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 Special Match

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SD! Wrestler
SD! Wrestler

Posts : 70
Join date : 2015-04-05
Location : California

Special Match Empty
PostSubject: Special Match   Special Match I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 9:56 pm

Rikishi's theme music fills the arena as he makes his way out of the backstage area and into the arena wearing his normal attire consisting of a pair of red lycra wrestling briefs and some black boots. He grips tightly onto the Strong Style Title that's draped over his left shoulder as he makes his down to the ring. Rikishi holds a microphone in his hand as he slides into the ring. Some members of the crowd cheer him on while other boo. Rikishi stands in the middle of the ring and looks over toward the entrance ramp.

Rikishi: “Tonight Rikishi has message. Message for all loser wrestlers. Shep first!”

Rikishi lowers his microphone as Shep Ramsey makes his way out to the arena.

Shep Ramsey: "You know Rikishi every time I hear you speak my IQ drops, and it's quite unsettling. Not to mention the sight of you makes me want to vomit."

The crowd cheer on Shep Ramsey

Shep Ramsey: "Look i'm just going to save you the embarrassment and prevent you from speaking any further. Why don't I just come down there kick your ass and get this match over with, okay?"

Shep Ramsey looks as if he's prepared to rush down to the ring, Rikishi smiles.

Rikishi: “Stop. Rikishi had idea first. Rikishi vs Shep. Match not boring. New match.“

The crowd grows to a silence in anticipation.

Rikishi: “Tonight Rikishi vs Shep. Stinkface Match!“

The crowd stays silent unsure how to react. Shep looks toward Rikishi with a sense of confusion.

Rikishi: “Stinkface Match. No pin. No Submission. No DQ. Win by stinkface. Stinkface ten seconds. Th-“

Shep Ramsey cuts Rikishi off.

Shep Ramsey: "Absolutely not. That sounds like a terrible match. This is beneath me, you honestly believe I would go along with that match type? You're sick in the head, there's no way your disgusting ass is coming anywhere near my face."

Rikishi laughs for a moment.

Rikishi: “Shep Ramsey knows he lose. Shep Ramsey a coward. Bad wrestler and coward.“

Shep Ramsey grows furious.

Shep Ramsey: "What did you call me? A coward!? ME!? You're calling me a coward. Alright, fine i'll take you on in your disgusting match. Let's up the stakes even more. Instead of ten seconds lets make it twenty. Rikishi you just messed with the wrong guy. I'm going to have fun beating you to a pulp. And finally when i'm done with you i'll give a stinkface you'll never forget."

Shep Ramsey throws down his microphone and runs into the ring.
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