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 True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Empty
PostSubject: True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016   True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2016 5:40 pm

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Backstage
As the show opens, we see Not so Silent Bob sitting the backstage area alone. He is holding his championship. 
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Not_so10
NSSB: Welcome back to a new season, viewers. Did you miss me?  
NSSB grins. 
NSSB: I know you did. How do you feel? Mad? Sad? Did you complain online on your dead forums? 
NSSB chuckles.
NSSB: How does it make you feel that I defeated three of this fed's aces? People said I can't do it. But I did. People said I wouldn't beat that piece of trash that held the title before me.. I did. 
NSSB stands up. 
NSSB: I done so much here in such little time. I have done so much.. that I have gotten bored of this. I have gotten bored of holding this title. I have gotten bored of this federation. I have transcended all of this. 
NSSB yawns and stretches his arms. He begins to pace around the backstage area. 
NSSB: And I realized something.. because I hold this title, I hold the power. And I realized what I want to do with this power.. 
NSSB stands still, pauses and stares into the camera. 
NSSB: I want to kill TTF. I will make it my goal to make sure this federation never gets to see another season again. I built this federation and now I will end it. So enjoy watching these final episodes while it's possible. Because after this season, it will be gone forever. 
NSSB places his title over his shoulder and walks off camera as the camera fades to black.
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ttffig10
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Devon_10
Devon Wyatt: I don't know what that was about.. but welcome to the first 2016 edition of Fighting Spirit! It's a new year so instead of complaining about what happened in 2015, I will be positive! I'm sure things will be different in 2016. 
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Philip10
Philip Blake: Shut it. No one cares. It's gonna be a PPV caliber show, fellas. We have some real great matches tonight. Serious.

Devon Wyatt: We have debuts, blow offs and massive champion vs champion matches and more!

Philip Blake: We are kicking off 2016 with a BANG! BANG! 

Devon Wyatt: We are too excited about this show. Nothing that we say can make it better so let's just get it started!

Philip Blake: Start the show!!!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
A tall japanese man, who has purple hair and wears a purple suit enters the arena as the "Ode to Joy" is heard. He takes a bow and then he enters the ring.
Devon Wyatt: His name is Tsukiyama and he debuts here in TTF tonight against Raislin Majere. Let's see what he has.
 True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Why_of_course__mademoiselle___tsukiyama_x_reader_by_clears_fanfictions-d7tsorr
Tsukiyama: Hello American people! My name is Tsukiyama. I grew up in Tokyo, I can speak French, Japanese and English and I play the violin. Unlike you, I enjoy fine arts, classical music and gourmet food. When I signed at this fed, I decides to clean this fed from all the sinners and mentually inferior, so I can turn TTF into the wrestling fed of the intellectuals. That's why they call me The Intellectual Master. And this fed has a lot of sinners and people withou ethics. You have pornstars and a guy, who walks around holding a beer can. This is unacceptable and they need to step back in line and join forces with me so we can clear this fed. I will start a revolution. The Revolution of Intellectuality. That's all I have to say for now.
Philip Blake: Who does this nancy think he is? Insulting us and calling us inferior people? He might need to step back a little.
He waits for his opponent. 
