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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

(18+) Empty
PostSubject: (18+)   (18+) I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2016 7:06 pm

** Johnny Sins and Steven Wolfe are in their locker rooms preparing for Steven's match. Both men relaxed and sitting on chairs. We only see their upper body. **

Steven Wolfe: Who does that weirdo Japanese man think he is, J?

Johnny Sins: I don't know what is the deal with that creep. He freaks me out when I see him.

Steven Wolfe: He thinks he is sort of some saint with his conservative attitude..

Johnny Sins: Conservatives are known to be idiots most of the time.. look at that Bouncer dude for example.

** Crowd laughs at that remark. **

Johnny Sins: So about the match, we sho- OW!

Steven Wolfe: What's wrong?

Johnny Sins: She bit me on the dick!

** Camera zooms out and we see Sins and Wolfe in the middle of getting their cocks sucked dry by two hot bitches with phat asses and banging titties. One is blonde and the other is a brunette. **

Johnny Sins: Kissa.. babe.. take it down a notch.. fuck, that hurt girl.

Kissa Sins: Sorry, papi.. I was just so hungry for the cock.. hmm.. let me eat it up, daddy.

Johnny Sins: Alright, dear.

Steven Wolfe: What a great couple you two are. Um, what's the name of the chick blowing me?

Chick who is blowing Wolfe: I am-

Steven Wolfe: Eh, keep sucking.

** Steven and Sins laugh. **

Johnny Sins: OK, so the plan tonight?

Steven Wolfe: Finish getting head, stretch, go out, kick ass and come back for more head.

Johnny Sins: Sounds like a- OHHHH FUCK HNNNGGGGGG.

Steven Wolfe: What?

Johnny Sins: I came.

** Kissa smiles as her face is covered with jizz. She licks it off. **

Steven Wolfe: I still have a little more in me. In fact- AWWWWWWWW, shit. I'm done.

Johnny Sins: Great minds ejaculate at identical times, huh?

** Everyone shares a laugh and the camera fades. **

Last edited by GM Chris Brooks on Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 49
Join date : 2015-04-10

(18+) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (18+)   (18+) I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2016 11:46 pm

OOC: This is so great
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