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 Return of the legend

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

Return of the legend Empty
PostSubject: Return of the legend   Return of the legend I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2015 6:20 pm

** "Sussudio" is heard around the arena as Electrifyy makes his second appearance in this fed. Our crowd goes wild. He poses with fans on his way into the ring. He enters the ring and raises his arm into the air. **

Electrifyy: GOD! It is goood to be back!

** "Electrifyy" chants begin. **

Electrifyy: I have been away from this business from too long. Since that Joseph The Bouncer left the business it's as good as a time to be back. It's a shame GXWS closed down. I spent most of my career there. I had good memories and I had a few really bad ones. From being the formerly longest reigning True Talent champ to having that classic match with Jeremiah and Kouji. I loved there. Well, up until NGNG 3.

** Crowd boos at the mention of NGNG 3. **

Electrifyy: A lot of you are asking, did you really tap out to Rump?

Philip Blake: Did he?!

Electrifyy: I did. Rump had the better at me that night. Armbars are no joke. His post-match shenanigans were uncalled for though. peaking of Rump.. didn't he.. join this federation? Oh right, right. Why did I join TTF! It's the best federation that's out there. Simple as that. It's where the big boiis play. I am a big boii, and I feel like playing the game.

** Crowd cheers. **

Electrifyy: And right now, in this business, no one plays the game better than who I am facing tonight.. Po1ski. I haven't seen someone since Jeremiah Ace who is as brutal and hard hitting as he is. He has been tearing it up in SWS in early 2015, but took a break just like me. Well, Po1ski.. me making you tap out for your first loss tonight is an honor and I look forward to it. But until then, sit back, enjoy the show and keep eating those vitamins because I'm here every week, baby!

** He leaves as the fans chant his name. **
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