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 True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:23 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ttffig10
** Hydra's theme song hits and the crowd starts to boo. Out come Chris Brooks, Soldier123, Roscar9GRE, WarlockOPain, Proud Manlet and in the center of attention, Not so Silent Bob with his newly won True Talent title. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Philip10
Philip Blake: Here he is! Our new champ! Bob the conquering hero! 
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Devon_10
Devon Wyatt: You have a little brown spot on your nose, Philip. 
Philip Blake: Wanna get whooped, Devon?
Devon Wyatt: Bring it, old man. 
** Hydra is in the ring at this point. All members have mics. ** 
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Chris_10
Chris Brooks: I don't like to tell we told you so.. but.. wait, hell, I LOVE IT. WE TOLD YOU SO!!! 
** Crowd boos unanimously. **
Chris Brooks: Finally, this federation has a champion it can pride itself in. One that doesn't make the fans cringe whenever he speaks. One that draws, because let's face it, nerds from Europe don't count. 
Devon Wyatt: No respect for the international fans. I apologize in advance for whatever remarks he will continue to make, folks. 
Chris Brooks: Hydra once again has it's grasp on TTF. Wait.. once again?! We never lost it, babah! We're just bigger than ever. Who cares if Soldier123 lost the Global title?! We have the Fire championship! God bless Chris Fire's soul. And we have the main title, the WORLD title. What's bigger than that?
Soldier123: It wasn't a fair match. I just wasn't prepared. Give me another match and I'll wreck him! 
WarlockOPain: Shut up, Soldier. 
Chris Brooks: Now enough of us, it's the champ's time! Bob! Speak to the masses!
 ** Simpleman (Acoustic) by Shinedown is heard blaring throughout the arena. Whydoicry is comes out to the top of the entrance ramp on his harley. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Whodoi11
Whydoicry: Congrats on giving the Troll Talent Fighting championship to the fed's biggest troll. I am surprised you guys accepted him into your group. I figure you guys would want him gone as much as I do. I am equally surprised that he accepted. He is usually telling everybody how much you and I suck. You guys must be desperate.
 ** Carry on my wayward son by Kansas plays. Supernatural comes out with a cigar in his mouth and a big grin on his face. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Supern10
Supernatural: ...
 ** Whydoicry turns and looks at Supernatural. **
Whydoicry: What the hell are you doing out here?
Supernatural: After golffan101 got stabbed, nobody talks me. I thought I would come out and say hi.
Supernatural: Anywho, Hi and bye. I got to deal with Entropy and that worthless chiz Marcus Troy.
Whydoicry** Smacks his face with his hand. ** I swear the GM will hire anyone. 
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Not_so10
NSSB: No. It's my moment to shine, idiot. I don't need you and that obtuse moron, Supernatural ruining this awesome moment with random babbling and lame attempts at comedy. I am the new and rightful champion and as your superior, I demand you to shut the hell up. Now run along backstage and play adult twister with golffan101 and supernatural.
 ** Supernatural looks to Whydoicry. **
Supernatural: You seriously lost to this troll? Whatever respect I had for you is now gone.
Whydoicry: Bite me, Supernatural. Not So Silent Bob, go back and crawl into whatever whole you came from. You couldn't hold a candle to me. You caught me at a bad time and a loss to you will never happen again.
** Bad Company hits throughout the arena, and Po1ski comes out on to the ramp. A loud pop is heard from the crowd as soon as the music hits. Po1ski stands next to Whydoicry, a microphone in his hand. **
 True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Po1ski10
Po1ski: Before this bickering continues any further, I felt the need to come out here.
** Po1ski looks at Whydoicry. **
Po1ski: Look, I know your anger with Hydra runs deep. But I just want to state publicly, in front of Hydra, in front of these fans, and to everyone watching at home, that I am with you 100%. I may not have been around as long as you, but rest assured, I hate Hydra just as much as you.
** Po1ski redirects his attention to Hydra. **
Po1ski: And Chris? You're out here boasting about Hydra's achievements. But let's count your shortcomings as individuals. I mean, Soldier123 got absolutely DISMANTLED by Entropy last week. And when he tried to step up to me the week before, I laid him out with one punch. That's one.
** Po1ski holds up one finger, and looks at WarlockOPain. **
Po1ski: WarlockOPain? Yeah, you somehow managed to blindside me. But in a one-on-one fight, I whooped your arse and pinned you one...two...three. Nothing more than an overrated piece of cow dung. That's two.
** Po1ski holds up two fingers, and looks at Roscar9GRE. **
Po1ski: And look over there? Is that Roscar9GRE? The new Fire champion? Congratulations on beating some scrub that didn't deserve to have the title in the first place. Only thing memorable about you is when I teep kicked your head into oblivion a few weeks ago. Remember that? Of course you don't. That's three.
** Po1ski holds up three fingers, and then looks back at Chris Brooks. **
Po1ski: That's three strikes Chris, and just looking at Hydra in the ring, I can tell none of you have any balls.
Chris Brooks: Look, I'm glad you're addressing me directly, because I know you're a fan of mine, but this is Bob's first time opening the show as the champion. He's the champion, that's right. When was the last time you were champion? Bob, help me remember.
NSSB: It was decades ago, Chris. I remember it being in some B-level fed who tried going international, but couldn't hack it under the pressure. What was the name? SWS? Not even as good as the fed it tried mimicking. No one even remembers his last title defense! It was overshadowed by Ivan Borovsky winning the title and the bad graphical glitches. Po1ski was a big fish in a small pond. TTF is the big leagues. It's where the men hang, little boy.
Po1ski: Where the big men hang, huh? Is that why Rikishi rubbed his giant arse all up in your face? I guess you're right, you would know about big men better than me. And there's one thing that separates me from Hydra. I've never been beaten. Not once. None of you in that ring can say the same. But it's all good. We'll see how big you are once we're done with you.
** Po1ski drops his microphone and looks at Whydoicry. He nods, and both men begin walking towards the ring. **
NSSB: First time for everything, rookie. Want some?
Hydra awaits the duo in the ring with fists up.
Roscar9GRE: Hey guys, don't touch whydoicry, because I want to face him in our match tonight. I want to kick his whinny ass fair and square. He won't have anything to whine about. And today I will prove to him and Polski, that I deserve being the Fire champion.
Devon Wyatt: Big words coming out the mouth of Roscar9. 
Philip Blake: No big words, just the truth.
Roscar9GRE: And Polski. How can a newbie talk about me ? Me and warlock were the TTF's Dual champions for 2 seasons. I will repeat it so you can understand it. 2 SEASONS! Are you a champion ? Have you ever held the title of a big federation like TTF ? No! So don't you dare speak about me. I am the Fire champion of TTF and you should respect it.
Roscar9GRE shows his title belt to Polski.
NSSB: Don't even bother with him, Roscar. After all, he's never been world champion. He only hangs out with them.
** As Po1ski and whydoicry approach the ring, GM Johnny Wolf appears on the tron. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Gm_joh10
GM Johnny Wolf: Enough.. is enough. I had it with all these nonsense. And that's why I came up with the perfect solution to this issue. At our 3rd PPV, Give It Up.. Jade, tell them what's gonna go down. 
** VGM Jade Gillies steps into frame with a devilish grin. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Vgm_ja11
VGM Jade Gillies: At Give It Up, will see the team of Po1ski, whydoicry, and Kenta B. take on the team of Not so Silent Bob, WarlockOPain and Roscar9GRE. 
** Crowd cheers for this blockbuster main event. **
VGM Jade Gillies: But wait, there's more, boys. Bob and Roscar's titles will be on the line. Whoever pins the respective title holder, will win said championship. 
** Crowd pops big time. Hydra are losing it in the ring. **
Chris Brooks: What?! Jade, how could you?! We were friends! Is this because Robbie went to school with that idiot?! Did Ariana do this?!      
** Jade shrugs. **
GM Johnny Wolf: Now, all of you get back backstage because you all have matches tonight and I don't wanna see a single punch connect outside of a sanctioned match. Have a good evening.
** Wolf and Jade disappears from the tron. Kenta B. comes out to the ramp and stares down Bob signaling that he wants the title as the two factions stare at each other and the camera fades. **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:24 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Sleepwalker
and his opponent: Electrifyy
Sleepwalker gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Sleepwalker raises a hand putting it on Electrifyy's forehead
Electrifyy blocks Sleepwalker's hand avoiding the execution of an Eye Rake
Sleepwalker prepares his arm to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
Sleepwalker places Electrifyy's belly on top of his shoulder, facing the same direction
Electrifyy clings the top rope, preventing Sleepwalker from executing the Snake Eyes
Sleepwalker prepares the back of his hand
hitting Electrifyy with a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Sleepwalker jumps towards Electrifyy
Electrifyy blocks Sleepwalker's leg, preventing the execution of a Bicycle Kick
Sleepwalker prepares the back of his hand
Electrifyy blocks Sleepwalker's hand, stopping a Back Hand Chop
Electrifyy pulls himself together and fights back
Electrifyy and Sleepwalker stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Sleepwalker prevails pushing Electrifyy on the ground
Sleepwalker charge his right arm
hurling it against Electrifyy's chest with a Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!
Sleepwalker lifts his arm
Electrifyy catches Sleepwalker's arm to avoid the Club to the Neck
Sleepwalker points to Electrifyy with decision
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Sleepwalker charges his open hand
Electrifyy blocks Sleepwalker's hand, hindering the Slap execution
Electrifyy stares at Sleepwalker
and gives him an Ear Slap
Electrifyy prepares to hit the rival
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy encircles Sleepwalker's head with his right arm
Sleepwalker barely hinders the execution of the Sleeper Hold
Electrifyy stares at Sleepwalker
Sleepwalker protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy leaves the ring
Sleepwalker leaves the ring
Sleepwalker gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Sleepwalker lifts Electrifyy's head
Electrifyy blocks Sleepwalker's arm, to prevent the execution of the Head Pounds outside the Ring
Electrifyy grabs Sleepwalker by the arm
and throws him against the step ladder with an Irish Whip trough Step Ladder!!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Electrifyy positions Sleepwalker with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Electrifyy notices the ref isnt looking and wraps some electrical chords around Sleepwalkers throat
Sleepwalker gets rid of the choke by punching Electrifyy's face!!!
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Electrifyy positions Sleepwalker with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Electrifyy grabs Sleepwalker's right arm
and violently hurls him against the iron step ladder by performing an Irish Whip trough Step Ladder!!
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Electrifyy grabs Sleepwalker by the arm
and violently hurls him agains the iron step ladder with an Irish Whip trough Step Ladder
Sleepwalker pulls himself together and fights back
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Sleepwalker goes up again in the ring
Electrifyy goes up again in the ring
Electrifyy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Electrifyy points to Sleepwalker with decision
Sleepwalker protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy points to Sleepwalker with decision
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads an arm towards himself
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy grapples Sleepwalker's head from behind, putting it around his right arm,
and then grabs his own left arm's biceps, shutting off Sleepwalker's jugular vein, connecting with a Sleeper Hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Sleepwalker escapes from the hold
Electrifyy grabs Sleepwalker's hair
Electrifyy grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
Electrifyy makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards Sleepwalker,
