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 True Talent Fighting: Give It Up

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:08 am

Disclaimer: I *might* do formatting tomorrow. It's 4 AM right now. I am tired as hell. But who cares about looks? Just enjoy the show. Smile

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ttf10
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  NwxBiK7
 ** Multiple fireworks go off and the crowd roars in approval as our third PPV begins. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Devon_10
Devon Wyatt: It's time! It's Give It Up! Our third PPV! Give It Up!
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Philip10
Philip Blake: Give It Up! Which is what whydoicry, Po1ski and Kenta should do since there is no chance in hell that these three will win tonight. 

Devon Wyatt: Shut up, those three will find a way to emerge victorious.

Philip Blake: No. 

Devon Wyatt: Anyway, we have a great show planned for tonight. If this would have been our last show, it's a hell of a way to go out. 

Philip Blake: Nice foreshadowing. 

Devon Wyatt: So for our fans who liked watching us since we started, grab a snack and have fun watching. For our multiple haters, thanks for giving us motivation to continue. It's been a hellauva ride.

Philip Blake: Well said, Devon. Now.... start.. the.. SHHHHHHOOOOW!!!!

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: KANS
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
KANS makes his way to the ring
wearing a red "KANSAMANIA" t-shirt
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
and his opponent: Jarold
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
KANS gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
KANS prepares his arm
hitting him with a Punch
KANS lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary
executing a Powerful Knee Strike
KANS tightens his rival's head under a shoulder
Jarold evades the Head Lock Takedown with great agility, counterattacking
Jarold grabs KANS's neck
KANS resist to Jarold, stopping a Neckbreaker Cutter
Jarold stares at KANS
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Jarold grabs the adversary with an arm
to crash him with the other one performing a Pepsi Twist
Jarold runs to KANS, who is resting close to the turnbuckle
then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing KANS between him and the turnbuckle, executing a Stinger Splash
KANS pulls himself together and fights back
KANS hugs Jarold's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
KANS dives into Jarold with a clothesline
Jarold blocks the execution of a
KANS prepares his arm to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
KANS dives into Jarold with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Jarold pulls himself together and fights back
Jarold gets ready to hit KANS
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Jarold grabs KANS from the belt with an arm
to crash him with the other one performing a Pepsi Twist
Jarold runs to KANS, who is resting close to the turnbuckle
then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing KANS between him and the turnbuckle, executing a Stinger Splash
Jarold leaves the ring
KANS takes a breath gaining stamina
Jarold goes up again in the ring
KANS leaves the ring
KANS goes up again in the ring
Jarold gets ready to hit KANS
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Jarold grabs the adversary with an arm
and makes him fall on the ground with a Pepsi Twist
Jarold lifts up KANS
and throwing him down to the mat one more time with a Tears of Pain
Jarold gives a mean look to the opponent performing /wooo/
Jarold grabs KANS's arm and gets on the ground on his side
then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a Crucifix Armbar
KANS escapes from the hold
Jarold grasps KANS' legs and head, kneeling on him
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
KANS escapes from the hold
Jarold grabs KANS' arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly
KANS blocks the execution of the Crucifix Armbar
KANS approaches his laying opponent
to hit him with a Elbow Drop
KANS gets besides the laying opponent
Jarold blocks the Elbow easely
Jarold grabs KANS' hair
Jarold grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
Jarold makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards KANS,
stretching his arm hitting his back with a Clothesline to Back
Jarold kneels on KANS's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
KANS escapes from the hold
Jarold bends KANS' arm behind his back while he's laying on the mat
and by pressing on KANS' arms he twists them in an unnatural way, executing a Chicken Wing
Jarold keeps his ruthless submission hold
KANS escapes from the hold
Jarold takes a breath gaining stamina
Jarold gives a mean look to the opponent performing /wooo/
KANS gets up!!
Jarold and KANS stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort KANS prevails pushing Jarold on the ground
KANS prepares to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
KANS takes the adversary's head and
and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a Hard Headbutt
KANS grabs Jarold's head and puts it under his shoulder
Jarold avoids the Head Lock & Punch, gaining the initiative
Jarold lifts KANS and slams him down to the mat, holding him
and throwing him down to the mat one more time with a Double Powerbomb
Jarold grabs KANS' hair
Jarold grabs one KANS' arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Jarold runs toward KANS
and spins hitting him with a Rolling Elbow Smash
Jarold grabs KANS's hair
Jarold lifts up KANS on his shoulders to perform a Powerbomb twice
executing a Double Powerbomb!!
Jarold kneels on KANS' back, grasping his legs and his head
KANS tenaciously prevents the execution of a Bow & Arrow Lock
KANS pulls himself together and fights back
KANS quickly puts Jarold on the cover position
and covers him by helping with the ropes, executing an Irregular Pin
Jarold kicks out
Jarold gets next to KANS bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Jarold grabs KANS' neck
then he crushes him face first to the ground with a Neckbreaker Cutter
Jarold grabs KANS' hair
Jarold grabs one KANS' arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Jarold bounces against the ropes and runs toward KANS
and spins hitting him with a Rolling Elbow Smash
Jarold gives a mean look to the opponent performing /wooo/
Jarold jumps to his rival
executing a Low Dropkick
Jarold leaves the ring
KANS gets up!!
Jarold goes up again in the ring
Jarold prepares the back of his hand
Jarold dodges a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack
Jarold gets next to KANS bringing down an arm
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Jarold lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm
to make his face fall on the mat with an Uraken
Jarold tries a pinning maneuver
KANS kicks out
Jarold lifts KANS up, still groggy

KANS holds Jarold by the head
Jarold easily parries a Knee on Head
KANS prepares to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
KANS is ready to hits the rival
Jarold stops the right execution of a Powerful Knee Strike
KANS grabs Jarold's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
KANS dives into Jarold with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Jarold pulls himself together and fights back
Jarold stares at KANS in front of him
and gives him an Ear Slap
Jarold steps back holding KANS tightly against the ropes
performing a Chop At Ropes hitting KANS' chest, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
Jarold lifts the opponent on his shoulders, spins him around and performs an Alabama slam. Ouch.. that had to hurt.
KANS kicks out
KANS prepares the back of his hand
hitting Jarold with a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
KANS grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him
and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a Hard Headbutt
KANS steps back holding Jarold tightly against the ropes
performing a Chop At Ropes hitting Jarold's chest, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
KANS grabs Jarold raising him up onto his shoulder so Jarold's head is down his back
Jarold avoids an Air Raid Siren easily. taking the initiative
Jarold turns KANS on his belly bending his arms behind his back
KANS easily avoids a Chicken Wing, gaining the initiative.
KANS sends his rival to the ropes 
and hits him with a rebound big boot executing a Big Boot
KANS runs to the ropes and drops the Leg on Jarold
performing a Leg Drop!!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Jarold IS OUT!!!!!!

