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 Address from undisclosed location

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Not so Silent Bob
SD! Wrestler
SD! Wrestler

Posts : 74
Join date : 2015-04-15

Address from undisclosed location Empty
PostSubject: Address from undisclosed location   Address from undisclosed location I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 11:38 am

Devon Wyatt: Welcome to another great, huge, fantastic, incredible-

Philip Blake: One description is enough, dolt. Welcome to another awesome edition of Fighting Spirit.

Devon Wyatt: I think this week's show is more stacked than last week's and that's bec-

Suddenly the camera feed switches to footage of Not so Silent Bob in an undisclosed location.

NSSB: Sorry-not-sorry for hijacking the broadcast feed to show me instead. I have something more important to say than another generic show intro.

Philip Blake: I am not generic..

Devon Wyatt: How did he even take over the feed?

NSSB: It seems that I am facing Flint tonight. Also known as whydoicry who is also known as the man I beat countless times and took this..

Bob shows off the title belt around his waist.

NSSB: From him.. tonight will be no different than all other times I faced him. With Hydra or without them, It is clear that I am superior to Flint here.

Bob lets out a small chuckle.

NSSB: It's amusing to me you still think you have a chance against me.. maybe two seasons ago, but not the new you.. you gone soft.. you are a shell of your former self. Now a has been. Or actually a never was. Do you even try anymore? It's pathetic.

NSSB places the title over his shoulder.

NSSB: In two weeks, I am going to finish off this federation. And I'm starting to think whether I should do you a favor and finish you off too tonight. I said what I had to say.. back to you, Devon and Philip.

Our feed returns to showing Devon and Philip.

Philip Blake: Well, that was quite the speech. And actually he has a few good points. Flint is a shell of his former self. He can't take on the new Bob.

Devon Wyatt: I am sick of hearing Bob speak and sick of hearing you agree with that idiot. I wish I had time to properly introduce the show, but Bob took that from us. So let's start the show. Enjoy, folks.
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