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 The Judge David Griffin's Bio

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The Judge David Griffin
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 14
Join date : 2015-04-14
Age : 30
Location : Roseville, Minnesota

The Judge David Griffin's Bio Empty
PostSubject: The Judge David Griffin's Bio   The Judge David Griffin's Bio I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2015 11:07 pm

Wrestler Level: 1

Age (character): 30

Build: Technique

Fans: 7

Height: 6'3"


Face/Heel/Tweener: Tweener

Hometown: San Antonio, Texas

Nicknames: The Judge, The Executioner

The Judge grew up the son of a judge and initially wanted to grow up to be like his father. As he aged, he realized the system didn't work the way he wanted it to, so he decided to turn to wrestling so he could exact his version of justice. The Judge may go to extreme measures to exact that justice. He views most of the other wrestlers as corrupt and wants to exact justice on them and right all the wrongs. He is a pure technician in the ring and loves making people tap out.
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The Judge David Griffin's Bio
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