Sleepwalker somehow parries the Clothesline to Back
Electrifyy points to Sleepwalker with decision
Sleepwalker avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Sleepwalker throws the leg
to hit Electrifyy's head with an Overhead Kick
Sleepwalker grabs Electrifyy's arm from the back and locks him in with his arm and a leg
and then bends him leaning on the abdominal muscles applying an Abdominal Stretch
Sleepwalker keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy escapes from the hold
Sleepwalker tries a pinning maneuver
Electrifyy kicks out
Sleepwalker lifts Electrifyy up, still groggy
Electrifyy stares at Sleepwalker
and gives him an Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads an arm towards himself
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
Electrifyy grapples Sleepwalker's head from behind, putting it around his right arm,
and then grabs his own left arm's biceps, shutting off Sleepwalker's jugular vein, connecting with a Sleeper Hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy locks Sleepwalker's leg by blocking it against his own shoulder
then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a Koji Clutch
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy tries a pinning maneuver
Sleepwalker gets up and resolutely fights back
Sleepwalker prepares to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
Electrifyy gets excited at the sight of his own blood
Electrifyy decks Sleepwalker right in the face with a vicious elbow
Electrifyy grabs Sleepwalker's ankle and twists it violently until Sleepwalker taps out!
Sleepwalker IS OUT!!!!!!
Electrifyy WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Sleepwalker!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:26 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 GM%20Office%202
** Meanwhile in the GM office. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ravera10
 Raverage: Mister General Manager. I know I shouldn't complain about it but I'm really shocked about your decision for tonight's match card.How am I went from a championship contendership to a rookie with a video game name?! 
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Gm_joh10
GM Johnny Wolf: Well, it is simple. You had a great title match. But in the end you lost. I like you, Raverage. Which is why you need to hear this. You're a great worker. You show up and do the job as as good as anyone else. But lately, something has been missing. I want the old ruthless Raverage back. The one who was kicking ass with no regrets about consequences.
Raverage: Wait, you want to see the Old Raverage? Don't worry about that, I already got a plan about that.. 
 ** Raverage starts to leaves the room. **
Devon Wyatt: No.. what's he gonna do next?!
Philip Blake: Shut up.
** Ariana Valentine enters the room. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ariana10
Ariana Valentine: Mr. Wolf..
** Raverage passionately kisses Ariana. **
Devon Wyatt: What the..
Philip Blake: Hey, I want a kiss too!
 ** Raverage is pointing at the GM. **
Raverage: You have your old Raverage right now.
** Ariana Valentine squeals and runs out of the room. **
GM Johnny Wolf: I look forward to seeing your match tonight. 
 ** Raverage leaves the room. Camera fades. **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:28 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Raverage
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Raverage makes his way to the ring
and his opponent: The Admirable Gameboy
The Admirable Gameboy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Raverage in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
The Admirable Gameboy grabs Raverage standing up, and raises him on his shoulders
then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an Augmented Fireman Carry!
The Admirable Gameboy grabs his rival's leg
Raverage hardly blocks the Elbow drop to inner thigh
Raverage lifts The Admirable Gameboy's leg
raises his elbow and performs a Elbow drop to inner thigh
Raverage stands behind his rival
and stretches his face skin furiously performing a Face Stretch
Raverage lifts The Admirable Gameboy's leg
and lets himself fall over it with a Elbow drop to inner thigh
Raverage jumps pointing the knee against opponent
and hits him right to the face with a Knee Drop
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms ready to hit Raverage
Raverage defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
The Admirable Gameboy opens wide his arms
Raverage defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Raverage in front of him
Raverage avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Raverage turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
Raverage lunges himself on the ropes
Raverage runs toward The Admirable Gameboy and jumps
and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a Running Arm Drag
Raverage gets besides the laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
Raverage grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
Raverage lunges himself on the ropes
Raverage waits for the running opponent
lifting him high in the air making him fall on his back connecting a High Back Body Drop
Raverage climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and leaps toward The Admirable Gameboy quickly lowering them, performing a The French Hammer
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Raverage
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
The Admirable Gameboy garbs his running opponent by the arm
to throw him down with an Uraken
The Admirable Gameboy grabs Raverage's arm
and turns it to make him fall down performing Flipping Armbar
The Admirable Gameboy keeps his weak submission hold
Raverage escapes from the hold
The Admirable Gameboy kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands
Raverage slams both his hands upwards breaking the Choke Hold
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms ready to hit Raverage
and strikes Raverage's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Raverage pulls himself together and fights back
Raverage gets ready to hit The Admirable Gameboy
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Raverage prepares to hit The Admirable Gameboy hurling his leg
and hits The Admirable Gameboy with a Roundhouse Kick
Raverage grasps The Admirable Gameboy
and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a Body Slam
Raverage tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy gets up and resolutely fights back
The Admirable Gameboy and Raverage stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Raverage prevails pushing The Admirable Gameboy on the ground
Raverage gets besides the laying opponent
to hit him with a Knee Stomp
Raverage grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
Raverage grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
Raverage dashes towards The Admirable Gameboy
and grabs him by the head to perform a One Arm Bulldog
Raverage grabs his rival's leg
and hits it with an elbow performing a French Drop
Raverage go on the top rope
and execute a moonsault
The Admirable Gameboy firmly pulls a shoulder up
Raverage turns The Admirable Gameboy up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Raverage in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
The Admirable Gameboy catches the rival's head
Raverage resist to The Admirable Gameboy, stopping a Neckbreaker Cutter
The Admirable Gameboy opens wide his arms
and strikes Raverage's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
The Admirable Gameboy loads an arm towards himself
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
The Admirable Gameboy loads Raverage on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Modified Samoan Drop
Raverage pulls himself together and fights back
Raverage goes towards his rival
The Admirable Gameboy droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust
The Admirable Gameboy runs to Raverage, who is resting close to the turnbuckle
then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing Raverage between him and the turnbuckle, executing a Stinger Splash
The Admirable Gameboy leaves the ring
Raverage takes a breath gaining stamina
Raverage takes a breath gaining stamina
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Raverage takes a breath gaining stamina
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Raverage takes a breath gaining stamina
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
Raverage gives a mean look to the opponent performing Cross Arms
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
Raverage leaves the ring
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Admirable Gameboy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
The Admirable Gameboy grabs Raverage's head
and crashes it repeatedly on the ground, with a Head Pounds outside the Ring
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
The Admirable Gameboy runs toward Raverage
performing a Running Dropkick trough Trash Can!!!
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
The Admirable Gameboy goes up again in the ring
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Raverage gets up!!
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
The Admirable Gameboy laughs
Raverage goes up again in the ring
The Admirable Gameboy Shows off
Raverage gives a mean look to the opponent performing Cut-throat
Raverage gives a mean look to the opponent performing Cut-throat
The Admirable Gameboy Gets admired
Raverage and The Admirable Gameboy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Raverage prevails pushing The Admirable Gameboy on the ground
Raverage grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle performing a Rocket Launcher
Raverage lifts The Admirable Gameboy on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a Souvenir
Raverage jumps pointing the knee against opponent
and hits him right to the face with a Knee Drop
Raverage leaves the ring
The Admirable Gameboy gets up!!
Raverage goes up again in the ring
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms ready to hit Raverage
and hits Raverage on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
The Admirable Gameboy turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
The Admirable Gameboy uses the right hand to grab Raverage's head, pulling Raverage above his shoulder performing a Snapmare
and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting with a Snapmare
The Admirable Gameboy gets besides the laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
The Admirable Gameboy takes Raverage's arm
and pushes down on the back of the oppenents arm executing an Arm Lock
The Admirable Gameboy keeps his weak submission hold
Raverage escapes from the hold
The Admirable Gameboy grabs Raverage's hair
The Admirable Gameboy grabs one Raverage's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
The Admirable Gameboy blocks Raverage from behind
to make him fall face first with a Full Nelson Bulldog!!
Raverage pulls himself together and fights back
Raverage gets ready to hit The Admirable Gameboy
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Raverage prepares to hit The Admirable Gameboy hurling his leg
and hits him on the face with a Roundhouse Kick
Raverage shoots his right leg
and delivers the blow sideways right on The Admirable Gameboy's face, executing a Super Kick
Raverage grab his opponent‘s arm
and lock him in a crossface
Raverage keeps his excruciating submission hold
The Admirable Gameboy can't resist anymore and taps out!!
The Admirable Gameboy IS OUT!!!!!!
Raverage WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS The Admirable Gameboy!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:33 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Backstage
Roscar9GRE is backstage talking to Jade Gillies. Robbie Bennett approaches.
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Robbie10
Robbie Bennett: Hello Roscar9GRE, do you mind answering some questions?
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Roscar10
Roscar9GRE: Yeah man, ask. But from now on you will call me Mr. Fire Champion.
Devon Wyatt: Someone sounds a little too cocky.
Philip Blake: He deserves it. He is a champion.
Robbie Bennett: Ok Roscar9GRE, I mean Mr. Fire Champion...
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Vgm_ja11
VGM Jade Gillies: Dork.
Robbie Bennett: Any thoughts about today's match against whydoicry?
Roscar9GRE: I will crush him and I will break every single bone he has. I will show him no mercy.
Robbie Bennett: What do you think about your opponents on our next PPV?
Roscar9GRE: I think GM Johnny Wolf told me last night my opponent, but I was too drunk to understand a single word. You know, I don't care. I will destroy everyone that steps in my way. Now go away.
Roscar9GRE turns his back to Robbie. Ariana shows up.
Robbie Bennett: Hi Ariana! Do you want to hear the new song I wrote last night?
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ariana10
Ariana Valentine: Is it about glass again?
Robbie Bennett: Maybe...
VGM Jade Gillies: No!

