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 porno World order

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

porno World order Empty
PostSubject: porno World order   porno World order I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2015 12:29 pm

** Steven Wolfe and Johnny Sins are in the ring. No one knows what are they doing. Both have mics. **

Johnny Sins: Hold up, hold up.. hold up. Stop the show and don't change the channel. Because the Sinman and the Wolfe have something to say. As you all know, I am the world's greatest AV star.

Steven Wolfe: Just call it po-

Johnny Sins: SHHH.. anyway, I AM the world's greatest AV star. And as all of you, me and Steven had a great match. I defeated him. It wasn't easy. But I did it. And after the match we had a talk and we decided to join forces. You see, Steven is actually my protege in the AV industry, I helped him get his deal here. He is the world's second best AV star. He will surpass me eventually and I am fine with that. I taught him well.

Steven Wolfe: TWG and TTF is too P..C. It's too PG-13! Me and the Sinman, we are gonna bring back the edge.. that this federation needs. And well.. who betta?!

** Steven Wolfe drops his mic and Johnny stands in his corner as both wait for KANS. **
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