Copy and paste the following to your wrestler data topic, and fill it in accordingly.
In case you are wondering what all of this means, I'll give you a quick summary of what each one means.
Wrestler Name: Pretty self explanatory, just type the name of your wrestler on Server 3!
Wrestler Level: Whatever your level is currently, put it there. You don't have to edit your data every time you level up though.
Age (character): There are two options for a reason. I, like some of you, don't like basing my character off of the age TWG assigns me, so my character is a totally different age than my TWG age. So think about your character (is he young, is he old?) and put your character's age here.
Build: Are you a Balanced, Resistance, Strength, Speed, or Technique?
Fans: Go to your wrestler data again, and find out how many fans you have.
Height: What is your character's height? Is he a giant? Is he a cruiserweight? You have to decide!
Weight: What is your character's weight? Is he a lardass? Is he anorexic? How about muscular? Once again, you have to decide.
Face/Heel/Tweener: Face means "good guy." Tweener is in the middle of good and bad. Heel means "bad guy."
Hometown: Where is your character from? Is he from Delaware? Is he from Egypt? Let us know!
Nickname: Not everybody has to have a character nickname, but for those who do, tell us here!
Backstory: Give us a little information of how your character was raised, where he came from, why he got into wrestling, and a little bit of history. It doesn't have to be extremely long, three or four sentences should do (unless you want a long one).