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 Roscar9GRe talking with April in the backstage

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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 49
Join date : 2015-04-10

Roscar9GRe talking with April in the backstage Empty
PostSubject: Roscar9GRe talking with April in the backstage   Roscar9GRe talking with April in the backstage I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2015 3:05 pm

**Roscar9GRE is talking with WarlockOPain in the backstage. He is wearing a black Beastie Boys t-shirt and his dark hair are short and spiky. He waves at warlock and then he walks away. He notices April Lee and he approaches her.

April Lee: Hey Roscar9! I see you changed your look from the PPV.

Roscar9GRE: Hello April. Yeah, I cut my hear and I shaved. New season, new look.

April Lee: At the PPV, you along with Warlock, Wicked Blitz interfered Chris Brook's match. What did this interference signified? What is Hydra?

Roscar9GRE: Look sweetie, I can't reveal much at the time's being. You will be informed when the time is right what did this interference meant. But let me say that it is going to be something big, something that will shake the whole industry. Hydra will prevail!

April Lee: I can't wait to find out. Bye Roscar9!

Roscar9GRE: Bye sweetie!

**Roscar9GRE walks away, while April Lee is still trying to figure out what he was talking about.**
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Roscar9GRe talking with April in the backstage
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