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 Raverage RP Californication II

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World Champ
World Champ

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Join date : 2015-04-11
Age : 25
Location : France

Raverage RP Californication II Empty
PostSubject: Raverage RP Californication II   Raverage RP Californication II I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 15, 2016 11:54 am

*A video is aired on the Titantron. We can see Raverage preparing himself for his match against Warlock*

Seamus O'Doherty: Excuse me, sir ?

Ravarage : Oui ?

Seamus O'Doherty : We and all the TTF Fans, what happened to all that momentum that you had before losing that belt ?

Raverage : You know, I had Family problems and...
Hey, that's not your problem, man !
Tonight, it is not about my problems but about what each and every fans came to see !

*TTF Fans start cheering in the arena*

Devon Wyatt : Looks like the fans start liking him.

Philip Blake : Oh, c'mon, where the good ol'Raverage ?

Raverage : Non, really, who care about about them ?
It's all about me !

*TTF Fans boos him*

Philip Blake : There here is ! That how I like him !

Devon Wyatt : Just when he was nicer...

Raverage : Don't start booing me, you ain't wrestling tonight.
Like I was saying it's time for me to recover the momentum that I lost by defeating a former Tag Team Champion tonight.

*Camera fades*
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