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 First match for WarlockOPain

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Lord of Demons
SD! Wrestler
SD! Wrestler
Lord of Demons

Posts : 64
Join date : 2015-04-10

First match for WarlockOPain Empty
PostSubject: First match for WarlockOPain   First match for WarlockOPain I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2015 1:47 pm

April Lee:Hello everybody now we're taking an interview from a debutant wrestler: WarlockOPain about his first match as a professional wrestler. Warlock, in your first match you are going to face The Fresh King, he is  debutant too but the people want to know what you think about him and about the match.

WarlockOPain:hello everybody.. What I think about The Fresh King huh?..well.. He is the one I just wanted to fight.. I want my first match to be unforgottable by people, I've heard about him and his ability so it will not be too easy to beat him but they call me a "bleeding machine" and I'll show all of you a deadly match where you'll see The Fresh King bleeding, knocked out and defeated

April Lee: okay, I see that you've got big hopes about the match but what are you gonna do after that match?

WarlockOPain:after I win that match, i' m going to take the champion down no matter how strong he will be, Once i hit him with my demon slam the match will be all over,I'm gonna show all of you who is the strongest in TTL

April Lee: Okay now that we all know what you are planning to do for your first match you can leave and prepare for your match

WarlockOPain: yeah that's what I'm gonna do now.

WarlockOPain leaves.
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First match for WarlockOPain
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