Camera cuts out as Robbie walks away disappointed.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:34 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: WarlockOPain
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
and his opponent: Raistlin Majere
WarlockOPain gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
WarlockOPain approaches Raistlin Majere
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
WarlockOPain approaches Raistlin Majere, getting in close range,
and delivers a big smash on his neck, performing a Standing Clothesline
WarlockOPain gets ready to hit Raistlin Majere by opening his legs
hitting him with a Kick to Groin
WarlockOPain opens Raistlin Majere's legs charging his leg
hitting him with a Kick to Groin
WarlockOPain opens Raistlin Majere's legs charging his leg
performing a Kick to Groin
WarlockOPain jumps on the turnbuckle
Raistlin Majere cushions the blow of a Flying Clothesline hardly
WarlockOPain approaches Raistlin Majere
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
Raistlin Majere pulls himself together and fights back
Raistlin Majere stares at WarlockOPain
WarlockOPain protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Raistlin Majere and WarlockOPain stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort WarlockOPain prevails pushing Raistlin Majereon the ground
WarlockOPain open his arms
and hits Raistlin Majere on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
WarlockOPain taps on Raistlin Majere's shoulder,
and knocks him down on the mat with a Standing Clothesline out of nowhere
WarlockOPain grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a Rocket Launcher
WarlockOPain lifts the rival holding him horizontally
and falls to the ground throwing Raistlin Majere backwards making him fly over his head executing Modified Fallaway Slam
WarlockOPain grabs Raistlin Majere's hair
WarlockOPain grabs the adversary by the arm and the groin, lifting him
to throw him backwards perfoming a Pump Handle Suplex
WarlockOPain tries a pinning maneuver
Raistlin Majere kicks out
Raistlin Majere stares at WarlockOPain
WarlockOPain protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Raistlin Majere points to WarlockOPain with decision
WarlockOPain protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Raistlin Majere points to WarlockOPain with decision
WarlockOPain protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Raistlin Majere stares at WarlockOPain
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Raistlin Majere runs to WarlockOPain, who is resting close to the turnbuckle
WarlockOPain somehow, cushions the impact of the Stinger Splash
Raistlin Majere stares at WarlockOPain in front of him
WarlockOPain protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
WarlockOPain pulls himself together and fights back
WarlockOPain prepares two fingers
and hits him to the eyes with an Eye Rake on Ropes
WarlockOPain tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Raistlin Majere IS OUT!!!!!!
WarlockOPain WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Raistlin Majere!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:35 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: John Loven
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and his opponent: Chris Brooks
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion. The fans go wild for him. What a stud.
Chris Brooks gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Chris Brooks hugs John Loven's head
John Loven easily parries a Knee on Head
Chris Brooks grabs John Loven's head
John Loven easily parries a Knee on Head
Chris Brooks grabs John Loven's head
John Loven easily parries a Knee on Head
John Loven grabs Chris Brooks's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
John Loven swings his whole body back
and hits Chris Brooks's face with a Big Punch
John Loven holds Chris Brooks at the ropes
performing a Chop At Ropes hitting Chris Brooks's chest, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
John Loven lifts the rival holding him horizontally on his chest
and falls backwards throwing him over his head performing Fallaway Slam
John Loven grabs Chris Brooks on the ground by the head with both hands
and raises him slamming Chris Brooks's head on the ground executing a Two Handed Face Buster
John Loven grabs Chris Brooks's hair
John Loven grabs one Chris Brooks's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
John Loven charges his elbow
to hit Chris Brooks in the back of the head with a Back Elbow Smash
Chris Brooks pulls himself together and fights back
Chris Brooks hugs John Loven's head
John Loven easily parries a Knee on Head
John Loven grabs Chris Brooks's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
John Loven draws back his arm rocking his body
and hits Chris Brooks's face with a Big Punch
John Loven places Chris Brooks on his shoulders
Chris Brooks loses balance preventing the execution of a Torture Rack
Chris Brooks goes behind the rival and inserts his arm under John Loven's armpit
and tries to submit him performing an Half Nelson putting his hand behind the adversary's neck
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his weak submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
John Loven begins to fade!
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
John Loven IS OUT!!!!!!
Chris Brooks WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS John Loven!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:36 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
Rikishi's theme music fills the arena as he makes his way out of the backstage area and into the arena wearing his normal attire consisting of a pair of red lycra wrestling briefs and some black boots. Most of the crowd boos as Rikishi makes his way down to the ring. Rikishi holds a microphone in his right hand and has his title draped over his shoulder. Rikishi slides into the ring and walks into the center. Rikishi raises the microphone to his mouth.
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Rikish10
Rikishi: It's such a disappoint that every single wrestler here is nothing but a joke. I mean have you seen me in my matches these past few weeks. There's not a single person here that's strong enough to take me on, much less is there anyone here worthy of holding this title.
Rikishi pauses for a moment to look over this title.
Rikishi: That's why I thought it would be interesting to create an open challenge for any of you idiots. At PPV i'll be holding a Kiss My Ass Title match for anyone who's willing to take me on. So if there truly is any moron backstage who thinks he's worthy of holding this title can go ahead and try. But let this be known. The moment you step into the ring with me the match will start, and by the end of the match you're going to have opportunity to be on the receiving end of a stinkface."
Rikishi looks out to the crowd for a moment, as they begin to cheer for anticipation.
Rikishi: So I look forward to seeing who's going to be stepping into the ring with me..
Rikishi drops his microphone and just stares out into the arena for a few minutes.
** golffan101 comes out still wearing a bandage on his chest because he got stabbed. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Golffa10
golffan101: You stinkfaced me. I want revenge. I accept, fat bastard.
** golffan101 heads backstage after making his intentions known. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:37 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Rikishi
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Rikishi makes his way to the ring
wearing a simple wrestling costume
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
and his opponent: supernatural
supernatural gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
supernatural gets next to Rikishi bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
supernatural loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
supernatural Grabs his rival's neck
and with a 90° rotations makes him hit the ground, connecting with a Sambo Suplex
supernatural gets close to his grounded opponent
Rikishi blocks the Knee Stomp easely
Rikishi low blows supernatural!
Ref rings the bell for the DQ!
Rikishi puts supernatural's head between his legs, raises him up on his shoulders
and slams him down to the mat, falling to a sitting position and connecting with a Sit Down Powerbomb
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that supernatural has fallen out of the ring!!!!
Rikishi gives a mean look to the opponent performing Belly Dance
supernatural goes up again in the ring
Rikishi gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Rikishi open his arms
supernatural defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
Rikishi open his arms
and strikes supernatural's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Rikishi turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
Rikishi lifts the adversary putting him upside-down
and falling, makes him crash his head perfroming a Modified Piledriver
Rikishi tosses supernatural into the corner turnbuckle. Rikishi smacks his giant ass, then runs toward supernatural. Rikishi leaps into the air and smacks supernatural's chest with his massive ass causing him to fall against the turnbuckle. Rikishi turns around and repeatedly smacks his ass against supernatural's face. Rikishi pauses for a second to hover his ass over supernatural's face. Rikishi then humiliates supernatural by rubbing his giant, sweaty, stinky ass in supernatural's face.
Rikishi leaves the ring with his title
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:37 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Backstage
** Seamus O'Doherty is backstage. He sees Coulrophobia walking backstage. He stops him for an interview. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Seamus10
Seamus O'Doherty: Coul? Didn't you leave?
Coulrophobia: I solved my visa issues. I'm back. 
Seamus O'Doherty: Welcome back. What are you doing here?
Coulrophobia: I am here to resolve my issues with Thugger. We're booked to face off tonight. I need to go. Match is up next. 
** He continues heading to the arena as we go to the ring. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:38 pm

