hi!
** She gets up. **
GM Johnny Wolf: You must be..
VGM Jade Gillies: Our new assistant.
GM Johnny Wolf: Where did you come from?
VGM Jade Gillies: I am everywhere.
GM Johnny Wolf: What's your name, darling?
Redhead Woman: Haha. I'm Ariana Valentine! Hi!
GM Johnny Wolf: What a lovely name. You know that hair reminds me of a cat I saw once.
Ariana Valentine: OMG! I love cats! One time, I had a cat at home, but we had to give him away because my brother started acting inappropriate around him..
VGM Jade Gillies: Ariana, play with the pretty keys.
Ariana Valentine: KK.
** Jade gives her a pair of keys. **
GM Johnny Wolf: Why are you speaking like you are apart of a Dan Schneider Nickelodeon show?
** Ariana giggles. Jade shrugs. **
GM Johnny Wolf: Alright then. Welcome to the staff, Ariana.
** A transition of buildings in LA plays. **