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Tsukiyama
and his opponent: Raistlin Majere
Tsukiyama gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Tsukiyama prepares his arm
Raistlin Majere stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Tsukiyama prepares his arm
Raistlin Majere stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Tsukiyama stares at Raistlin Majere in front of him
Raistlin Majere avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Raistlin Majere loads an arm towards himself
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
Raistlin Majere loads Tsukiyama on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop
Raistlin Majere grabs Tsukiyama's hair
Raistlin Majere grabs one Tsukiyama's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Raistlin Majere runs toward Tsukiyama
and spins hitting him with a Rolling Elbow Smash
Raistlin Majere grabs Tsukiyama's hair
Raistlin Majere grabs one Tsukiyama's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Raistlin Majere hooks Tsukiyama from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin
Tsukiyama kicks out
Raistlin Majere lifts Tsukiyama up, still groggy
Tsukiyama stares at Raistlin Majere in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
and turns Tsukiyama holding an ankle under the armpit performing a Texas Cloverleaf
Tsukiyama escapes from the hold
Raistlin Majere entwines Tsukiyama's legs with his own,
rolling and connecting with a Sharpshooter
Raistlin Majere keeps his weak submission hold
Tsukiyama escapes from the hold
Raistlin Majere entwines Tsukiyama's legs with his own,
and overturns him, connecting with a Sharpshooter
Tsukiyama escapes from the hold
Raistlin Majere tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Tsukiyama gets up and resolutely fights back
Tsukiyama gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Tsukiyama prepares his arm to strike the adversary
hitting him with a Punch
Tsukiyama prepares his arm
and slugs Raistlin with great force
Raistlin is staggered
Tsukiyama elbows Raistlin on the head
Tsukiyama scoops up Raistlin and drops her on her neck with a Michinoku Driver
He climbs on the top rope and dives into Raistlin with a Diving Headbutt
Tsukiyama locks Raistlin in an armbar and yanks with no remorse!
Raistlin taps!
Tsukiyama WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Raistlin Majere!!!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 GM%20Office%202
 ** Sleepwalker walks in the GM office. **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 11-16
Sleepwalker: Sir, I'd like to request a rematch with Johnny sins. It ended in a count out and I just can't accept a loss that way.
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Gm_joh10
GM Johnny Wolf: No knock? Yeah, sure. I'll book it tonight. It was a good match. No reason there shouldn't be a rematch.
Sleepwalker: Thank you. And I'll remember the knock next time.
Philip Blake: What a pointless segment. 
Devon Wyatt: Stop moaning. We have time requirements to fill.
** Sleepwalker nods and leaves. ** 
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: John Loven
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and his opponent: Young Thug
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug prepares his arm
performing a Punch
Young Thug Charges his arm
John Loven parries the Elbow Smash
John Loven lifts the rival holding him horizontally
and falls to the ground throwing Young Thug backwards making him fly over his head executing Fallaway Slam
John Loven grabs Young Thug's hair
John Loven lunges himself on the ropes
John Loven waits for the running adversary
joining his fists and hitting him on the face with a Polish Hammer
John Loven grabs Young Thug by his legs
and starts to whirl skinning Young Thug's back with a Fire Spin
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Young Thug has fallen out of the ring!!!!
Young Thug gets up!!
John Loven takes a breath gaining stamina
Young Thug goes up again in the ring
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug prepares to strike the adversary
John Loven stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
John Loven prepares to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
John Loven charges his arm
and hits Young Thug's face with a Big Punch
John Loven grabs Young Thug and takes his head downwards
Young Thug evades the Jumping Piledriver gaining the initiative
Young Thug approaches to his laying opponent and falls down
John Loven parries the Fist Drop
John Loven puts the rival on the ground near the turnbuckle
and hits him with many kicks
John Loven grabs Young Thug's hair
John Loven grabs one Young Thug's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
John Loven bounces against the ropes and runs toward Young Thug
Young Thug parryies the Rolling Elbow Smash not without effort
Young Thug gets close to John Lovenl and jumps
and strikes him with a punch executing a Fist Drop
Young Thug leaves the ring
Young Thug goes up again in the ring
John Loven gets up!!
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug grabs and blocks John Loven's wrist
and gets on the rope to perform a Walk on The Rope
Young Thug rushes towards his rival on the ground
John Loven parries the Fist Drop
John Loven leaves the ring
John Loven goes up again in the ring
Young Thug gets up!!
