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 Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll

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Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll Empty
PostSubject: Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll   Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 11, 2016 6:43 pm

*April Lee walks into the locker room as Whydoicry finishes shadow boxing with Supernatural. whdyoicry grabs a towel and wipes his face. *

April Lee: Whydoicry, what do you think of NSSB and Po1ski had to say?

Whydoicry: For starters, Po1ski this was not your fault. We were a tag team. If you failed, so did I. We can do this if we keep together.

Whydoicry: Not So Silent Bob, don't flatter yourself. You are nothing but a weasel and a punk ass bitch. You couldn't fight your way out of a room full of bunny rabbits and kittens.  This fed died before it started. Poor recruiting, inactive wrestlers and lack of support killed this fed.

April Lee: Supernatural, what do you think of Entropy?

Supernatural: I have been calling out that worthless hunk of crapt for weeks. I have barely seen or heard from him. He made a appearance at match and that was it. Marcus Troy has been running his mouth for months and yet here I stand. Yum Yum Come get some.

*Scene fades away*
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GM Chris Brooks
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Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll   Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 11, 2016 7:25 pm

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Not So Silent Bob gets raped by his parents. It is why is such a worthless troll
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