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 Champ VS Chump

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Marcus Troy
Developmental talent
Developmental talent
Marcus Troy

Posts : 38
Join date : 2015-11-12

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PostSubject: Champ VS Chump   Champ VS Chump I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2016 2:20 am

**  The scene opens backstage where we see Marcus Troy, in his three-piece Armani suit casually puffing his cigar.  Behind his towers the monstrous form of Entropy.  **

Marcus Troy:  "Tonight, TTF shall resume broadcast...  Tonight Entropy shall resume his reign of chaos.  Now it seems that my client shall be facing the TTF True Talent Champion, Not So Silent Bob in a Champ verus Champ, I mean Champ versus CHUMP match..."

**  Marcus Troy begins to chuckle uncontrollably...  **

Marcus Troy:  "Pardon me but I just found it hilarious that someone with so little talent is the True Talent Champion, oh the irony...  But it matters not...  Why?  Because tonight, my client shall easily dispatch of Bob and show the world that the one who wears the True Talent title around his waist is nothing but a fraud.  And Not So Silent Bob's screams shall resound throughout the arena as Entropy dismantles him from head to toe."

**  Troy pauses to take another puff from his cigar before continuing.  **

Marcus Troy:  "But worry not Not So Silent Bob, you shall not be the only TTF Champion to fall.  In fact soon, the other champions shall join you, the TTF Strong Style Champion Raverage and the TTF Fire Champion Roscar9GRE...  Both of them shall soon join you as one of my client's list of achievements here in True Talent Fighting as we bring forth a new age here in TTF, an age of pain, blood and broken bones."

**  With that Marcus Troy ends the backstage vignette as he blows smoke towards the camera and the screen slowly fades.  **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

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PostSubject: Re: Champ VS Chump   Champ VS Chump I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2016 9:31 am

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