Last edited by GM Chris Brooks on Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:10 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
Rikishi's theme music fills the arena as he makes his way out of the backstage area and into the arena wearing his normal attire consisting of a pair of red lycra wrestling briefs and some black boots. Rikishi stands firm at the entrance of the arena with his title draped over his shoulder. Rikishi raises the microphone to his mouth.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Rikish10
Rikishi: I'm going to make this quick because I don't really have much to say. Just know tonight, Golffan101 is in for a special treat. He's a moron for taking on my challenge but trust me he's going to regret it after tonight's match. I'm going to have fun beating the life out him and it's going to be fun having Golffan101 kiss my ass!
Rikishi turns himself around shows off his massive ass to the crowd. The crowd cringes as Rikishi slaps his ass cheeks a few times before heading backstage.
Ring Announcer Jim: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is for the Strong Style title! And it is a Stinkface match! Winning is achieved by Stinkfacing the opponent for 20 full seconds! In this match, there will be no pinfalls or disqualifications.
golffan101 appears on the ramp to positive reactions
He removes his chest bandage and starts running into the ring
Philip Blake: He is going right at him! golffan can't wait to get his hands on Rikishi! 
golffan101 slides into the ring and jumps onto Rikishi hitting him with multiple punches 
Rikishi tries blocking them, but fails 
golffan starts stomping a mudhole in Rikishi 
golffan runs and rebounds from the ropes and hits Rikishi with a Running Pointed Elbow Drop ala Stone Cold
Devon Wyatt: golffan has no chill! He is going in! 
golffan gets on the second turnbuckle and jumps on Rikishi with both knees to the mid-section
golffan signals for the first stinkface of the match 
Philip Blake: He is looking to end it all! Rikishi is down. Who knows? It might happen. 
golffan puts Rikishi in the bottom corner and begins to motion for the move
Rikishi shoves him off with a kick, and he gets up
Rikishi runs into golffan with a wicked clothesline that turns golffan inside out
Rikishi starts punching golffan in his wounded ribs 
Devon Wyatt: Oh no. He's targeting the area that got stabbed.. that's just savage. 
Philip Blake: Gotta do whatever possible to get the W. 
Rikishi rebounds from the ropes and lands right on golffan's chest
Rikishi is pleased seeing golffan suffer 
Rikishi picks up golffan and presses him over head, and drops him backwards to the outside of the ring
Philip Blake: What a painful landing.. there is no situation where golffan comes out of this match uninjured. 
Rikishi takes his time leaving the ring, he has the match in his hands
Rikishi exits the ring 
golffan grabs a chair and rams it into Rikishi's mid-section!
Rikishi goes down on one knee
Philip Blake: He is on one knee! And not because he is proposing. 
Devon Wyatt: golffan found his equalizer.
golffan throws the chair head first into Rikishi's skull!!
Devon Wyatt: Damn! Look at that! Rikishi has a cut! I hope golffan won't rub his ass in Rikishi's blood.. 
golffan grabs the possibly concussed Rikishi and throws him into the ring
He rubs Rikishi's face in the mat causing the blood to mostly disappear
He Irish whips Rikishi into the turnbuckle 
He runs and dropkicks Rikishi which makes him fall to position
golffan101 mimics Rikishi's signature 2000s taunts
golffan101 begins to rub his ass in Rikishi's face
Philip Blake: Here it is! First Stinkface! How long will it last?
Ref starts the count
Rikishi grabs golffan's genitals and squeezes them in hopes that golffan releases the hold 
Devon Wyatt: Jeez, I can't look at this.. tell me when it's done.. 
golffan screams in pain and falls down, breaking the count
Philip Blake: Genius move, Rikishi. Now finish him up! 
Rikishi stands in the ring, he is deciding what to do next
He exits the ring, and looks for something under the ring
Philip Blake: What is this?! 
Rikishi brings out a table!
He slides it into the ring and returns there
Rikishi begins to set up the table
golffan crawls behind Rikishi and low blows Rikishi! 
Rikishi felt the pain, but didn't go down!
Devon Wyatt: He is no Man Of Steel, but he has BALLS of steel. 
Rikishi grows frustrated of golffan's resistance 
Rikishi grabs golffan and hurls him into the corner
He then runs into him with a brutal body avalanche 
golffan falls into position 
Rikishi then proceeds to slap his giant ass. Rikishi then walks over towards golffan101 and turns himself around. His massive ass hovers a few inches from golffan101's face. Rikishi begins to humiliate golffan101 by rubbing his ass in golffan101's face executing a retched Stinkface 
Ref starts the count
golffan bites Rikishi's ass causing him to scream in agony and break the move!
Philip Blake: He bit his ass?!! What the *censored*?
Devon Wyatt: Alright, that's just bizzare. And.. innovative..  
golffan101 gets up starts chopping Rikishi
Chop, after chop, after chop 
golffan 101 takes a step back and runs towards Rikishi
Rikishi grabs golffan and backbody drops him right through the table that was set up!!!
Philip Blake: Holy sh.. indeed! What a brutal reversal.. I think this might be the end to this brutal, messed up match. 
Rikishi's anger is clear
He picks up the battered golffan over his shoulder, Rikishi stretched his arms out and then jumps up and drops down and drives golffan101's head down to the mat!!!!
Devon Wyatt: Rikishi Driver!!! DEAR LORD. It's over! 
golffan101 is out of it
Rikishi drags golffan101 to the bottom area of the corner
Rikishi then proceeds to slap his giant ass. Rikishi then walks over towards golffan101 and turns himself around. His massive ass hovers a few inches from golffan101's face. Rikishi begins to humiliate golffan101 by rubbing his ass in golffan101's face executing a retched Stinkface 
Ref starts the count
Ring Announcer Jim: Here is the winner and still the champion, Riiiikishiiii! 
Philip Blake: That match was sick.
Devon Wyatt: It sure was. But it's also one hell of an opener for this PPV. 
Rikishi looks over at Golffan101 who's still propped up against the corner turnbuckle. Rikishi slowly walks over toward Golffan101.
Philip Blake: What's Rikishi doing now? Is he going to attack Golffan101 again? 
Rikishi grabs Golffan and yanks him by his feet causing him slam onto the turnbuckle facing upward. Rikishi climbs the corner turnbuckle until he props himself onto the top rope. Rikishi bounces for a moment before dropping his ass straight onto Golffan101's face. Golffan101's face disappears into Rikishi's massive ass.
Rikishi stays in the position for about twenty seconds before the referee comes over attempting to push Rikishi off Golffan101.
Referee: You have to get off, the match is over, you're going to kill him.
Rikishi looks furious as he moves off Golffan101. In one swift motion Rikishi delievers a big boot to the referee knocking him out. Rikishi grabs Golffan101 by the hair and drags him back into the corner turnbuckle.
Philip Blake: Rikishi's gone mad, someone needs to come out and stop this madness.
Rikishi pulls down his signature red briefs revealing his bare ass to the crowd.
Philip Blake: That's just digusting no one here wants to see that. I feel like i'm about to throw up.
Rikishi walks over toward Golffan101, turns himself around and hovers his ass over Golffan101's face.
Rikishi: I'm going to make you regret crossing my path.
Rikishi pulls his ass cheeks apart and press it against Golffan101's face. Rikishi begins to vigiously wipe his ass in Golffan101's face completely humilating him. Golffan101 doesn't even fight back after being brutally beaten, he has no choice but to endure this disgusting stinkface. Golffan101 is trapped by Rikishi's giant, stinky, sweaty, hairy, bare ass.
This bare assed stinkface continues on for about forty-five seconds. Rikishi finally stops his grinding and just sits on Golffan101's face.
Philip Blake: Come on Rikishi this is just sick, there's no need for this kind of behavior, you already won the match.
Philip Blake stops speaking as soon as Raverage's theme music fills the arena. The crowd cheers with excitment. Rikishi looks over toward the entrace as Raverage makes his way down to the ring.
Raverage: Are you done yet, because now you're taking me on. Let me show you what it's like to take on a real man. Make it a Stinkface match. I don't care.
Rikishi: What are you talking about?
Raverage: You issued an open challenge to anyone who wanted to take you on for a title show. So I'm here to take you on so lets go, fatass.
Rikishi immediately gets off Golffan101's face, pulls up his briefs and prepares himself for another match.
Devon Wyatt: What's going on? We are getting two Stinkface matches in a row? I'm in! Kick his ass, Raverage! 
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled is a Stinkface match and is for the Stong Style championship!
Introducing first: Raverage
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Raverage makes his way to the ring
wearing a simple wrestling costume
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Raverage gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Raverage open his arms ready to hit Rikishi
and hits Rikishi on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Raverage dives into Rikishi with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Raverage puts Rikishi's head beneath his arm and lifts him
then he lets him fall ahead executing Falcon Arrow
Rikishi gets up and resolutely fights back
Rikishi gets next to Raverage bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Rikishi dives into Raverage with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Rikishi grabs Raverage's arms while jumping
he throws him out of balance with a somersault covering him with a Victory Roll
Raverage firmly pulls a shoulder up
Rikishi turns Raverage up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Raverage approaches his rival loading his arm
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
Raverage garbs his running opponent by the arm
to make his face fall on the mat with an Uraken
Raverage grabs Rikishi's hair
Raverage lunges himself on the ropes
Raverage waits for the running opponent
lifting him high in the air making him fall on his back connecting a High Back Body Drop
Raverage moves a foot towards the rival sitting at the turnbuckle and
the referee starts to count 1... 2... 3... 4... and interrupts Foot Choke
Raverage lifts Rikishi's leg
and lets himself fall over it with a French Drop
Raverage stands behind his rival
and twist his face to perform a Face Stretch
Rikishi pulls himself together and fights back
Rikishi gets ready to hit Raverage
Raverage blocks Rikishi's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Rikishi gets ready to hit Raverage
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Rikishi prepares to hit Raverage hurling his leg
and hits Raverage with a Roundhouse Kick
Rikishi lunges himself on the ropes
Rikishi grasps Raverage with a flying catch and moves him whirling him from an arm to the other one
he places him head down and lets himself fall performing a Tilt A Whirl Piledriver
Raverage pulls himself together and fights back
Raverage approaches Rikishi
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
Raverage turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
Rikishi stops the rival's leg preventing the execution of a Mule Kick
Raverage opens wide his arms
with a Mongolian Chop
Raverage garbs his running opponent by the arm
Rikishi avoids being thrown by the Uraken by moving his arm away
Rikishi pulls himself together and fights back
Rikishi easily grabs Raverage and lifts him up over the head
and lets him fall behind his back with strength by performing a Gorilla Press Slam
Rikishi takes a short run
and dives on Raverage with a Super Splash Pin
Raverage gets up and resolutely fights back
Raverage stares at Rikishi in front of him
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Raverage leaves the ring
Rikishi leaves the ring
Raverage gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Raverage lifts Rikishi's head
and repeatedly beats it on the ground, by performing a Head Pounds outside the Ring!!!
Raverage grabs his rival's leg
raises his elbow and performs a French Drop
Raverage grabs his rival's leg
raises his elbow and performs a French Drop
Raverage puts Rikishi's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm
then raises Rikishi and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Rikishi down to the steel step shoulder and neck first, performing a Suplex on Step Ladder
Rikishi pulls himself together and fights back
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Rikishi holds Raverage with both hands at his neck
and throws him down to the ground, performing a Double Hanged Chokeslam on the Ground!!!
Rikishi jumps from the apron ring
and leaps on Raverage lying outside the ring, landing on him with a Splash from Apron
Rikishi sends him back into the ring
Rikishi bounces against the ropes
and dives on Raverage with a Super Splash Pin
Rikishi sets up him for the stinkface!