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug gets ready to hit John Loven
John Loven blocks Young Thug's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Young Thug gets ready to hit John Loven
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm John Loven's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Young Thug leaves the ring
John Loven takes a breath gaining stamina
Young Thug goes up again in the ring
John Loven gets next to Young Thug bringing down an arm
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
John Loven prepares to hit the rival
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
John Loven lifts the rival holding him horizontally
and falls to the ground throwing Young Thug backwards making him fly over his head executing Fallaway Slam
John Loven jumps towards his fallen opponent, raising his leg
landing across his throat connecting with a The castle drop
Young Thug pulls himself together and fights back
Young Thug prepares his arm to strike the adversary
John Loven stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Young Thug holds John Loven by the head
John Loven easily parries a Knee on Head
John Loven holds Young Thug by the head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
John Loven swings his whole body back
and hits Young Thug's face with a Big Punch
John Loven waits for [nome] to stand up
Young Thug somehow block the :)cko:)
John Loven prepares his arm to strike the adversary
Young Thug moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative
Young Thug leaves the ring
John Loven takes a breath gaining stamina
John Loven takes a breath gaining stamina
Young Thug goes up again in the ring
John Loven gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
John Loven prepares his arm
and hits the adversary with a Punch
John Loven draws back his arm rocking his body
and with a great strength punches Young Thug's face performing a Big Punch
John Loven grabs Young Thug and takes his head downwards
then he jumps to crush his head down by performing a Jumping Piledriver
John Loven grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a Rocket Launcher
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Young Thug has fallen out of the ring!!!!
Young Thug pulls himself together and fights back
Young Thug goes up again in the ring
John Loven hugs Young Thug's head
Young Thug easily avoids a Knee on Head and gains the initiative
Young Thug grabs John Loven's wrist to twist it climbing on the turnbuckle
and gets on the rope to perform a Walk on The Rope
Young Thug grabs John Loven's hair
Young Thug grabs one John Loven's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Young Thug runs toward John Loven and leaps
John Loven easily stops the correct execution of a Running Dropkick
John Loven grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle performing a Rocket Launcher
John Loven gives a mean look to the opponent performing Castling effect
Young Thug gets up!!
John Loven cuts his throat with his thumb performing Castling effect
Young Thug capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Young Thug prepares his arm to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
Young Thug turns giving his shoulders to the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
Young Thug hooks John Loven by the arm
jumping foward performing a Jumping Half Nelson Face Buster
Young Thug bounces off the top rope with John Loven lying face up on the mat
and slams him with his back perfoming a Springboard Senton Splash
Young Thug Lifts the opponent on his shoulders
and slams John Loven on the mat executing a Reality Check
Young Thug tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
John Loven IS OUT!!!!!!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Backstage
** The camera fades in to reveal the backstage area. Po1ski is seen backstage, sitting on a chair and looking down. He has a sort of blank stare, as if he is deep in thought. April Lee walks into frame, and walks over to Po1ski. **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 April_10
April Lee: Hey Po1ski, would you mind giving a quick interview before your match with Steven Wolfe?
** Po1ski looks up, and then slowly nods his head. **
April Lee: Alright thanks. Well, last we talked, you were getting ready to take on Hydra with Whydoicry and the great Kenta, and fought hard to a losing effort.
** Po1ski cringes at the word lose. It's beyond unfamiliar to him. **
April Lee: Now that we are entering the new season of True Talent Fighting, do you have any plans to go after Hydra once more?
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Po1ski10
Po1ski: know...I don't know. At Give It Up, I was unsuccessful for the first time in my wrestling career. And it wasn't like the match was for a championship belt, something that can easily be fought for again. That match...that was for something much more...
April Lee: What was that match for, for you?
Po1ski: It was for pride. Respect. Honor. A simple code that men...well... some men live by. It's hard to explain I guess. All I can say is that when the time came, we failed. I failed. And I've had a hell of a time trying to come to terms with that.
** Po1ski pauses for a second, and then continues. **
Po1ski: As for Hydra? I will be back for them. No doubt about it. But for right now? I'm just trying to go on with my career. I gotta find a different approach. I don't know what that is, but I better find it soon. After that last win, Hydra is stronger than ever. And that is a scary, scary thought.
** April Lee swallows hard and looks at the camera when she hears Po1ski's words. There is a tinge of sorrow in his tone, maybe even helplessness. April tries to continue with the interview. **
April Lee: Tonight you are facing Steven Wolfe, a man you have faced and defeated before. Do you have any particular gameplan for this match?