The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Coulrophobia
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and his opponent: Young Thug
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug grabs Coulrophobia's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Young Thug droops
Coulrophobia prevents the execution of a Forearm On Leg
Coulrophobia grabs Young Thug's ankles putting them under his armpits
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a Rocket Launcher
Coulrophobia gets next to Young Thug who is at the ropes
and hits him to the eyes with an Eye Rake on Ropes
Young Thug gets up!!
Coulrophobia lifts Young Thug, puts him on his shoulder and takes him for a walk on top of the turnbuckle
Young Thug blocks with tenacity the execution of the Super Death Valley Driver
Coulrophobia gets next to Young Thug bringing down an arm
Young Thug shifts and avoids an European Uppercut, taking the initiative
Young Thug prepares to strike the adversary
hitting him with a Punch
Young Thug turns against the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
Young Thug puts his leg on Coulrophobia's nape of the head
Coulrophobia barely evades an Overdrive
Young Thug prepares his arm to strike the adversary
hitting him with a Punch
Young Thug charges his arm
and strikes Coulrophobia with a Elbow Smash
Young Thug grabs Coulrophobia by the head
jumping with a 180° spin to perform a Jumping Twisting DDT
Coulrophobia pulls himself together and fights back
Coulrophobia prepares to strike the adversary
Young Thug moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative
Young Thug holds Coulrophobia by the head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Young Thug droops quickly sideways to his rival
Coulrophobia prevents the execution of a Forearm On Leg
Coulrophobia catches Young Thug's legs
and locks them painfully with his own to form a Figure 4
Young Thug escapes from the hold
Coulrophobia grabs Young Thug's ankle
Young Thug avoids the execution of the Paranoia
Young Thug gets close to Coulrophobial and jumps
to hit him with the fist executing a Fist Drop
Young Thug bounces off by using the middle rope, performing a backflip in mid-air towards Coulrophobia
and strikes him with his back, with a Springboard Senton Splash
Young Thug gives a mean look to the opponent performing Lucky Girl
Coulrophobia gets up!!
Young Thug and Coulrophobia stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Young Thug prevails pushing Coulrophobia on the ground
Young Thug gets next to Coulrophobia bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Coulrophobia's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Young Thug tries to hit Coulrophobia with a punch, but he apparently fails
and strikes Coulrophobia's face with Elbow Smash
Young Thug grabs Coulrophobia's head
jumping with a 180° spin to perform a Unleashed Nightmare
Young Thug gives a mean look to the opponent performing Lucky Girl
Young Thug tries a pinning maneuver
Coulrophobia firmly pulls a shoulder up
Young Thug turns Coulrophobia up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Coulrophobia gets ready to hit Young Thug
Young Thug shifts and avoids an European Uppercut, taking the initiative
Young Thug prepares to strike the adversary
hitting him with a Punch
Young Thug leaves the ring
Coulrophobia leaves the ring
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug performs an amazing flight from the ring
and lands on the adversary with a Plancha from the Ring to Outside
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Young Thug dives from the apron ring
and lands on Coulrophobia with a Moonsault from Apron
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Young Thug dives from the apron ring
and lands on Coulrophobia with a Moonsault from Apron
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Young Thug dives from the apron ring
and lands on Coulrophobia with a Moonsault from Apron
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Young Thug walks across the apron
and executes a Leg Drop from Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Young Thug removes the protective carpets on the outside of the ring and grabs Coulrophobia
and performs a DDT on the Concrete on him!!!
Coulrophobia pulls himself together and fights back
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Coulrophobia and Young Thug stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Young Thug prevails pushing Coulrophobia on the ground
Young Thug removes the protective carpets on the outside of the ring and grabs Coulrophobia
performing a DDT on the Concrete!!!
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Young Thug jumps from the apron ring
and makes his rival fall on the steel steps with a Head Scissor on Step Ladder!!!
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Young Thug takes Coulrophobia to an unprotected area
performing a DDT on the Concrete!!!
Coulrophobia IS OUT!!!!!!
Young Thug WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Coulrophobia!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:39 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Locker%20Room
** Johnny Sins and Steven Wolfe are hanging in the locker room with two girls sitting on their lips. A brunette and a blonde are sitting on their laps. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Johnny10
Johnny Sins: I can't believe what huge matches we have tonight.   
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Steven10
Steven Wolfe: I get the undefeated Po1ski and you.. get the undefeated Entropy! Whoa. What a coincidence. 
Johnny Sins: Didn't even think about it, bro. It must be because the GM knows how good we are. He knows at least one of us can take down his respective opponent. 
Steven Wolfe: It should go well for us tonight. Man, I'm thirsty, but I have a match next. 
Johnny Sins: Me too. Girls, I'm thirsty!
Steven Wolfe: I'll pass this time. Well, I'm heading to the ring. Have fun, folks. 
** Both girls get down on their knees and smile. Camera quickly cuts out as Johnny starts to receive fellatio from both girls. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:40 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Steven Wolfe
and his opponent: Po1ski
Po1ski and Steven Wolfe stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Po1ski prevails pushing Steven Wolfe on the ground
Po1ski charges his arm
and hits Steven Wolfe with a Hook Punch
Po1ski jumps at Steven Wolfe
Steven Wolfe blocks Po1ski's leg, preventing the execution of a Bicycle Kick
Po1ski and Steven Wolfe stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Po1ski prevails pushing Steven Wolfe on the ground
Po1ski grabs Steven Wolfe's arm while he's laying on his back
and then applies a leverage with Steven Wolfe's body while pulling his arm and hyperextending his joints, executing a Strangle Hold
Steven Wolfe escapes from the hold
Po1ski charges the leg
and hits Steven Wolfe with a kick executing an Angry Stomp
Po1ski approaches his laying opponent
Steven Wolfe blocks the Knee Stomp easely
Steven Wolfe gets besides the laying opponent
Po1ski blocks the Knee Stomp easely
Po1ski prepares the foot
and hits Steven Wolfe with a kick executing an Angry Stomp
Po1ski charges the leg
and brings it down to hit Steven Wolfe with an Angry Stomp
Po1ski approaches his laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
Po1ski approaches his laying opponent
and hits him executing a Knee Stomp
Po1ski gets besides the laying opponent
to hit him with a Knee Stomp
Steven Wolfe pulls himself together and fights back
Steven Wolfe stares at Po1ski in front of him
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Steven Wolfe loads his arm chop style and
Po1ski blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Po1ski grasps Steven Wolfe
and slams him down to the mat performing a Body Slam
Po1ski grabs Steven Wolfe's hair
Po1ski charges a knee to hit Steven Wolfe
Steven Wolfe avoids a Knee Smash and gains the initiative
Steven Wolfe loads Po1ski on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a Samoan Drop
Steven Wolfe grabs Po1ski's hair
Steven Wolfe grabs Po1ski's nape from behind with his right hand
Po1ski avoids being projected by the Snapmare
Po1ski gets close to his grounded opponent
and hits him executing a Knee Stomp
Po1ski approaches his laying opponent
and hits him executing a Knee Stomp
Po1ski gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and leaps toward Steven Wolfe quickly lowering them, performing a Double Axe Handle
Po1ski tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe IS OUT!!!!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:41 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Backstage
** Soldier123 is backstage. He is seen ranting. **
Soldier123: What a load of malarkey! I am the rightful Global champion! I was the first ever Global champion.. I deserve a rematch! 
** He bumps into a crate. **
Soldier123: ARGH!!!
** He starts kicking the crate. **
Soldier123: Now. I'm. Kicking. A. Crate! UGH! 
** Camera zooms out to reveal Electrifyy standing there watching.. the crowd is heard giving a huge cheer as this is the first we see both men in the same room since 2013. **
Soldier123: ...
** Both men stare at each other. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Electr10
Electrifyy: What the hell happened to you?
** Electrifyy chuckles and leaves the area. **
** Soldier123 runs in the halls to find the GM. Camera fade. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:43 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Roscar9GRE
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Roscar9GRE makes his way to the ring
wearing a black "Dead Kennedys" t-shirt
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
and his opponent: whydoicry
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
Roscar9GRE gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm
whydoicry stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Roscar9GRE prepares to strike the adversary
whydoicry moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative
whydoicry stares at Roscar9GRE in front of him
and gives him an Ear Slap
whydoicry catches the rival's head
and crashes him on the mat after an half turn with a Neckbreaker Cutter
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
whydoicry lifts his adversary
and after a spin, crashes him on the ground with a Protobomb!!
whydoicry grasps Roscar9GRE's legs and head, kneeling on him
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
whydoicry releases his grasp
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly
then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a Crucifix Armbar
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry turns Roscar9GRE on his belly bending his arms behind his back
then he starts to pull them in an unnatural way executing a Chicken Wing
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry gives a mean look to the opponent performing woo woo woo
Roscar9GRE gets up!!
whydoicry stares at Roscar9GRE in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
whydoicry grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it,
then he crushes him face first to the ground with a Neckbreaker Cutter
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
whydoicry lunges himself on the ropes
whydoicry runs toward Roscar9GRE
and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a Running Arm Drag
whydoicry gives a mean look to the opponent performing woo woo woo
Roscar9GRE gets up!!
whydoicry gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Roscar9GRE's jaw performing an European Uppercut
whydoicry grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it,
and crashes him on the mat after an half turn with a Neckbreaker Cutter
whydoicry kneels on Roscar9GRE's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
whydoicry keeps his ruthless submission hold
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry kneels on Roscar9GRE's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolls on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
whydoicry keeps his ruthless submission hold
whydoicry keeps his ruthless submission hold
whydoicry releases his grasp
whydoicry kneels on Roscar9GRE's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry kneels on Roscar9GRE's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly
then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a Crucifix Armbar
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry turns Roscar9GRE on his belly bending his arms behind his back
and by pressing on Roscar9GRE's arms he twists them in an unnatural way, executing a Chicken Wing
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
whydoicry grabs one Roscar9GRE's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
whydoicry hooks Roscar9GRE from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin
Roscar9GRE kicks out
Roscar9GRE prepares the back of his hand
whydoicry dodges a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack
whydoicry stares at Roscar9GRE in front of him
Roscar9GRE protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
whydoicry stares at Roscar9GRE in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE from the belt with an arm
and makes him fall on the ground with a Pepsi Twist
whydoicry lifts up Roscar9GRE
Roscar9GRE gets free from the hold and blocks the Double Powerbomb!!
whydoicry gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
whydoicry grabs the adversary with an arm
meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a Pepsi Twist
Roscar9GRE pulls himself together and fights back
Roscar9GRE and whydoicry stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort whydoicry prevails pushing Roscar9GRE on the ground
whydoicry gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
whydoicry lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm
and throws him down by performing an Uraken
whydoicry kneels on Roscar9GRE's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry turns Roscar9GRE on his belly bending his arms behind his back
then he starts to pull them in an unnatural way executing a Chicken Wing
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry pulls Roscar9GRE still groggy, by his hair
whydoicry Lifts the opponent on his shoulders, spins him around and performs an Alabama slam
and slams him on the mat
Roscar9GRE firmly pulls a shoulder up
whydoicry turns Roscar9GRE up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
Roscar9GRE dives into whydoicry with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Roscar9GRE lifts whydoicry on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a Samoan Drop
Roscar9GRE approaches his laying opponent
and hits him executing a Squash Time
Roscar9GRE watches whydoicry on the mat
whydoicry hardly parries the Walk on Back
whydoicry pulls himself together and fights back
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
whydoicry grabs one Roscar9GRE's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
whydoicry hooks Roscar9GRE from behind
hooking him by the arms sliding him across his back while falling performing a Backslide Pin
Roscar9GRE gets up and resolutely fights back
Roscar9GRE hits whydoicry with the back of his hand
performing a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE dives into whydoicry with a powerful clothesline
whydoicry avoids the 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative
whydoicry grapples Roscar9GRE's head from behind and turns him
and makes him fall on the ground connecting with a Shellshock
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
whydoicry grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
whydoicry takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards Roscar9GRE
and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a Clothesline to Back
whydoicry gives a mean look to the opponent performing woo woo woo
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
Roscar9GRE kicks out
whydoicry lifts Roscar9GRE up, still groggy
Roscar9GRE gives a mean look to the opponent performing Wish You Were Beer
whydoicry gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE from behind
and falls down, making him fall on his knees with a Back Cracker
whydoicry bends Roscar9GRE's arm behind his back while he's laying on the mat
then he twists them in an unnatural way performing a Chicken Wing
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
Roscar9GRE gets up and resolutely fights back
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
Roscar9GRE dives into whydoicry with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Roscar9GRE grasps whydoicry's arms and blocks them with his own
and hits him with a sequence of headbutts performing a Trapping Headbutts
Roscar9GRE takes a short run
whydoicry dodges the Big Splash Pin, taking the initiative
whydoicry climbs the turnbuckle spotting Roscar9GRE lying on the mat
and leaps on Roscar9GRE lying across the ring, doing a mid-air backwards rotation, executing a Skytwister Press!
whydoicry climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and jumps toward Roscar9GRE quickly lowering them, performing a Double Axe Handle
whydoicry leaps from the turnbuckle
and leaps on Roscar9GRE lying across the ring, doing a mid-air backwards rotation, executing a Skytwister Press!
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's arm and gets on the ground on his side
and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a Crucifix Armbar
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry grabs Roscar9GRE's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly
then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a Crucifix Armbar
Roscar9GRE escapes from the hold
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
Roscar9GRE firmly pulls a shoulder up
whydoicry turns Roscar9GRE up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Roscar9GRE grabs whydoicry's head
whydoicry easily parries a Knee on Head
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
Roscar9GRE dives into whydoicry with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Roscar9GRE blocks his rival's arms with his own
and starts to hit him with a series of headbutts executing a Trapping Headbutts
Roscar9GRE Punches 7 times the opponent, grabs him
and performs an Exploder suplex
whydoicry kicks out
Roscar9GRE lifts whydoicry up, still groggy
whydoicry stares at Roscar9GRE in front of him
Roscar9GRE protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
whydoicry gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
whydoicry grabs his running opponent by the arm
to throw him down with an Uraken
whydoicry pulls Roscar9GRE still groggy, by his hair
whydoicry Lifts the opponent on his shoulders, spins him around and performs an Alabama slam
and slams him on the mat
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Roscar9GRE IS OUT!!!!!!

