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 Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks]

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Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks] Empty
PostSubject: Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks]   Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks] I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 3:06 am

DISCLAIMER - I lift lighter because of joint issues and to stay at a smaller weight for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions. The push up and pull up only days are for endurance training.


Push ups with 25 pound weight on back - 10 reps every 90 seconds for an hour


Super Set 1:

4 sets for 10 reps of Barbell row - 115 pounds
4 sets for 10 reps of Barbell shrugs - 115 pounds

Super Set 2:

4 sets for 10 reps of Barbell curls - 95 pounds
4 sets for 10 reps of Pull ups

Super Set 3:

4 sets for 10 reps of Dumbbell rows - 50 pound dumbbell
4 sets for 10 reps of Dumbbell shrugs - 50 pound dumbbell


Super Set 1:

4 sets for 12 reps of Barbell lunges - 115 pounds
4 sets for 12 reps of Barbell toe raises - 115 pounds

Super Set 2:

4 sets for 12 reps of Barbell squats - 115 pounds
4 sets for 12 reps of Barbell toe raises - 115 pounds

Super Set 3:

4 sets for 30 reps of Leg extensions - 65 pounds
4 sets for 15 reps of Hamstring Curls - 65 pounds


Super Set 1:

4 sets for 10 reps of Dumbbell Bench Press - 50 pound dumbbells
4 sets for 10 reps of Barbell bench press close grip - 95 pounds

Super Set 2:

8 sets for 3 reps of Barbell Military Press - 115 pounds
15 push ups between sets

Super Set 3:

4 sets for 10 reps of Incline bench press - 115 pounds
4 sets for 8 reps of Lateral Raises - 10 pounds


6 Pull ups every 90 seconds, switching between overhand and underhand grips, for an hour


Same as Wednesday


15 sit ups every 90 seconds for an hour

Abs (Tuesday, Thursday)

I use the Sworkit app and do a 15 minute ab circuit
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks]   Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks] I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 8:06 am

Lifts light my ass. Solid routine fit for a beast. Definitely mirin.   
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Lifting Routine [Inspired by Chris Brooks]
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