Po1ski: This match is gonna be quick and brutal. I don't have time to wait around for Hydra to come and attack me. They're everywhere. I'm not gonna use this match to try and send a message though. Steven Wolfe is hardly a formidable foe. But it will be quick, efficient, and violent.
April Lee: One more question if you don't mind.
Po1ski: Yeah, go ahead.
April Lee: Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans? Or even to Hydra?
Po1ski: To my fans, I'd like to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting you down. Whydoicry, Kenta and I had the opportunity to put Hydra down once and for all. And we blew it. However, the battle may have been lost, but the war has just begun. And to Hydra?
** Po1ski looks into the camera. He still has a neutral expression, but there is a bit of fire in his eyes. **
Po1ski: You will be seeing me very, very soon.
** Po1ski gets up and walks towards the entrance of the ramp, waiting for his theme music to hit. The camera switches to show the ring. **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Steven Wolfe
and his opponent: Po1ski
Po1ski gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Po1ski holds Steven Wolfe by the head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Po1ski stands firmly on the mat
and hits Steven Wolfe with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a Back Spinning Wheel Kick
Po1ski lifts Steven Wolfe on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a Samoan Drop
Po1ski grabs Steven Wolfe's hair
Po1ski grabs one Steven Wolfe's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Po1ski charges his elbow
and hits Steven Wolfe in the back of the head with a Back Elbow Smash
Steven Wolfe pulls himself together and fights back
Steven Wolfe stares at Po1ski in front of him
Po1ski protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Po1ski in front of him
Po1ski protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Po1ski
Po1ski protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Po1ski
and smacks his face with a Slap
Steven Wolfe loads an arm towards himself
Po1ski blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Po1ski grabs Steven Wolfe's neck
and crashes him to the ground making him whirl performing a Falling Neck Breaker
Po1ski gets close to his grounded opponent
and hits him executing a Knee Stomp
Po1ski springs off the top rope and leaps at his fallen opponent
and executes a 180 degrees horizontal rotation before crashing on Steven Wolfe connecting with a Springboard Corkscrew Splash
Po1ski gets besides the laying opponent
Steven Wolfe avoids the Knee Stomp and counterattacks
Steven Wolfe gets besides the laying opponent
Po1ski blocks the Knee Stomp easely
Po1ski bounces off the top rope with Steven Wolfe lying face up on the mat then leaps at him
at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on Steven Wolfe in the Springboard Corkscrew Splash position.
Po1ski climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and jumps toward Steven Wolfe quickly lowering them, performing a Double Axe Handle
Po1ski pulls Steven Wolfe still groggy, by his hair
Po1ski grabs Steven Wolfe's neck
and crashes him to the ground making him whirl performing a Falling Neck Breaker
Po1ski grabs Steven Wolfe's hair
Po1ski grabs one Steven Wolfe's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Po1ski stands behind Steven Wolfe
to hit Steven Wolfe in the back of the head with a Back Elbow Smash
Po1ski gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and leaps toward Steven Wolfe quickly lowering them, performing a Double Axe Handle
Steven Wolfe pulls himself together and fights back
Steven Wolfe stares at Po1ski
Po1ski protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Steven Wolfe stares at Po1ski in front of him
and smacks his face with a Slap
Steven Wolfe leaves the ring
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Po1ski takes a breath gaining stamina
Steven Wolfe takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
Steven Wolfe goes up again in the ring
Po1ski open his arms
and hits Steven Wolfe on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Po1ski hits his opponent with a front kick to their jaw, striking his opponent with a Teep Kick!!
Po1ski tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Steven Wolfe IS OUT!!!!!!
Philip Blake: Wow. Po1ski just wrecked Steven Wolfe.. he must be really mad at the ending of our previous PPV.

Devon Wyatt: No doubt about that. Great showing here from the Polish Beast. 
