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 Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born

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Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born Empty
PostSubject: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 9:49 pm

**Whydoicry is putting some bandages on his arms. He looks perturbed. **

Robbie: Whyodicry! How are you?

Whydoicry: I am terrible. I can't believe this is possible. The institution is crumbling and it looks like nobody cares. I can and will only take so much of a beating. My body can not handle this. Every where I turn, somebody is joining Hydra. Not So Silent Bob is the closet person to an ally and lets face it: His mom should have done the world a favor and sucked dick the night he was conceived. Or at least strangled him as a child when she realized what a fuck up he was becoming.

Robbie: What are you going to do now?  

Whydoicry: I am going to try and continue to fight off Hydra. I see that the Judge has answered my call for support. I hope he continues to fight the good fight and I will support him in any way possible. Tonight he goes up against two members of Hydra in a tag team match. I will be keeping an eye on that match to see if their is anything I can do to support him in that match in case their are any unexpected surprises.

Robbie: What will you do if their are any surprises?

Whydoicry: I don't know. I am hoping that it doesn't get that far. But I will not hesitate to to use brute force. I have a dark side that I don't like to unleash.

Last edited by whydoicry on Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
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GM Chris Brooks
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PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 10:51 am

Who is Blake? Did you create a new NPC?
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World Champ
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PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 11:36 am

IDk. I put the first name that came to mind. I will fix
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 11:49 am

Put in the full name next time. Smile
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World Champ
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PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 11:55 am

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Not so Silent Bob
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PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 2:48 pm

Your mom sucked me off the night you were conceived.
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World Champ
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PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 3:03 pm

Real Original. **Rolls eyes**
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PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born   Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born I_icon_minitime

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Not So Silent Bob is a worthless shit bag who shouldn't have been born
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