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:45 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
**   The light goes dark as "The Last Steampunk Waltz" by Ghostfire starts to play on the speakers.  A spotlight shines upon the opening of the entrance tunnel as Marcus Troy steps out from the back.  With a grin on his face and a gesture from his hand, steam begins to rise covering the whole area.  Marcus Troy steps forward with a lit cigar and a smirk of arrogance, behind him the monstrous form of the NEW TRUE TALENT FIGHTING GLOBAL CHAMPION Entropy appears with the title belt slung over his shoulders.  With a gesture, Marcus Troy signals for his client to follow him down the ramp and into the ring.  ** 
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Marcus11
** Entropy raises the belt over his head as the crowd begin to boo but Marcus Troy cuts them off arrogantly. **
Marcus Troy: You see, this is why I really hate the uneducated masses...  Oh for those who didn't get that, I just called you all stupid morons!  That's right!  Stupid morons who can't even appreciate what I have given you!  I have given you not A CHAMPION but THE CHAMPION.  My client Entropy bested that pitiful Soldier123 and claimed what is deserved to him in just three weeks!  In just the third week, Entropy proved that this roster along with the former champion Soldier123 is nothing but third rate wrestlers trying and failing horribly to put on a facade that they are actually talented in the ring.
**  The crowd again begins to boo loudly showing their displeasure at Troy's blatant demeaning of their favorite wrestlers. **
Marcus Troy: What?!  Unhappy to hear the truth?  Would you all still like to live in the bubble of illusion that the TTF roster actually have some semblance of talent?  The truth is a bitter medicine that you all need to take.  Seriously, grow up all of you.  I offered you all the best thing that happened here in True Talent Fighting but you all just spat on it.  I certainly held my expectations too high when I thought you'd all appreciate my gesture to enlighten you.
**  "YOU SUCK!" chants start to echo throughout the arena, Entropy begins to move but Marcus Troy puts up his hand and stops his client. **
Marcus Troy: You see Entropy?  This is the reaction of those poor souls too blind to see, too close-minded to learn... And unfortunately there is no pill to cure ignorance so I guess there is only one route for us to partake...  And that's to shove reality down the throats of these poor uneducated peons!  ENTROPY IS THE TTF GLOBAL CHAMPION AND HE WILL STAY THE TTF GLOBAL CHAMPION!  And to anyone in the locker room, feel free to challenge my client, the result will likely be the same...  Entropy standing over your broken bodies as he retains the TTF Global Title.   Now it seems that tonight, my client is booked to fight a certain Johnny Sins...  Another poor unfortunate individual who will certainly end up not only losing this match but be turned into an afterthought here in TTF.  Another one of the mounting number of victims that have been fed to my client Entropy!  Another wrestler whose career shall abruptly be put to an end because he shall be exposed as nothing but a mediocre piece of fecal matter, so mediocre in fact that he couldn't even be used to fertilize soil.
**  The crowd begins to boo and chant "YOU SUCK!" once again but Troy non-nonchalantly waves them off. **
Marcus Troy: You can boo all you want or chant you suck all you want but that will not change reality, that will not change facts...  ENTROPY IS THE MOST DOMINANT FORCE HERE IN TTF AND THAT BELT ON HIS SHOULDERS PROVES IT! SUCK ON THAT!
**  With that "The Last Steampunk Waltz" by Ghostfire starts to play again as Marcus Troy drops the mic and exits the ring while Entropy remains close with the TTF Global Title held high above his head, reminding the crowd that their worst nightmare has come true.  **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:45 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Entropy
and his opponent: Johnny Sins
Entropy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Entropy open his arms
Johnny Sins defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
Johnny Sins loads an arm towards himself
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
Johnny Sins puts Entropy on his shoulders
Entropy firmly blocks the execution of the Samoan Drop
Johnny Sins and Entropy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Entropy prevails pushing Johnny Sins on the ground
Entropy grabs Johnny Sins's head while he's laying on the mat
tightening it with a Head Lock
Johnny Sins escapes from the hold
Entropy grabs Johnny Sins's head while he's laying on the mat
tightening it with a Head Lock
Johnny Sins escapes from the hold
Entropy pulls Johnny Sins still groggy, by his hair
Entropy gains momentum by bouncing off the top rope, and leaps backwards on Johnny Sins
and lands on Johnny Sins, performing a Springboard Crossbody
Johnny Sins firmly pulls a shoulder up
Entropy turns Johnny Sins up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Johnny Sins stares at Entropy
and gives him an Ear Slap
Johnny Sins prepares to hit the rival
Entropy blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Johnny Sins stares at Entropy
Entropy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Johnny Sins points to Entropy with decision
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Johnny Sins loads an arm towards himself
Entropy blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Johnny Sins stares at Entropy
Entropy avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Entropy lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm
to make his face fall on the mat with an Uraken
Entropy lifts Johnny Sins's leg
and lets himself fall over it with a Elbow drop to inner thigh
Marcus Troy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Johnny Sins gets up!!
Marcus Troy then lights a cigar and blows the smoke towards his opponent performing a demeaning Troy's Conceit!
Marcus Troy finally walks towards his opponent and puts his cigar out on his opponent's face performing a burning Troy's Reproach!
Johnny Sins and Entropy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Entropy prevails pushing Johnny Sins on the ground
Entropy gets next to Johnny Sins bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Entropy climbs the turnbuckle to reach Johnny Sins
grabs his arm and jumps down holding it to perform a Jumping Armbar Takedown
Johnny Sins escapes from the hold
Entropy clutches his laying rival's head
and performs a Head Lock
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy releases his grasp
Entropy grabs Johnny Sins's head while he's laying on the mat
tightening it with a Head Lock
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Johnny Sins escapes from the hold
Entropy pulls Johnny Sins still groggy, by his hair
Entropy gets ready for the move waiting for Johnny Sins to turn
and after a twirl executes an Modified Arabian DDT!!
Entropy leaves the ring
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Entropy goes up again in the ring
Entropy tries a pinning maneuver
Johnny Sins kicks out
Entropy lifts Johnny Sins up, still groggy
Johnny Sins stares at Entropy in front of him
Entropy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Johnny Sins stares at Entropy
Entropy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Johnny Sins points to Entropy with decision
Entropy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Johnny Sins stares at Entropy in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Johnny Sins prepares to hit the rival
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Johnny Sins puts Entropy on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a Samoan Drop
Entropy pulls himself together and fights back
Entropy hugs Johnny Sins's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Entropy grabs Johnny Sins standing up, and raises him on his shoulders
then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an Augmented Fireman Carry
Entropy tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Johnny Sins IS OUT!!!!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015   True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 2:50 pm