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Locker%20Room
 * April Lee walks into the locker room as whydoicry finishes shadow boxing with Supernatural. whdyoicry grabs a towel and wipes his face. *
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 April_10
April Lee: whydoicry, what do you think of whaNSSB and Po1ski had to say?
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Whodoi11
whydoicry: For starters, Po1ski this was not your fault. We were a tag team. If you failed, so did I. We can do this if we keep together. Not So Silent Bob, don't flatter yourself. You are nothing but a weasel and a punk ass bitch. You couldn't fight your way out of a room full of bunny rabbits and kittens. This fed died before it started. Poor recruiting, inactive wrestlers and lack of support killed this fed.
April Lee: Supernatural, what do you think of Entropy?
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Supern10
Supernatural: I have been calling out that worthless hunk of crap for weeks. I have barely seen or heard from him. He made a appearance at match and that was it. Marcus Troy has been running his mouth for months and yet here I stand. Yum Yum Come get some.
 * Camera fades away. *

Last edited by GM Chris Brooks on Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016   True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2016 5:41 pm

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Soldier123
and his opponent: supernatural
supernatural gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
supernatural gets ready to hit Soldier123
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Soldier123's jaw performing an European Uppercut
supernatural loads his arm chop style and
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
supernatural garbs Soldier123 to lift him
and throws him on his knee to perform Inverted Atomic Drop
supernatural grabs Soldier123's hair
supernatural lunges himself on the ropes
supernatural runs toward Soldier123
and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a Running Arm Drag
supernatural goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both the hands
and raises him slamming Soldier123's head on the ground executing a Two Handed Face Buster
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 approaches his rival loading his arm
and executes a Throat Thrust hitting supernatural to the neck
Soldier123 lifts supernatural on his shoulders horizontally
supernatural blocks the execution of the Fireman Carry
Soldier123 approaches supernatural
supernatural wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
Soldier123 goes towards his rival
supernatural wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
supernatural pulls himself together and fights back
supernatural gets next to Soldier123 bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
supernatural loads his arm chop style and
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
supernatural garbs Soldier123 to lift him
and makes him crush on his knee, executing an Inverted Atomic Drop
supernatural grabs Soldier123's hair
supernatural grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
supernatural makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards Soldier123,
stretching his arm hitting his back with a Clothesline to Back
supernatural goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both the hands
and raises him and nobbles Soldier123 down with the head on the ground executing a Two Handed Face Buster
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 leaves the ring
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 goes up again in the ring
supernatural gets ready to hit Soldier123
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
supernatural loads his arm chop style and
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
supernatural places himself behind Soldier123,
grasps his arms, lifts him and then slams him to the ground executing a Full Nelson Slam
supernatural grabs Soldier123 on the ground by the head with both hands
and raises him slamming Soldier123's head on the ground executing a Two Handed Face Buster
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural grabs Soldier123's ankles putting them under his armpits
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a Rocket Launcher
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Soldier123 has fallen out of the ring!!!!
Soldier123 gets up!!