He begins rubbing that fat ass in Raverage's handsome face!
Ref starts the count!
Raverage shoves Rikishi off of him, but he can't find the strength to get up
Rikishi leaves the ring, grabs a steel chair from ringside and re-enters the ring
Raverage catches him with a stiff superkick!
Rikishi is knocked out!
Rikishi slumps into the corner right into position
Raverage begins to Stinkface Rikishi!
Rubbing his tight ripped glutes in Rikishi's face!!!
Ref starts the count
Ring Announcer Jim: Here is the winner and the new champion, RAAAVERAAGE!
Raverage jumps into the air with glee as he recieves his new title
Philip Blake: Well, I did not expect this. I guess the GM gave him some good motivation. Kudos to him. 
Devon Wyatt: He earned that win for sure. Rikishi is a tough opponent. Look at Rikishi! He is furious!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:11 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Locker%20Room
** Sleepwalker enters the locker room and looks around. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  11-16
Sleepwalker (yelling): DID YOU MISS ME?
Everyone in the locker room: HEY, IT'S SLEEPWALKER! 
Sleepwalker: Now who's this little runt named Johnny Sins and where the hell did he come from?
** Johnny Sins steps forward. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Johnny10
Johnny Sins: I'm Johnny Sins. Real question is where the hell did YOU come from. What's the matter, Sleepwalker? Hydra got bigger so you got a little scared and stopped backing up whydoicry?
** Sleepwalker smirks. **
Sleepwalker: I have always had Whydoicry's back. Just been binding my time but I think it's been long enough and at Give it up I will release my Nightmare.
** Sleepwalker turns and leaves. **
Johnny Sins: Obtuse dolt. 
** Camera fades. ** 
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:11 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Steven Wolfe
and his opponent: Electrifyy
Steven Wolfe and Electrifyy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Steven Wolfe prevails pushing Electrifyy on the ground
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe and Electrifyy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Steven Wolfe prevails pushing Electrifyy on the ground
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe loads his arm chop style and
Electrifyy blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Steven Wolfe and Electrifyy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Steven Wolfe prevails pushing Electrifyy on the ground
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy in front of him
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy in front of him
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe and Electrifyy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Steven Wolfe prevails pushing Electrifyy on the ground
Steven Wolfe gets close to his grounded opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
Steven Wolfe approaches his laying opponent
Electrifyy blocks the Knee Stomp easely
Electrifyy grabs Steven Wolfe's leg
and locks it in a Leg Lock
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy grabs Steven Wolfe's hair
Electrifyy uses the right hand to grab Steven Wolfe's head, pulling Steven Wolfe above his shoulder performing aSnapmare
and then pulls Steven Wolfe forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a Snapmare
Electrifyy gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and leaps toward Steven Wolfe quickly lowering them, performing a Double Axe Handle
Electrifyy locks Steven Wolfe's leg by blocking it against his own shoulder
Steven Wolfe avoids being trapped in the Koji Clutch
Steven Wolfe grabs Electrifyy's head placing his neck on the ropes
Electrifyy knocks Steven Wolfes hands aside stopping the Choke At Ropes
Electrifyy locks Steven Wolfe's leg
locking him in a Leg Lock!!!
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Steven Wolfe escapes from the hold
Electrifyy gets besides the laying opponent
and hits him executing a Knee Stomp
Electrifyy tries a pinning maneuver
Steven Wolfe firmly pulls a shoulder up
Electrifyy turns Steven Wolfe up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Steven Wolfe points to Electrifyy with decision
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Steven Wolfe prepares to hit the rival
Electrifyy blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe points to Electrifyy with decision
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe leaves the ring
Electrifyy leaves the ring
Steven Wolfe gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Steven Wolfe grabs the laying opponent by the head
drags him near the steel steps scratching his face on it, executing Face Stretch on Step Ladder!!!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe grabs Electrifyy
and crashes him on the crowd barriers with a Thrust on Crowd Barrier!!!
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Steven Wolfe grabs Electrifyy's hair
Steven Wolfe grabs one Electrifyy's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Steven Wolfe positions Electrifyy's head on the apron ring
Electrifyy blocks Steven Wolfe's arm and avoids the offensive move!!
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe positions Electrifyy with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Steven Wolfe positions Electrifyy with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
Electrifyy blocks Steven Wolfe's arm and avoids the offensive move!!
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe grabs the head of Electrifyy laying on the ground
Electrifyy doesn't let Steven Wolfe drag him to the steps, avoiding the manoeuvre!!!
Electrifyy pulls himself together and fights back
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Electrifyy goes up again in the ring
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Steven Wolfe goes up again in the ring
Electrifyy stares at Steven Wolfe in front of him
Steven Wolfe protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy stares at Steven Wolfe in front of him
Steven Wolfe protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy stares at Steven Wolfe in front of him
Steven Wolfe protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy points to Steven Wolfe with decision
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Steven Wolfe pulls himself together and fights back
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy in front of him
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe points to Electrifyy with decision
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe points to Electrifyy with decision
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe prepares to hit the rival
Electrifyy blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy stands in a martial arts pose
and hits Steven Wolfe with a series of kicks executing Kicking Combination
Electrifyy tries a pinning maneuver
Steven Wolfe firmly pulls a shoulder up
Electrifyy turns Steven Wolfe up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Steven Wolfe loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Steven Wolfe steps back holding Electrifyy tightly against the ropes
Electrifyy parries Steven Wolfe's hand blocking the execution of a Chop At Ropes
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy in front of him
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Electrifyy in front of him
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy pulls himself together and fights back
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy runs to Steven Wolfe, standing by the turnbuckle
and jumps on him, splashing him with all his weight against the turnbuckle, perfoming a Stinger Splash
Electrifyy runs to Steven Wolfe, who is resting close to the turnbuckle
Steven Wolfe somehow, cushions the impact of the Stinger Splash
Electrifyy stares at Steven Wolfe in front of him
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
Steven Wolfe blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Steven Wolfe pulls himself together and fights back
Steven Wolfe lifts Electrifyy on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a Samoan Drop
Steven Wolfe tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Electrifyy KICKS OUT!!!!!!
Steven Wolfe picks up Electrifyy
He irish whips him into the ropes
Electrifyy slides under Steven and grabs Steven's leg in a single leg takedown and uses the momentum to roll backwards into a Boston Crab!
Steven Wolfe taps! He is tapping!
Electrifyy WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Steven Wolfe!!!
** After his win against Steven Wolfe, Electrifyy grabs a mic. He is a bit worn out after a hard hitting match with Wolfe. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Electr10
Electrifyy: This.. is a great night. I'm proud to be here tonight.
 ** Crowd cheers. **
Electrifyy: I wish I could have been in TTF from the beginning, but Bouncing Joseph made that tough. But never mind that.. I'm here now and that's what matters. I don't know how long this gig will last, but it's been quite the short ride. Thank you. All of you. This is for the Electros who have been with me since I was the second ever True Talent champion. Thanks!
 ** Electrifyy takes a bow and leaves the ring as the fans chant his name.  **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Misc
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Philip10
Philip Blake: Because this is our 3rd PPV, we decided to do something special. 
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Devon_10
Devon Wyatt: We decided to go to the streets and ask the fans, what they love about our product. Have a look! 
** We see a few hundred fans waiting outside the Allstate Arena to see the show. Robbie Bennett is there with a microphone and he approaches some fans. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Robbie10
Robbie Bennett: Hi there! 
Fans: It's Robbie! Hi Robbie! 
Robbie Bennett: TTF management sent me out here to ask the fans what they love about our shows. Care to answer? 
** Robbie directs the mic towards a female fan. **
Female fan: I just love TTF because it offers the best technical and explosive wrestling that's out there! All the other promotions have such lame matches that no one wants to see! Or decent matches that are too damn long! 
** Robbie approaches a male fan next. **
Male fan: YO, I am big TTF fan because it has the best promos from all around the globe, bro. Got dudes like Coul, Bob and Po1ski! Who cuts a better promo than these three?! Long live TTF! 
** Robbie directs his microphone to a little kid wearing a golffan101 shirt. **
Kid: I.. uh.. love the show because of whodoicries.. he is the bestest wrestler and he will win VS. Hydro..
Robbie Bennett: So cute! 
** He approaches a couple of two Middle Easterners holding picket signs and protesting something. **
Robbie Bennett: Hi! Wanna tell us the reason you love TTF?
** Robbie Bennett takes the mic away and gets as far away from those maniacs. **
Robbie Bennett: Haha.. Okayyyy.. as you can see, everyone loves our fed! Our GM is super swell! Back to you, Devon!
** As the camera cuts off we can hear the couple screaming threats directed at the GM. Security can be heard removing them from the scene with resistance. **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:11 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Sleepwalker
and his opponent: Johnny Sins
Sleepwalker gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Sleepwalker approaches his rival loading his arm
Johnny Sins wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
Sleepwalker gets next to Johnny Sins bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Johnny Sins's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Sleepwalker stands firmly on the mat
Johnny Sins parryes the blow with his arms, stopping the Back Spinning Wheel Kick
Johnny Sins lifts Sleepwalker on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop
Johnny Sins grabs Sleepwalker's head placing his neck on the ropes
and leans down pushing hard with a Choke At Ropes
Johnny Sins locks Sleepwalker's leg
and locks it in a Leg Lock
Johnny Sins keeps his weak submission hold
Johnny Sins keeps his weak submission hold
Johnny Sins releases his grasp
Johnny Sins grabs Sleepwalker's ankle
twisting the foot executing an Ankle Lock
Sleepwalker escapes from the hold
Johnny Sins grabs Sleepwalker's ankle
twisting the foot executing an Ankle Lock
Sleepwalker escapes from the hold
Johnny Sins approaches his laying opponent
Sleepwalker blocks the Knee Stomp easely
Sleepwalker pulls himself together and fights back
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins's hair
Sleepwalker lunges himself on the ropes
Sleepwalker raises his own leg into the oncoming opponent's face
and hits the running opponent with a Big Boot
Sleepwalker bounces off the top rope with Johnny Sins lying face up on the mat then leaps at him
at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on Johnny Sins in the Modified Springboard Corkscrew Splash position.
Sleepwalker slips an arm under the neck of the laying opponent
and brings it on his free forearm closing it in a Rear Naked Choke
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins's hair
Sleepwalker hooks Johnny Sins's neck