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202
Not so Silent Bob makes his way to the ring holding his newly won championship.
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Not_so10
NSSB: Silence, audience. The best in the world is speaking. 
Fans boo. 
NSSB: I AM the best in the world. Ever since I joined Hydra, I have went from lower-card matches to main event wins and became the world champion in the first shot I had. I am.. the best in the world. And since I am the best, it means I am not afraid of no one. So I officially issue an open challenge right now to whoever wants to face me for this title.. 
He points at his title. 
NSSB: And no, whydoicry and his friends can't come. Roster, you want some? Come get some! 
He awaits for an opponent. 
** "Real American" by Rick Derringer begins playing on the loud speakers as pyros start shooting off from the top of the entrance ramp. Dressed in a yellow tank top and a red bandana, KANS steps out to the eruption of cheers from the crowd. Putting his hands to his ears, he listens to the roaring from the crowd get louder before he makes his way down the ring giving high-fives to his fans. **
True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Kans10
KANS: You know what is wrong with this picture brother? That's right, it's missing one important thing and that's me, KANS brother! You cannot possibly think that a open invitation for the title shall be complete without the participation of A REAL AMERICAN! And there's no one more American in the entire TTF roster other than me! That's right brother! I, KANS shall be throwing my name into the hat and be part of this fight! And when the night is done, when the dust settles, one man shall be standing with his head held high as he is crowned the new champion... AND THAT MAN IS ME BROTHER! THAT MAN WILL BE ME!!!
KANS begins to rip his tank top off to the delight of the crowd. He then throws the tatters of his shirt over the ropes and into the crowd before flexing his muscles getting more cheers from the fans. **

