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 Ring of Chaos

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Marcus Troy
Developmental talent
Developmental talent
Marcus Troy

Posts : 38
Join date : 2015-11-12

Ring of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Ring of Chaos   Ring of Chaos I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2015 4:31 pm

First of all I want to thank Chris Brooks for allowing me to post this.  I also run this fed that is not connected to TWG, the name of the fed is Ring of Chaos.  We've been going on for a little over a year now, and currently Chris and roscar9GRE also a part of the roster.  We are an anything goes fed, RP-wise we're pretty open.  

A little background on my fedding experience, I started of course with TWG when I VGMed for United Front Wrestling where-in soon when the GM went poof, I ended up more or less running the fed.  When the GM came back to disband it, I started United League of Lunatics also in TWG, that lasted over a year and a half when I got fed up with the system (it was 2 shows a week back then.) and retired from the game.  I was recruited by Scorpy who then was in Wrestling Havoc to be VGM and basically as usual ended up booking and running the fed Wrestling Havoc Worldwide.  When Havoc folded, I reopened ULOL version 2 and that lasted more than a year too until I had my gallbladder explode on me.  After that I took a break from efedding for a while, then started Lucha Libre Puroresu, this time I took a laid back schedule one show every other week, again tragedy struck when my staff got burned out and left, having a hard time running the fed alone I closed it up.  Fast forward to July 2014, me and a couple of old efed friends met up and decided to make a ULOL reunion show, after the supposed one time show, we realized how much we missed efedding so we opened up Ring of Chaos and here we are!

Whew, that was a wall of words there...  Anyways check out our shows, hopefully you guys will also enjoy it as much as me and my staff take our time to put it out.  Our shows are every other week but all our matches are written from scratch, none of that TWG simmed matches.  

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We are open for recruitment, so if you think you would like to partake with it feel free to drop by and register.  Currently all shows for the year already have been booked, RoC returns on January 10, 2016 so that's the earliest I can book you guys.  Smile
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