forcing him to an irregular movement performing a Neck Breaker
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins's hair
Sleepwalker lunges himself on the ropes
Sleepwalker runs toward Johnny Sins
and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a Running Arm Drag
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins's hair
Sleepwalker lunges himself on the ropes
Sleepwalker waits for the running opponent
hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a Hip Toss
Johnny Sins pulls himself together and fights back
Johnny Sins stares at Sleepwalker in front of him
and gives him an Ear Slap
Johnny Sins loads an arm towards himself
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
Johnny Sins lifts Sleepwalker on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop
Johnny Sins approaches his laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
Sleepwalker pulls himself together and fights back
Sleepwalker holds Johnny Sins by the head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Sleepwalker leaves the ring
Johnny Sins leaves the ring
Sleepwalker gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Sleepwalker lifts Johnny Sins's head
and crashes it repeatedly on the ground, with a Head Pounds outside the Ring
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sleepwalker bounces off the top rope with Johnny Sins lying face up on the mat then leaps at him
at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on Johnny Sins in the Modified Springboard Corkscrew Splash position.
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Sleepwalker bounces off the top rope with Johnny Sins lying face up on the mat then leaps at him
making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a Modified Springboard Corkscrew Splash
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins's hair
Sleepwalker grabs one Johnny Sins's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Sleepwalker jumps form the ring with a magistral leapover on the adversary
Johnny Sins stops the flying adversary retaking the initiative!!
Johnny Sins while the referee is distracted, wraps some electrical chords around Sleepwalkers throat
performing a Choke with Electric Chords!!!
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Johnny Sins notices the ref isnt looking and wraps some electrical chords around Sleepwalkers throat
executing a Choke with Electric Chords!!!
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Johnny Sins positions Sleepwalker with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to take a run-up and to land on Sleepwalker with a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Johnny Sins sizes up [nome] and knocks him down to the mat with a Superkick
somehow dodge the Sinners Always Win
Sleepwalker puts Johnny Sins's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm
then raises Johnny Sins and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Johnny Sins down to the steel steps shoulder and neck first, executing a Suplex on Step Ladder
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Sleepwalker takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
Johnny Sins gets up!!
Sleepwalker gives a mean look to the opponent performing Cut-eyes
Sins grabs Sleepwalker and hurls him into the ring post with all his might
Sins runs back into the ring
The referee is counting: TEEEN! OUT! Ring the Bell! Ring the Bell!
Sleepwalker is counted out!!
Johnny Sins WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Sleepwalker!!!
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  GM%20Office%202
** We see Soldier123 backstage. He has a big band-aid where he was cut open last week. He is pacing around. He searches for the GM's office. **
Soldier123: Where is Wolf?! Come on! 
** He finds the door and barges in. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Gm_joh10
GM Johnny Wolf: So rude. What is it?
Soldier123: Where were you, huh? Where were you?! When whydoicry busted me wide open with a freaking barbed wire bat?!! 
GM Johnny Wolf: I was not in the arena. I left to take care of important business. Clearly that was a mistake.  
Soldier123: It was a savage beat down! I thought this is where dignified wrestling was at! Not that CZW garbage. I could have died from blood loss! GM, you owe me. Make this right. 
GM Johnny Wolf: You're right. I do owe you. What do you want?
** Soldier123 seems surprised. He did not expect this. **
Soldier123: Um.. I did not expect that.. well, I want a rematch! For the Global title! And.. I want it tonight. 
GM Johnny Wolf: Alright. Consider it done. 
** Soldier123 is pleased with this decision. **
Soldier123: Good. Soldier out. 
** Soldier123 exits the office and the camera fades. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
**   The light goes dark as "The Last Steampunk Waltz" by Ghostfire starts to play on the speakers.  A spotlight shines upon the opening of the entrance tunnel as Marcus Troy steps out from the back.  With a grin on his face and a gesture from his hand, steam begins to rise covering the whole area.  Marcus Troy steps forward with a lit cigar and a smirk of arrogance, behind him the monstrous form of the Entropy appears with the TTF Global title belt slung over his shoulders.  With a gesture, Marcus Troy signals for his client to follow him down the ramp and into the ring.  ** 
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Marcus11
Marcus Troy: Well now, it seems that True Talent Fighting shall be having its third pay-per-view called Give It Up!  And what better way to showcase the talent of my current client Entropy than have him defend his TTF Global Title in one of the biggest shows in the year!
**  The crowd is clearly unimpressed with Marcus Troy but chose to keep quiet, intimidated by the gargantuan form of Entropy hulking over the cocky manager.  **
Marcus Troy: Now normally I wouldn't have a problem with that but instead of finding a worthy opponent for my client, management has decided to pit my client Entropy against Soldier123... AGAIN!  Why why why?  Management had a chance to make this match the best in the pay-per-view but instead it will result in another squash as my client renders a repeat performance of what happened last time he and Soldier123 faced each other.
**  Sighing deeply Marcus Troy takes a puff from his cigar before continuing.  **
Marcus Troy: Now let me ask you all this?  Is this the level of talent available here in True Talent Fighting?  Is this all?  Can management find no one else to pit against my client Entropy in a pay-per-view?  The answer to that is no!  NO!  BECAUSE NO ONE HERE IN THE ROSTER CAN ACTUALLY HOLD A CANDLE TO ENTROPY!  NO ONE HERE IN THIS ROSTER CAN PUT UP A DECENT FIGHT FACED AGAINST MY CLIENT!  So tragic as it may be, it seems that you all have to settle for a repeat performance as my client destroys Soldier123 yet once more and walks away STILL the TTF Global Champion.
**  With that Marcus Troy drops the mic and exits the ring with Entropy following close behind as "The Last Steampunk Waltz" by Ghostfire starts to play again on the speakers.  **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:12 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Young Thug
and his opponent: Raistlin Majere
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug grabs Raistlin Majere's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Young Thug grabs and blocks Raistlin Majere's wrist
then he jumps to hit Raistlin Majere's back by performing a Walk on The Rope
Young Thug grabs Raistlin Majere's hair
Young Thug lunges himself on the ropes
Young Thug waits for the running adversary
joining his fists like an hammer and hitting him on the face performing a Polish Hammer
Young Thug gets close to Raistlin Majerel and jumps
to hit him with the fist executing a Fist Drop
Raistlin Majere pulls himself together and fights back
Raistlin Majere and Young Thug stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Young Thug prevails pushing Raistlin Majere on the ground
Young Thug gets ready to hit Raistlin Majere
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Raistlin Majere's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Young Thug rushes drooping sideways to the rival
and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a Forearm On Leg
Young Thug gets on the top turnbuckle
and jumps toward Raistlin Majere hitting him in the side of the head with a Diving Knee Drop
Young Thug tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Raistlin Majere IS OUT!!!!!!
Young Thug WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Raistlin Majere!!!
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Locker%20Room
** The camera pans in on the Hydra members backstage in the middle of a serious discussion. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Chris_10
Chris Brooks: I know you all know this, but tonight is an important night for us. Hell, It's the most important night for us.. the three musketeers team of Po1ski, whydoicry and Kenta wants to ruin it for us. Are we gonna let them?! 
** Hydra answers with unity. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  20150524063701
Hydra: NO! 
Chris Brooks: Are we gonna let them take the result of hard work? Are we gonna let them remove us from the top of the food chain?!
Hydra: NO! 
Chris Brooks: Damn right! Now tonight, Bob, Roscar and Warlock, hit hard and hit fast. Show no remorse. Do whatever it takes to keep the titles in our hands. I wish I could have been apart of the match too, but our GM keeps sticking me in squash matches against jobbers. He wants to keep me down and out of the title picture. It won't last for long.
NSSB: No, it won't. Don't worry, Christopher. Warlocks of Greece and I will get the job done. We will go in the ring, and beat the living hell out of the Resistance so hard, that they will never go after us again.. tonight, it's Hydra who cuts off the heads, but with them.. it won't grow back.
** Chris Brooks stands on a steel chair that was in the area. **
Chris Brooks: After tonight, we will be remembered with the greatest of all time. We will be remembered alongside legends of the business like Kouji Tanaka! Trevor Goodnight! Chris Fire!
** Chris looks at Roscar9GRE's title. **
Chris Brooks: Jeremiah Ace! And more! After tonight, the whole world will Hail.. Hydra.
** Hydra puts their arms up in the arm and chant. **
** Camera fades away. ** 
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: The Admirable Gameboy
and his opponent: Chris Brooks
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion. The fans go wild for him. What a stud.
Chris Brooks gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Chris Brooks approaches his rival loading his arm
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
Chris Brooks brings his foot up
The Admirable Gameboy dodges the Axe Kick taking the initiative
The Admirable Gameboy approaches Chris Brooks and grasps him by his chest,
executing a Tie Up Knee Strike
The Admirable Gameboy grabs Chris Brooks's arm with both hands and jumps locking Chris Brookss other arm with his legs
Chris Brooks moves and dodges the Crucifix Pin, counterattacking
Chris Brooks tries to take The Admirable Gameboy by surprise from behind
and grasps his arms blocking them joining his hands behind his rival's head, performing a Full Nelson
Chris Brooks keeps his ruthless submission hold
Chris Brooks keeps his weak submission hold
Chris Brooks releases his grasp
Chris Brooks grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
Chris Brooks grabs one The Admirable Gameboy's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Chris Brooks hooks The Admirable Gameboy from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin
The Admirable Gameboy gets up and resolutely fights back
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Chris Brooks
Chris Brooks protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms ready to hit Chris Brooks
Chris Brooks defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
Chris Brooks loads a kick
and hits The Admirable Gameboy to his belly with a Toe Kick
Chris Brooks leaves the ring
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
Chris Brooks goes up again in the ring
The Admirable Gameboy goes towards his rival
and executes a Throat Thrust hitting Chris Brooks to the neck
The Admirable Gameboy prepares to hit Chris Brooks hurling his leg
and hits Chris Brooks with a Roundhouse Kick
The Admirable Gameboy puts Chris Brooks on his shoulders
Chris Brooks firmly blocks the execution of the Modified Samoan Drop
The Admirable Gameboy approaches his rival loading his arm
and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust
Chris Brooks pulls himself together and fights back
Chris Brooks holds The Admirable Gameboy by the head
The Admirable Gameboy easily parries a Knee on Head
Chris Brooks gets next to The Admirable Gameboy bringing down an arm
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
The Admirable Gameboy blocks the Fist But easily
Chris Brooks approaches his rival loading his arm
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Chris Brooks
and gives him an Ear Slap
The Admirable Gameboy charges his arm
Chris Brooks blocks the Fist But easily