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 goes up again in the ring
supernatural stares at Soldier123 in front of him
and gives him an Ear Slap
supernatural loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
supernatural prepares himself behind Soldier123
and grasping his arms he lifts him to then slam him on the floor, executing a Full Nelson Slam
supernatural grabs Soldier123's ankles putting them under his armpits
and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a Rocket Launcher
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 gets ready to hit supernatural
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Soldier123 grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him
tryes to strike him with a powerful heading performing a Hard Headbutt
Soldier123 grabs supernatural by the head with both arms then rocks his whole body back
supernatural blocks the Big Headbutt with his hands
Soldier123 gets next to supernatural bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm supernatural's jaw performing an European Uppercut
supernatural pulls himself together and fights back
supernatural gets next to Soldier123 bringing down an arm
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
supernatural loads his arm chop style and
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
supernatural grabs one Soldier123's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
supernatural runs toward Soldier123
and spins hitting him with a Rolling Elbow Smash
supernatural gets besides the laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 leaves the ring
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 goes up again in the ring
supernatural gets ready to hit Soldier123
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Soldier123's jaw performing an European Uppercut
supernatural puts Soldier123 on top of the ring post, climbs on the second rope and grabs his neck
and swings over Soldier123 and down to the ground, in a semi-circular motion, so that both the wrestlers fall to the ground back-first, performing a Super 3/4 Turn Neck Breaker
supernatural goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both the hands
and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a Two Handed Face Buster
supernatural goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both the hands
and raises him slamming Soldier123's head on the ground executing a Two Handed Face Buster
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 hugs supernatural's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Soldier123 places supernatural horizontally on his shoulders
supernatural blocks the execution of the Fireman Carry
Soldier123 gets ready to hit supernatural
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Soldier123 dives into supernatural with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
supernatural pulls himself together and fights back
supernatural gets ready to hit Soldier123
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Soldier123's jaw performing an European Uppercut
supernatural loads an arm towards himself
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
supernatural lifts Soldier123 from the front
and throws him on his knee to perform Inverted Atomic Drop
supernatural climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and jumps toward Soldier123 quickly lowering them, performing a Double Axe Handle
supernatural tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 firmly pulls a shoulder up
supernatural turns Soldier123 up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Soldier123 grabs supernatural's head
supernatural easily parries a Knee on Head
Soldier123 gets next to supernatural bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Soldier123 leaves the ring
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural leaves the ring
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Soldier123 goes up again in the ring
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
supernatural goes up again in the ring
Soldier123 grabs supernatural's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Soldier123 dives into supernatural with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Soldier123 leaves the ring
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
supernatural takes a breath gaining stamina
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
supernatural leaves the ring
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
supernatural gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
supernatural places Soldier123 standing against the crowd barriers
and then breaks through them nailing him with a Spear trough Crowd Barriers!!
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
supernatural grabs one Soldier123's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
supernatural hurls Soldier123 against the crowd barriers
and then breaks through them nailing him with a Spear trough Crowd Barriers!!
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
supernatural hurls Soldier123 against the crowd barriers
and breaks through them tackling him with a Spear trough Crowd Barriers!!
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
supernatural goes up again in the ring
Soldier123 takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
Soldier123 goes up again in the ring
supernatural and Soldier123 stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Soldier123 prevails pushing supernatural on the ground
Soldier123 grabs supernatural's head
supernatural easily parries a Knee on Head
Supernatural rolls up Soldier123 with his Small Package!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 IS OUT!!!!!!
Supernatural WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Soldier123!!!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 GM%20Office%202
** Sleepwalker knocks and walks in**
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 11-16
Sleepwalker: Excuse me sir. I'm just wondering if my rematch with Johnny sins is still on?
 ** Our GM checks his watch for the time. **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Gm_joh10
GM Johnny Wolf: Yeah.
Sleepwalker: Good. I would to make it a street fight if that's ok?
GM Johnny Wolf: What a great idea. Perfect match to end the feud.
Sleepwalker: Thank you sir. Well I should start getting ready.
GM Johnny Wolf: Alright, fella. Good luck. 
** Sleepwalker leaves and the camera cuts out. **
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall and is a Street Fight!
Introducing first: Sleepwalker
and his opponent: Johnny Sins
Sleepwalker gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Sleepwalker prepares the back of his hand
Johnny Sins blocks Sleepwalker's hand, stopping a Back Hand Chop
Sleepwalker prepares to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
Sleepwalker prepares his arm
and falls on Johnny Sins with his fist executing a Fist But
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins holding him in an horizontal position
and drops him down rib first against his knee performing a Rib Breaker
Sleepwalker swings his leg
and executes a Kick to Back
Sleepwalker sits on Johnny Sins's back
and hyper extends his elbow joint by grasping his wrist, holding and squeezing his arm between the thighs, connecting with a Sitting Reverse Armbar
Johnny Sins escapes from the hold
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins's fist
Johnny Sins evades the Fist Lock
Johnny Sins pulls himself together and fights back
Johnny Sins grabs Sleepwalker's ankle
twisting the foot executing an Ankle Lock
Johnny Sins keeps his ruthless submission hold
Johnny Sins keeps his weak submission hold
Johnny Sins releases his grasp
Johnny Sins locks Sleepwalker's leg
and locks it in a Leg Lock
Johnny Sins keeps his weak submission hold
Sleepwalker escapes from the hold
Johnny Sins grabs Sleepwalker's ankle
twisting it applying an Ankle Lock
Johnny Sins keeps his weak submission hold
Sleepwalker escapes from the hold
Johnny Sins grabs Sleepwalker's leg
Sleepwalker avoids the correct execution of a Leg Lock
Sleepwalker pulls himself together and fights back
Sleepwalker pulls Johnny Sins still groggy, by his hair
Sleepwalker jumps with his feet held togheter
and hits Johnny Sins with his feet with a Dropkick
Sleepwalker gives a mean look to the opponent performing Cut-eyes
Johnny Sins gets up!!