NSSB: Well, this should be good.

True Talent Fighting 7/12/2015 Ring%202

The following contest is scheduled for One Fall and is for the True Talent Championship!

Introducing first, the challenger: KANS

and his opponent, the champion: Not so Silent Bob

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

KANS gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

KANS goes towards his rival

and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust

KANS dives into Not so Silent Bob with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge

KANS puts Not so Silent Bob on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop

KANS takes a short run

and dives on Not so Silent Bob with a Big Splash Pin

Not so Silent Bob kicks out
KANS lifts Not so Silent Bob up, still groggy

Not so Silent Bob hugs KANS's head

and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that KANS has fallen out of the ring!!!!

Not so Silent Bob takes a breath gaining stamina

KANS goes up again in the ring

Not so Silent Bob gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Not so Silent Bob prepares his arm to strike the adversary

KANS moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative

KANS and Not so Silent Bob stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Not so Silent Bob prevails pushing KANS on the ground

Not so Silent Bob open his arms ready to hit KANS

with a Mongolian Chop

Not so Silent Bob loads the leg

lifting his own leg and hitting him with a Middle Kick

Not so Silent Bob steps back holding KANS tightly against the ropes

performing a Chop At Ropes hitting KANS's sternum, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!

Not so Silent Bob grabs one KANS's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Not so Silent Bob hooks KANS from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin

KANS kicks out
Not so Silent Bob lifts KANS up, still groggy

KANS hugs Not so Silent Bob's head

and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head

KANS places Not so Silent Bob horizontally on his shoulders

throwing him over his head performing a Fireman Carry making him fall in front of him

KANS watches Not so Silent Bob on the mat

Not so Silent Bob hardly parries the Modified Walk on Belly

Not so Silent Bob bounces against the ropes

and dives on KANS with a Modified Big Splash Pin

KANS firmly pulls a shoulder up
Not so Silent Bob turns KANS up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

KANS hugs Not so Silent Bob's head

and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head

KANS dives into Not so Silent Bob with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge

KANS leaves the ring

Not so Silent Bob takes a breath gaining stamina

Not so Silent Bob takes a breath gaining stamina

KANS goes up again in the ring

Not so Silent Bob gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Not so Silent Bob prepares his arm

and hits the adversary with a Punch

Not so Silent Bob leaves the ring

KANS leaves the ring

KANS gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

KANS grabs Not so Silent Bob on the ground

and scratches his head on the steel steps performing Face Stretch on Step Ladder!!!

Referee starts counting...

The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

KANS removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections

to crash the adversary on it with a Powerslam on the Table!!

The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo

KANS lifts the adversary on a shoulder

and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a Powerslam on the Table!!

The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

KANS removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections

and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a Powerslam on the Table!!

The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour

KANS lifts the adversary on a shoulder

to crash the adversary on it with a Powerslam on the Table!!

The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

KANS goes up again in the ring

The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix

KANS takes a breath gaining stamina

Not so Silent Bob gets up!!