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms ready to hit Chris Brooks
Chris Brooks defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
The Admirable Gameboy points to Chris Brooks with decision
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Chris Brooks pulls himself together and fights back
Chris Brooks gets ready to hit The Admirable Gameboy
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
and strikes The Admirable Gameboy with his fist executing a Fist But
Chris Brooks places himself behind The Admirable Gameboy
and grasps his arms, closing the hold placing his hands behind his rival's head, executing a In honor of Kouji
The Admirable Gameboy escapes from the hold
Chris Brooks grabs The Admirable Gameboy's ankle
twisting it in an irregular way executing an Goodnight
The Admirable Gameboy escapes from the hold
Chris Brooks gives a mean look to the opponent performing Fake Handosheiku
Chris Brooks cuts his throat with his thumb performing Fake Handosheiku
The Admirable Gameboy gets up!!
Chris Brooks gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Chris Brooks grabs The Admirable Gameboy's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Chris Brooks loads a kick
hitting him straight to his belly executing a Toe Kick
Chris Brooks blocks The Admirable Gameboy grabbing the head with the arm
quickly turns his body making The Admirable Gameboy's face slam on the ground with a Twist of Fate
Chris Brooks grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
Chris Brooks grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
Chris Brooks runs towards The Admirable Gameboy
and grabs him by the head to perform a One Arm Bulldog
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy points to Chris Brooks with decision
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
The Admirable Gameboy grabs Chris Brooks from the belt with an arm
Chris Brooks stops the stratched arm, with his hand
The Admirable Gameboy goes towards his rival
Chris Brooks wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
The Admirable Gameboy goes towards his rival
and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust
Chris Brooks pulls himself together and fights back
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
performing a Punch
Chris Brooks loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Chris Brooks wraps his arms around the head and one arm of [nome]
and squeezes, choking the opponent
The Admirable Gameboy escapes from the hold
Chris Brooks tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy kicks out
The Admirable Gameboy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
The Admirable Gameboy approaches Chris Brooks
Chris Brooks wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
Chris Brooks holds The Admirable Gameboy by the head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Chris Brooks tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy kicks out
Chris Brooks lifts The Admirable Gameboy up, still groggy
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Chris Brooks in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
The Admirable Gameboy garbs his running opponent by the arm
Chris Brooks strikes The Admirable Gameboy with an elbow to dodge the Uraken and counterattacks
Chris Brooks lifts the hand preparing to attack
he waits untill The Admirable Gameboy turns towards him and then hooks his mouth executing a Mandible Claw
Chris Brooks keeps his weak submission hold
The Admirable Gameboy can't resist anymore and taps out!!
The Admirable Gameboy IS OUT!!!!!!
Chris Brooks WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS The Admirable Gameboy!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:12 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Backstage
 ** Whydoicry is seen waiting by Supernatural's door. He has a six pack of beer and the poker chips. Supernatural sneaks up on Whydoicry and scares him. Whydoicry drops the beer and poker chips. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Supern10
Supernatural: Damn, there goes the beer for the night.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Whodoi11
Whydoicry: That's what you get for scaring me, you frazier loving dolt. 
 ** Supernatural unlocks the door and lets Whydoicry in. Whydoicry sets the poker chips down and pulls up a chair. **
Whydoicry: Marcus screwed you out of that match. He made you look like a chump.
Supernatural: It's part of my plan. I need to know his tendencies and strengths as well as his weakness. Clearly me calling him out is getting underneath his skin.
 ** Whydoicry shuffle's the cards and starts dealing. **
Whydoicry: It's black jack. Good luck with that, he is no slouch. 
Supernatural: You should talk, you picked a fight with Hydra with a bunch of no shows and no talent ass clowns. 
Whydoicry: Well, it is what it is. 
 ** The camera fades away. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Misc
Roscar9GRE is at the gym and he is training. He is chopping away at a hanging boxing bag. He suddenly stops as he sees the camera man walk by.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Roscar10
Roscar9GRE: Hey you! Camera guy. Your champion has a message for whydoicry and his worthless teammates.
Camera man approaches him.
Roscar9GRE: Last week, I don't know how he managed to beat me, but tonight I seek revenge. Our only option is to win. We can't let those guys think that they can actually overpower Hydra. We have to destroy them. Show them who is the boss here at TTF.
Camera cuts off.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall and is for the Global championship!
Introducing first: Soldier123
and his opponent: Entropy
Soldier123 gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Soldier123 approaches Entropy
and executes a Throat Thrust hitting Entropy to the neck
Soldier123 dives into Entropy with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Soldier123 grabs Entropy by the head with both arms then rocks his whole body back
hitting Entropy full in the forehead with his own executing a Big Headbutt
Soldier123 grabs Entropy's hair
Soldier123 grabs one Entropy's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Soldier123 grabs Entropy from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin
Entropy kicks out
Soldier123 lifts Entropy up, still groggy
Entropy grabs Soldier123's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Entropy quickly gets on the turnbuckle reaching Soldier123
and rolls down to subdue him with a Jumping Armbar Takedown
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy releases his grasp
Entropy pulls Soldier123 still groggy, by his hair
Entropy jumps and grabs Soldier123's head
and after an half twirl executes an Arabian DDT!!
Entropy leaves the ring
Soldier123 gets up!!
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
Entropy goes up again in the ring
Entropy and Soldier123 stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Entropy prevails pushing Soldier123 on the ground
Entropy open his arms
and strikes Soldier123's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Entropy grabs Soldier123 from the belt with an arm
meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a Pepsi Twist
Entropy hooks the adversary under the legs
to grab his belt perfroming a Pulling Piledriver!!
Entropy locks Soldier123's legs with his own shaping a 4
and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin
Soldier123 kicks out
Soldier123 and Entropy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Entropy prevails pushing Soldier123 on the ground
Entropy gets ready to hit Soldier123
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Entropy grabs Soldier123 from the belt with an arm
meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a Pepsi Twist
Entropy grabs the adversary and lifts him in the air
crashing him on the ground with a Modified Protobomb!!
Entropy grabs Soldier123's hair
Entropy grabs one Soldier123's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Entropy hooks Soldier123 from behind
hooking him by the arms sliding him across his back while falling performing a Backslide Pin
Soldier123 gets up and resolutely fights back
Soldier123 holds Entropy by the head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Soldier123 takes the adversary's head and
Entropy lowers avoiding a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative
Entropy grabs his adversary from a leg
Soldier123 hooking the ropes eludes the movement
Soldier123 grabs Entropy's head
and smashes it on his knee by performing a Coconut Crush
Soldier123 puts Entropy on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a Samoan Drop
Soldier123 takes a short run
performing a Big Splash Pin
Entropy gets up and resolutely fights back
Entropy opens wide his arms
with a Mongolian Chop
Entropy grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm
meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a Pepsi Twist
Entropy holds Soldier123 at the ropes
hitting him with a Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
Entropy kicks the adversary
and lifts him with an articolated movement perfroming a Psycho Driver!!
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 gets next to Entropy bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Entropy's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Soldier123 lifts Entropy on his shoulders horizontally
making him fly over his head slamming him on the mat performing a Fireman Carry
Soldier123 moves a foot towards the rival sitting at the turnbuckle and
the referee starts to count 1... 2... 3... 4... and interrupts Foot Choke
Soldier123 climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and throws himself toward Entropy hitting him with a Double Axe Handle
Entropy pulls himself together and fights back
Entropy open his arms ready to hit Soldier123
and strikes Soldier123's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Entropy garbs his running opponent by the arm
to make his face fall on the mat with an Uraken
Entropy tries a pinning maneuver
Soldier123 gets up and resolutely fights back
Soldier123 and Entropy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Entropy prevails pushing Soldier123 on the ground
Entropy gets ready to hit Soldier123
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Entropy catches the rival's head
then he crushes him face first to the ground with a Neckbreaker Cutter
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 grabs Entropy's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Soldier123 strongly grabs the head of the adversary
Entropy stops Soldier123's head preventing the execution of a Hard Headbutt
Soldier123 hugs Entropy's head
Entropy easily parries a Knee on Head
Soldier123 grabs Entropy's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Entropy pulls himself together and fights back
Entropy open his arms
and hits Soldier123 on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Entropy grabs the adversary with an arm
meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a Pepsi Twist
Entropy lifts his adversary
crashing him on the ground with a Modified Protobomb!!
Entropy grabs Soldier123's head while he's laying on the mat
and performs a Head Lock
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy releases his grasp
Entropy tries a pinning maneuver
Soldier123 kicks out
Entropy lifts Soldier123 up, still groggy
Entropy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Entropy jumps and grabs Soldier123's head
and after a twirl executes an Arabian DDT!!
Entropy tries a pinning maneuver
Soldier123 firmly pulls a shoulder up
Entropy turns Soldier123 up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Soldier123 approaches his rival loading his arm
and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust
Soldier123 leaves the ring
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Marcus Troy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Marcus Troy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Marcus Troy then lights a cigar and blows the smoke towards his opponent performing a demeaning Troy's Conceit!
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Entropy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
Soldier123 goes up again in the ring
Entropy grabs Soldier123's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Entropy catches his opponent and whirls him before slamming him into the canvas executing an upheaving Maelstrom!
Entropy tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 IS OUT!!!!!!
Entropy WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Soldier123!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:14 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Misc
Ring Announcer Jim: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our special presentation of the evening, please welcome VGM Jade Gillies and Ariana Valentine!
Jade and Ariana walk to the entrance area to multiple cheers.
Ring Announcer Jim: OK, girls. What you gonna throw down?
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ariana10 
Ariana Valentine: We're gonna sing Give It Up.
Ring Announcer Jim: Alright! A little R&B action toniiig-
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Vgm_ja11 
VGM Jade Gillies: Yeaaah, just play it.

