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 Standard Form

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2 posters
GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Standard Form   Standard Form I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 10:17 pm

Copy and paste the following to your wrestler data topic, and fill it in accordingly.  Smile

In case you are wondering what all of this means, I'll give you a quick summary of what each one means.

Wrestler Name: Pretty self explanatory, just type the name of your wrestler on Server 3!

Wrestler Level: Whatever your level is currently, put it there. You don't have to edit your data every time you level up though.

Age (character): There are two options for a reason. I, like some of you, don't like basing my character off of the age TWG assigns me, so my character is a totally different age than my TWG age. So think about your character (is he young, is he old?) and put your character's age here.

Build: Are you a Balanced, Resistance, Strength, Speed, or Technique?

Fans: Go to your wrestler data again, and find out how many fans you have.

Height: What is your character's height? Is he a giant? Is he a cruiserweight? You have to decide!

Weight: What is your character's weight? Is he a lardass? Is he anorexic? How about muscular? Once again, you have to decide.

Face/Heel/Tweener: Face means "good guy." Tweener is in the middle of good and bad. Heel means "bad guy."

Hometown: Where is your character from? Is he from Delaware? Is he from Egypt? Let us know!

Nickname: Not everybody has to have a character nickname, but for those who do, tell us here!

Backstory: Give us a little information of how your character was raised, where he came from, why he got into wrestling, and a little bit of history. It doesn't have to be extremely long, three or four sentences should do (unless you want a long one).
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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 53
Join date : 2015-04-11

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PostSubject: Re: Standard Form   Standard Form I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 11, 2015 7:39 pm

Name: Sleepwalker

level: 1

Age 19

Build: Balanced


Height: 6"1

weight: 227lbs



Nobody knows much about The Sleepwalker or where he came from. He suddenly just appeared wrestling in a small town in Canada til leaving for more challenging competition. Due to the fact that he almost never speaks and his icy stare he will probably be one of the most feared stars in wrestling.
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