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 Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe

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Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe Empty
PostSubject: Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe   Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2016 3:21 pm

A tall japanese man, who has purple hair and wears a purple suit enters the arena as the "Ode to Joy" is heard. He takes a bow and then he enters the ring. He is holding a microphone.

Tsukiyama: Hello inferior american people! THE INTELLECTUAL MASTER IS HERE!

The crowd boos him.

Tsukiyama: Unfortunately, my plan of bringing my revolution of intellectuality at TTF can't be completed due to the closure of tthis fed. But tonight, I can exterminate the major problems of thid fed. Tonight I am facing Steven Wolfe. A guy like this is a disgrace to ethics and fine arts. We saw him and his partner Sins getting A FELLATIO ON LIVE TV. This is unacceptable.

Tsukiyama: I will show no mercy to those guys, unless they join sides with me. The virus of immorality has infected TTF, but I have the cure. And tonight, by bringing down Steven Wolfe with my submission manoevrue, morals and ethics will be back on this fed.

Camera fades out as Tsukiyama heads backstage.
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

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Age : 47
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Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe   Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2016 4:26 pm

Good work. Cool!
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Tsukiyma speaking for Steven Wolfe
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