Someday, I'll let you in
Treat you right
Drive you out of your mind.
Ariana and Jade:
You never met a chick like me
Burn so bright
I'm gonna make you blind.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  250?cb=20121017052349 
Ariana and Jade:
Always want what you can't have
Is it so bad if you don't get what you wanted?
Make you feel good
As I whip you into shape, yeah boy
Let's get it started!
Give it up, you can't win
'Cause I know where you been
Such a shame you don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play at the end of the night
It's the same old story but you never get it right
Give it up
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Devon_10
Devon Wyatt: I never knew these two could sing!
Ariana and Jade:
Come a little closer
Come a little closer baby, baby.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Philip10
Philip Blake: This is awesome! I love it, Devon!
So stop trying to walk away
No, you won't ever leave me behind.
You better believe
That I'm here to stay (Jade: That's right)
'Cause you're the shade
And I'm the sunshine
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Latest?cb=20110411225246 
Ariana and Jade:
Look at me, boy
'Cause I got you where I want you
Isn't it so exciting?
Wanna shake you, wanna break you
Take the backseat, boy
'Cause now I'm driving.
Give it up, you can't win
'Cause I know where you been
Such a shame you don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play at the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up.
Hey, yeah, ohhhhhhhhh.
Ariana and Jade:
Come a little closer
Come a little closer, baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer; baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer, baby
If you are my baby then I'll make you crazy tonight (Ariana: Ooooh).
Look at me boy
'Cause I got you where I want you
Isn't it so exciting?
Wanna shake you, wanna break you
Take the backseat, boy,
'Cause now I'm driving
Give it up, you can't win
'Cause I know where you been
Such a shame you don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play at the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up, ohh whoa, yeah!
The crowd gives Jade and Ariana a thunderous ovation. Somewhere Hayley Ferguson and Tara Ganz are jealous.
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:15 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Backstage
Captain Rump exits from his locker room and is caught of guard as Seamus and a cameraman are waiting for him outside. They quickly approach rump, before he heads toward the ring.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Seamus10
Seamus: Captain Rump, right? That's your ring name correct? Do you mind if we have a quick word with you?
Captain Rump nods in approval.
Seamus: I'd like to welcome you into this federation, I'm sure you're going to do great here. So tell me about yourself a bit, why did you join this federation? Why are you dressed as a superhero?  And how do you feel about your first match tonight?
Captain Rump thinks over the question for a few moments, while Seamus signals the camera to move over closer to Rump. Seamus raises the microphone near Rump's mouth.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Rump10
Captain Rump: Well, first off thanks for the warm welcome, I'm glad to be here. I'm honored Johnny Wolf asked me to join his federation, I guess he saw something he liked. As for myself I don't know exactly what you would want to know. I joined this federation because I know the hidden potential found within this federation, not to mention Johnny Wolf is an amazing GM. Everyone loves superheroes, and superheros are someone who people can look up to. I'm here to make a difference and hopefully inspire some fans.
Captain Rump takes a few moments to gather his thoughts before continuing on with the interview.
Captain Rump: As for tonights match i'm excited about this opportunity, i'll have the chance to show the fans what i've got. Well let's just say a nickname of mine was the Rump of Justice.
Captain Rump gives a quick smile, and Seamus laughs at his remark.
Seamus: Awesome, well thank you so much for the quick word. Good luck at tonight match, it's nice to see some new faces here in this federation. With an attitude like that, I'm sure you'll get far in the federation and I look forward to seeing where you end up.
Camera cuts.
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: John Loven
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and his opponent: Captain Rump
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
John Loven and Captain Rump stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort John Loven prevails pushing Captain Rump on the ground
John Loven prepares his arm
hitting him with a Punch
John Loven swings his whole body back
and connects with a Big Punch
John Loven lifts the rival holding him horizontally
falling on the ground throwing him backwards over his head with Fallaway Slam
John Loven grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands
Captain Rump blocks the arms on the ground avoiding the execution of a Two Handed Face Buster
Captain Rump pulls himself together and fights back
Captain Rump strongly grabs the head of the adversary
and strikes him with unheard strength with a Hard Headbutt
Captain Rump puts his rival's head beneath his arm grabbing him by his leg
John Loven prevents the correct execution of the Fisherman DDT
Captain Rump gets ready to hit John Loven
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Captain Rump prepares his arm
and strikes John Loven with his fist executing a Fist But
John Loven pulls himself together and fights back
John Loven hugs Captain Rump's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
John Loven loads his arm chop style and
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
John Loven grabs Captain Rump by the throat with one hand
he lifts him up and then hurls him to the mat, executing a Chokeslam
John Loven pulls Captain Rump still groggy, by his hair
John Loven lifts the rival holding him horizontally on his chest
and falls backwards throwing him over his head performing Fallaway Slam
Captain Rump pulls himself together and fights back
Captain Rump gets next to John Loven bringing down an arm
John Loven blocks Captain Rump's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Captain Rump leaves the ring
John Loven gives a mean look to the opponent performing Castling effect
Captain Rump goes up again in the ring
John Loven cuts his throat with his thumb performing Castling effect
Captain Rump capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Captain Rump prepares to strike the adversary
John Loven stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Captain Rump gets ready to hit John Loven
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm John Loven's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Captain Rump takes the adversary's head and
John Loven stops Captain Rump's head preventing the execution of a Hard Headbutt
John Loven lifts the adversary putting him upside-down
performing a Piledriver
John Loven grabs Captain Rump's legs
and, whirling, drags Captain Rump all over the ring performing a Fire Spin
John Loven tries a pinning maneuver
Captain Rump kicks out
John Loven leaves the ring
Captain Rump leaves the ring
John Loven and Captain Rump stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort John Loven prevails pushing Captain Rump on the ground
John Loven takes a short run and dives on Captain Rump
performing a Big Splash Outside the Ring!!!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
John Loven lets Captain Rump fall on the step ladder
to hit him with a Knee Drop on Step Ladder!!!
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
John Loven jumps towards his fallen opponent, raising his leg
and lands his leg across his throat executing a The castle drop
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
John Loven grabs Captain Rump's head
Captain Rump stops John Loven's move!
Captain Rump pulls himself together and fights back
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Captain Rump exposes the concrete, removing the rubber garment outside the ring
John Loven counters the DDT and tosses Captain Rump away
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
John Loven goes up again in the ring
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
John Loven gives a mean look to the opponent performing Castling effect
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Captain Rump gets up!!
John Loven cuts his throat with his thumb performing Castling effect
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Captain Rump takes a breath gaining stamina
John Loven raises his hands to the sky, setting the crowd on fire performing Castling effect
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
Captain Rump goes up again in the ring
John Loven hugs Captain Rump's head
Captain Rump easily parries a Knee on Head
Captain Rump steps back holding John Loven tightly against the ropes
hitting him with a Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
Captain Rump places himself behind John Loven
John Loven prevents the accurate execution of a Full Nelson
Captain Rump prepares to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
Captain Rump prepares his arm
John Loven blocks the Fist But easily
Captain Rump hugs John Loven's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
John Loven pulls himself together and fights back
John Loven gets next to Captain Rump bringing down an arm
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
John Loven loads his arm chop style and
Captain Rump blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
John Loven gets ready to hit Captain Rump
Captain Rump blocks John Loven's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
John Loven gets ready to hit Captain Rump
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Captain Rump pulls himself together and fights back
Captain Rump holds John Loven by the head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Captain Rump tries to hit John Loven with a punch, but he apparently fails
John Loven parries the Elbow Smash
John Loven places Captain Rump on his shoulders
and tries to submit him bending his back terrifyingly with a Torture Rack
Captain Rump escapes from the hold
John Loven grabs Captain Rump's hair
John Loven grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
John Loven takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards Captain Rump
stretching his arm hitting his back with a Clothesline to Back
John Loven jumps towards Captain Rump, lying on the ground
Captain Rump somehow, cushions the impact of the The castle drop
John Loven prepares his arm to strike the adversary
Captain Rump stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Captain Rump pulls himself together and fights back
Captain Rump gets ready to hit John Loven
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Captain Rump takes the adversary's head and
and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a Hard Headbutt
Captain Rump grabs John Loven and irish whips him into the corner turnbuckle. Captain Rump slaps his giant belly, than runs over toward John Loven. Rump leaps into the air and slams his belly against John Loven's chest causing him to fall into a seated position against the turnbuckle. Captain Rump turns himself around and sits on John Loven's face. After a few seconds he begins to grind his massive rump against John Loven's face, executing a Super Stinkface.
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
John Loven IS OUT!!!!!!
Captain Rump WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS John Loven!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