Sleepwalker gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Sleepwalker approaches his rival loading his arm
and executes a Throat Thrust hitting Johnny Sins to the neck
Sleepwalker charges violently the leg
to perform a Modified Karate Kick
Sleepwalker grabs Johnny Sins's trunks
and falls backwards while turning, hooking Johnny Sins's far leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a Small Package
Johnny Sins kicks out
Johnny Sins leaves the ring
Johnny Sins goes up again in the ring with a chair
Sleepwalker charges his arm
and hits Johnny Sins with a Hook Punch
Sleepwalker flanks Johnny Sins and prepares to strike
and delivers a blow connecting with a Side Mounting Punch
Sleepwalker leaves the ring and gets a Kendo Stick
Johnny Sins takes a breath gaining stamina
Sleepwalker goes up again in the ring
Johnny Sins and Sleepwalker stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Johnny Sins prevails pushing Sleepwalker on the ground
Johnny Sins stares at Sleepwalker
and gives him a Slap
Johnny Sins prepares to hit the rival
and strikes him with his chair!
Sins blasts Sleepwalker on the back with his steel chair!
Sleepwalker goes down
Johnny Sins lifts Sleepwalker on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a Samoan Drop on the steel chair!
Johnny Sins gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
Sleepwalker deadens the Double Axe Handle
Sleepwalker pulls himself together and fights back
Sleepwalker jumps placing his own feet beneath Johnny Sins's shoulders
and makes Johnny Sins roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin
Johnny Sins firmly pulls a shoulder up
Sleepwalker turns Johnny Sins up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Johnny Sins stares at Sleepwalker in front of him
Sleepwalker avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Sleepwalker taps on Johnny Sins's shoulder,
and knocks him down on the mat with a Standing Clothesline out of nowhere
Sleepwalker gives a mean look to the opponent performing Cut-eyes
Johnny Sins gets up!!
Sleepwalker holds Johnny Sins by the head
and hits him right in his face with a Kendo Stick!
Sleepwalker charges violently the leg
to perform a Modified Karate Kick
Sleepwalker steps back holding Johnny Sins tightly against the ropes
hitting him with a Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
Sleepwalker lifts Johnny Sins up
and drops him down rib first against his knee performing a Rib Breaker
Sleepwalker tries a pinning maneuver
Johnny Sins gets up and resolutely fights back
Johnny Sins stares at Sleepwalker
and gives him a Slap
Johnny Sins loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Johnny Sins sizes up [nome] and knocks him down to the mat with a Superkick
he then signals [nome] to 'Suck It' and locks his arm in a Kimura Lock! All the women in the arena go wild! Sins is a stud
Johnny Sins keeps his ruthless submission hold
Johnny Sins keeps his ruthless submission hold
Sleepwalker taps out!
Sleepwalker IS OUT!!!!!!
Johnny Sins WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Sleepwalker!!!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Backstage
**  The scene opens backstage where we see Marcus Troy, in his three-piece Armani suit casually puffing his cigar.  Behind his towers the monstrous form of Entropy.  **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Marcus11
Marcus Troy: Tonight, TTF shall resume broadcast...  Tonight Entropy shall resume his reign of chaos.  Now it seems that my client shall be facing the TTF True Talent Champion, Not So Silent Bob in a Champ verus Champ, I mean Champ versus CHUMP match...