The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

Not so Silent Bob goes up again in the ring

KANS approaches his rival loading his arm

and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust

KANS lifts Not so Silent Bob on his shoulders horizontally

Not so Silent Bob dodges the Fireman Carry quickly counter attacking

Not so Silent Bob charges a knee to hit KANS

performing a Knee Smash

Not so Silent Bob grabs KANS's head

KANS somehow parries the Coconut Crush

Not so Silent Bob open his arms

and strikes KANS's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop

Not so Silent Bob holds KANS at the ropes

performing a Chop At Ropes hitting KANS's chest, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!

Not so Silent Bob grabs KANS raising him up onto his shoulder so KANSs head is down his back

then grabs KANSs head under his arm and drops him onto his head from an incredible height with Air Raid Siren

Not so Silent Bob takes a short run

and dives on KANS with a Modified Big Splash Pin

KANS kicks out
Not so Silent Bob lifts KANS up, still groggy

KANS holds Not so Silent Bob by the head

Not so Silent Bob easily parries a Knee on Head

KANS goes towards his rival

and executes a Throat Thrust hitting Not so Silent Bob to the neck

KANS strongly grabs the head of the adversary

and strikes him with unheard strength with a Hard Headbutt

KANS lunges himself on the ropes

KANS throws Not so Silent Bob over his head straight up

and drops him backwards on the mat with a Back Body Drop

KANS slams his stunned opponent down

and gets on his belly with both feet performing a Modified Walk on Belly

KANS grabs Not so Silent Bob's hair

KANS grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes

KANS runs towards Not so Silent Bobs

Not so Silent Bob parries KANS's blow, hindering the Sumo Palm Strike execution

Not so Silent Bob pulls himself together and fights back

Not so Silent Bob prepares to strike the rival

KANS stops the rival's leg preventing the execution of a Middle Kick

Not so Silent Bob opens wide his arms

and hits KANS on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop

Not so Silent Bob leaves the ring

KANS takes a breath gaining stamina

Not so Silent Bob takes a breath gaining stamina

KANS takes a breath gaining stamina

Referee starts counting...

The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Not so Silent Bob goes up again in the ring

KANS gets ready to hit Not so Silent Bob

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Not so Silent Bob's jaw performing an European Uppercut

KANS dives into Not so Silent Bob with a powerful clothesline

knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge

KANS lifts Not so Silent Bob up

and throws Not so Silent Bob's legs out in front of him to spin them out while the attacking wrestler falls backwards to drive Not so Silent Bob's head in to the mat, performing a Super Body Slam

KANS slams his stunned opponent down

and gets on his belly with both feet performing a Modified Walk on Belly

KANS bounces against the ropes

and dives on Not so Silent Bob with a Big Splash Pin

Not so Silent Bob kicks out

Not so Silent Bob holds KANS by the head

and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head

Not so Silent Bob prepares to hit the rival

and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm

Not so Silent Bob grabs KANS and lift him up over the head

and lets him fall in front of him to perform a Modified Gorilla Press Slam

Not so Silent Bob gives a mean look to the opponent performing whydoyoucry?

KANS gets up!!

KANS capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

KANS approaches Not so Silent Bob

and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust

KANS strongly grabs the head of the adversary

Not so Silent Bob stops KANS's head preventing the execution of a Hard Headbutt

KANS approaches his rival loading his arm

and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust

KANS dives into Not so Silent Bob with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge

KANS grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes

KANS gains momentum bouncing on the ropes,

and with his open hand delivers a poking to Not so Silent Bob, knocking him on the ground with a Sumo Palm Strike

KANS gets close to his grounded opponent

and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp

Not so Silent Bob pulls himself together and fights back

Not so Silent Bob hugs KANS's head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head

Not so Silent Bob tries a pinning maneuver

KANS kicks out

KANS and Not so Silent Bob stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Not so Silent Bob prevails pushing KANS on the ground

Not so Silent Bob opens wide his arms

and strikes KANS's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop

Not so Silent Bob tries a pinning maneuver

KANS kicks out
Not so Silent Bob lifts KANS up, still groggy

KANS hugs Not so Silent Bob's head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head

KANS dives into Not so Silent Bob with a powerful clothesline

knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge

KANS Lifts the opponent on his shoulders

and slams him on the mat

Not so Silent Bob kicks out

Not so Silent Bob leaves the ring

Not so Silent Bob goes up again in the ring

KANS gets next to Not so Silent Bob bringing down an arm

and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut

KANS dives into Not so Silent Bob with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge

KANS steps back holding Not so Silent Bob tightly against the ropes

Not so Silent Bob parries KANS's hand blocking the execution of a Chop At Ropes

KANS and Not so Silent Bob stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort KANS prevails pushing Not so Silent Bob on the ground

KANS gets ready to hit Not so Silent Bob

and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut

KANS lifts Not so Silent Bob on his shoulders horizontally

Not so Silent Bob blocks the execution of the Fireman Carry

KANS holds Not so Silent Bob by the head

and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head

KANS dives into Not so Silent Bob with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge

KANS grabs Not so Silent Bob by the head with both arms then rocks his whole body back

and hits Not so Silent Bob with his own head, performing a Big Headbutt

KANS grabs Not so Silent Bob's head placing his neck on the ropes

Not so Silent Bob knocks KANSs hands aside stopping the Choke At Ropes

Not so Silent Bob pulls himself together and fights back

Not so Silent Bob tries a pinning maneuver

KANS kicks out

KANS goes towards his rival

and executes a Throat Thrust hitting Not so Silent Bob to the neck

KANS grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him

and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a Hard Headbutt

KANS lifts Not so Silent Bob up

and throws Not so Silent Bob's legs out in front of him to spin them out while he falls backwards to drive Not so Silent Bob's head in to the mat, executing a Super Body Slam

KANS tries a pinning maneuver

Not so Silent Bob kicks out

Not so Silent Bob and KANS stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort KANS prevails pushing Not so Silent Bob on the ground

KANS hugs Not so Silent Bob's head

and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head


KANS takes the adversary's head and

Not so Silent Bob stops KANS's head preventing the execution of a Hard Headbutt

KANS hugs Not so Silent Bob's head

and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head

KANS tries a pinning maneuver

Not so Silent Bob gets up and resolutely fights back

Not so Silent Bob grabs KANS's head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head


Not so Silent Bob tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...

The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo

The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


All of Hydra shows up to congratulate Bob on his first defense 
Hydra looks down at the fallen KANS 
Bob signals Warlock to take care of him 
Warlock stands in the corner and lets a big roar 
Philip Blake: What the hell is this? IS IT THE UNDERTAKER? IS UNDERTAKER JOINING TTF?
Bob, Chris Brooks and Roscar9GRE, WarlockOPain, Proud Manlet flee the ring and leave the arena through the crowd. Soldier123 stands there freezing staring at the angered former champion, he screams and runs towards whydoicry and gets caught with a huge shot to the face with the barbed wire!!!
Philip Blake: Where is our GM?! He said he didn't want to see a single punch connect tonight outside of a match!
Devon Wyatt: I don't see punches here, Philip! And plus, our GM has left the building! He's gone! 
Hydra stands and watches from the crowd with a shocked look on their face 
whydoicry rubs the barbed wire against Soldier123's forehead which just gushes out more blood!
Philip Blake: Have a soul! Bastard! He's had enough! 
whydoicry stops and looks down at what he did
whydoicry points his blood stained barbed wire bat towards Hydra and grins
Philip Blake: He is sick. 
Po1ski and Kenta join whydoicry and taunt Hydra
Devon Wyatt: He sure is! Folks, we are out of time! Make sure to watch our PPV, Give It Up! Po1ski, Kenta and whydoicry VS. Bob, Roscar9GRE and Warlock! And the titles are on the line! Get pinned and lose the title! Goodnight! 
Camera fades as we see Bob clutch his title with a worried look.

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