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Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:15 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
** Back For More by Five Finger Death Punch hits throughout the arena. At first, the crowd doesn't recognize the music. But as soon as Po1ski hits the ramp, the crowd erupts into cheers. He has a calm, yet serious expression on his face. Po1ski walks down the ramp, gets into the ring, and gestures to one of the ring crew for a microphone. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Po1ski10
Po1ski: I came out here, because I felt like I had to say something to you guys. I've always been upfront and honest, and I won't stop that now. Of course, everyone knows that Whydoicry, Kenta, and I will be taking on Hydra. 
** The crowd boos at the mention of the group. However, there are some minor cheers heard, but they are mostly drowned out.**
Po1ski: The thing about this match is, to put it simply, it's the biggest match of my career. Now, I faced a man by the name of Hunter Death. Great guy, I have tremendous respect for him. We had an epic ladder match for his championship in my first ever season in professional wrestling. And up until now, that was the single greatest moment of my career.
** Po1ski pauses for a second, and then continues. **
Po1ski: But this match against Hydra tonight? This is so much bigger. This is more than just two guys beating the hell out of each other. This is two groups going to war because they absolutely hate each other. For the first time in my career, I'm apart of something that's bigger than just myself. I'm gonna be honest. When I came back to wrestling, I wanted more than anything to win a world championship. But now?
** Po1ski turns and looks through the entire crowd. **
Po1ski: Now my one and only goal is to take Hydra out!
** The crowd erupts into cheers, and then dies back down. **
Po1ski: Whydoicry, Kenta, and I are going to come together tonight. We are going to prove that we are better than Hydra. We are going to prove that when push comes to shove, Hydra can't touch us. We have to. Losing is not an option tonight. We may not be the best of friends, but we are going to be a united front in this match. But at the end of the day, all this talking means nothing if we can't back it up. What really matters is the match. So let's get to it fellas.
** Po1ski drops his microphone out of the right and goes to his corner, waiting for his teammates. **
** After Po1ski's speech, Kenta B. makes his entrance to the arena. He means businesss. It can be seen in his face. He enters the ring and asks Po1ski for his microphone. **
True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Kenta_10
Kenta: Thank you, Po1ski. I have been a wrestler for a long time. Some might claim I am a veteran. And as someone who was in this business for almost 20 years, I have never seen a bunch of brats who disrespected what I do for a living as much as Hydra does. 
** Kenta pauses. **
Kenta: I can't let that continue. Not on our watch. We end Hydra. whydoicry, we're waiting. 
 ** Kenta hands back the microphone to a production member. **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting: Give It Up    True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:16 am

