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 Return of the K

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Kenta Beifong
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 52
Join date : 2015-04-15

Return of the K Empty
PostSubject: Return of the K   Return of the K I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2015 3:44 pm

* Kenta B. (can't mention his last name anymore because this is a new account which I will never log into again) is in his locker room stretching before his match with Rikishi. *

Kenta: Another season, another match. Even though I don't like the new engine's color scheme, I'll still do what I do best. Wrestle.

** Kenta does chest stretching exercises. **

Kenta: Hydra may have lost two heads and I lost two allies in the war, but I am not stopping. I'm sure there are other people willing to help me in the cause. I still have Sleepwalker..  

** Kenta lets out a sigh. **

Kenta: I will not give up. After this season, I will end Hydra for good.

** Kenta cocks his fist. **

Kenta: Believe THAT.

** He leaves the locker room. **
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