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  Ring%202
Ring Announcer Jim: Introducing Po1ski and Kenta's partner, he hails from Long Island. He is the first ever TTF True Talent champion, he is whydoicry! 
whydoicry makes his entrance
He is in the zone
He is all business tonight
He enters the ring and shakes hands with his partners
Ring Announcer Jim: And their opponents, Not so Silent Bob, WarlockOPain and Roscar9GRE! Known as Hydra! 
Bob, Warlock and Roscar makes their entrance taunting the fans on the way
Bob grabs signs from fans and tears them into pieces
All three enter the ring pose
Bob and Roscar raise their titles high in the air
Ring Announcer Jim: The following contest is a three men tag match! In this match, if one of the champions get pinned, the man who pinned the champion will become the new champion! 
Philip Blake: Here we go.. one of the biggest matches in our history starts now.
Bob and whydoicry are set to begin the match
whydoicry charges at Bob, but Bob tags in Warlock which makes whydoicry rethink his actions
Devon Wyatt: What a surprise. 
Warlock and whydoicry engage in a test of strength
Warlock overpowers him and sends him rolling backwards
whydoicry stops to rethink once again
He gets up
Warlock runs into him a big clothesline 
Warlock picks up whydoicry
whydoicry escapes Warlock's grasp and runs to tag in Po1ski
Po1ski enters the ring and stares down Warlock
Philip Blake: Oh boy.. we are gonna get a hoss fight! 
Po1ski hits his opponent with a front kick to their jaw, striking his opponent with a Teep Kick!! 
Po1ski goes for the quick pin!
Ref starts the pin
Bob and Roscar run into the ring and break up the pin
Kenta and whydoicry run and begin brawling with Bob and Roscar
And the fight breaks to the outside of the ring as Po1ski and Warlock are in the ring
Po1ski picks up Warlock 
Warlock knees Po1ski in the gut
And sends him to the ropes followed with a big boot 
Meanwhile, Roscar dropkicks Kenta outside the ring
And Bob slams whydoicry's head into the steel steps
Bob and Roscar climb the apron
Warlock tags in Roscar9GRE
Roscar starts stomping on Po1ski's legs
Roscar runs and knee drops Po1ski's leg 
Po1ski is in clear pain
Philip Blake: Great plan. Neutralize his legs. Make it hard for him to move. 
Roscar tags in Bob
Bob gets up on the middle rope and elbow drops Po1ski's leg
whydoicry and Kenta get back on the apron
Bob goes for some sort of leg lock and Po1ski kicks him into the turnbuckle 
Po1ski barley makes into the corner and tags in Kenta
Kenta runs into the ring and dropkicks Bob
Bob gets up and gets knocked down with another dropkick 
Kenta scoop slams Bob
Devon Wyatt: He is on fire! Figuratively. 
Kenta places Bob in the corner
And hits him with a lighting strike of a chop!
He strikes him with another chop!
And another chop!
And another one!
And another one!
And other one!
And another!
Kenta charges up for a final big one, and lays into him with a brutal chop that is heard around the arena
Kenta drags him into his team's corner
He tags in whydoicry
whydoicry wrenches Bob's arm and Kenta hits him in the mid-section
whydoicry begins to punch furiously at Bob
He throws him into the ropes
And hits with a kitchen sink knee
whydoicry picks up Bob and Bob pokes him in his eyes
whydoicry's vision is obscured 
Bob runs in and tags Roscar
Roscar runs and clotheslines whydoicry
Roscar beats him down as he is in the ground with multiple punches and kicks
He is just going savage on him
Roscar puts him in a Full Nelson while he is grounded!
Philip Blake: Borrowing a page from his friend Chris Brooks' book.   
Roscar keeps his submission locked in
whydoicry screams in pain!
whydoicry screams in pain!
whydoicry screams in pain!
whydoicry screams in pain!
whydoicry headbutts Roscar from behind and escapes from the hold
whydoicry Irish whips Roscar into the team corner
He tags in Po1ski
Po1ski lifts up Roscar on his shoulders in a Fireman's Carry
whydoicry runs and hits a variation somersault neckbreaker  as Po1ski drops him for the Samoan Drop
Philip Blake: Hydra needs to take care of Po1ski because if he picks up momentum it gets tricky to stop him. 
Po1ski picks Roscar and presses him over his head and then throws him out of the ring!
Devon Wyatt: What strength! 
Bob and Warlock enter the ring and jump Po1ski hitting his damaged knee from behind which causes him to go down 
whydoicry and Kenta run inside to make a save, but as whydoicry charges at Bob, Bob side steps and whydoicry bumps into the ref, knocking him down! 
Devon Wyatt: Ah crap. Our ref is down.. it's guaranteed to be chaos now..
Bob notices the ref is down and kicks whydoicry in the groin as hard as he can, which causes him to collapse 
Warlock hits a stiff big boot on Kenta which knocks him out of the ring
As both of these men are down, Bob, Roscar and Warlock drag Po1ski to ringside 
Philip Blake: Devon, these three are getting a bit too close to us.. uh oh..
Warlock lets out a roar and lifts Po1ski up for the powerbomb and drives Po1ski into the announce table as Bob and Roscar pull Po1ski down to add force!!!
Kenta comes from behind with a steel chair and hits Roscar on his back! 
Philip Blake: He's cheating! What is this?! 
Warlock rips the chair from his heads and hits him over the head with it! 
Devon Wyatt: Damn it! Where are all the alternate refs.. stop taking a dump and get down here! 
Bob takes the chair and gets into the ring where he sees whydoicry attempting to get his strength to rise up on his feet after such a devastating low blow 
Bob points the chair at him
whydoicry: FUCK YOU. 
whydoicry flips him off!
Bob smacks whydoicry right on the forehead with all his might!! 
Roscar and Warlock enter the ring
Roscar9GRE punches whydoicry 7 times, grabs him and performs an Exploder suplex!
WarlockOPain stands in the corner and waits for whydoicry to get up..
And hits him with a powerful spear!!! 
Bob gets rids of the chair and slides it out of the ring 
Roscar9GRE wakes up the ref
Bob goes for the pin..
Ref starts the count slowly..
Devon Wyatt: NO! 
Philip Blake: YES!
Ring Announcer Jim: And the winners of match.. Hydra!
Hydra celebrates another tainted win with much pride
Devon Wyatt: Well, I'm sorry, folks. But it seems Hydra stole another win. And a big one. And just as the match was getting real good.. I have no words. 
Philip Blake No words? Good, so shut up. Hydra did it! A beautiful win! And another classic moment that will be remembered forever! 
Devon Wyatt: I feel sick. 
Philip Blake: Go throw up in whydoicry's lap. I'm Philip Blake, this has been a great show and I wish everyone happy holidays! Goodnight!   
Hydra's other members show up to ringside and clap for the trio's big win
Camera fades out with a shot of the three victors posing on the turnbuckles in unison

True Talent Fighting: Give It Up  3750136-original
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