**  Marcus Troy begins to chuckle uncontrollably...  **
Marcus Troy: Pardon me but I just found it hilarious that someone with so little talent is the True Talent Champion, oh the irony...  But it matters not...  Why?  Because tonight, my client shall easily dispatch of Bob and show the world that the one who wears the True Talent title around his waist is nothing but a fraud.  And Not So Silent Bob's screams shall resound throughout the arena as Entropy dismantles him from head to toe.
**  Troy pauses to take another puff from his cigar before continuing.  **
Marcus Troy: But worry not Not So Silent Bob, you shall not be the only TTF Champion to fall.  In fact soon, the other champions shall join you, the TTF Strong Style Champion Raverage and the TTF Fire Champion Roscar9GRE...  Both of them shall soon join you as one of my client's list of achievements here in True Talent Fighting as we bring forth a new age here in TTF, an age of pain, blood and broken bones.
**  With that Marcus Troy ends the backstage vignette as he blows smoke towards the camera and the screen slowly fades.  **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: KANS
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and his opponent: Rikishi
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Rikishi makes his way to the ring
wearing a simple wrestling costume
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Rikishi gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Rikishi gets ready to hit KANS
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Rikishi dives into KANS with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Rikishi grabs KANS by the neck and the groin, lifts him over his head
and lets him fall in front of him to perform a Gorilla Press Slam
Rikishi looks at his grounded opponent and jumps forward on him
and squeeze him between his belly and the ring mat with a Splash
Rikishi grabs KANS's arms putting it between his legs
and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin
KANS firmly pulls a shoulder up
Rikishi turns KANS up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
KANS and Rikishi stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Rikishi prevails pushing KANS on the ground
Rikishi gets ready to hit KANS
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm KANS' jaw performing an European Uppercut
Rikishi prepares to hit KANS hurling his leg
and connects with a Roundhouse Kick
Rikishi grabs KANS and lift him up over the head
and lets him fall behind his back with strength by performing a Gorilla Press Slam
Rikishi takes a short run
KANS deadens the blow with his own knees, blocking the Big Splash Pin
KANS grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a Rocket Launcher
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Rikishi has fallen out of the ring!!!!
KANS leaves the ring
Rikishi gets up!!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
KANS and Rikishi stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Rikishi prevails pushing KANS on the ground
Rikishi dives from the apron ring with his buttocks
landing on the unfortunate opponent with his buttocks, performing a Banzai Drop from the Apron Ring!!!
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Rikishi jumps from the apron ring on KANS
and leaps on KANS lying outside the ring, landing on him with a Splash from Apron
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rikishi bounces against the apron
and dives on KANS with a Super Splash Pin
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
KANS grabs Rikishi's face
Rikishi doesn't let himself slammed on the steps and gets rid of the hold!!!
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Rikishi lifts the adversary on a shoulder
and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a Powerslam on the Table!!
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Rikishi bounces against the ropes
performing a Super Splash Pin
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
Rikishi goes up again in the ring
The referee is counting: TEEEN! OUT! Ring the Bell! Ring the Bell!
KANS is counted out!!
Devon Wyatt: Rikishi showing us all he is still dominant after his loss at the PPV to Raverage. He looks more vicious than ever.

Last edited by GM Chris Brooks on Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016   True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2016 5:42 pm

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Locker%20Room
** After the match, we see Hydra minus Roscar and Bob sitting in Chris Brooks' locker room and are in mid-conversation. Looking confused and puzzled. **
Soldier123: What the hell did Bob mean when he said he is going to kill the fed?
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Chris_10
Chris Brooks: I don't know. 
Soldier123: Where will we go if this fed closes down? Who will take us?
WarlockOPain: I'm sure a lot of other feds will want us. 
Chris Brooks: I don't know about you, but I ain't joining any of those other crappy feds out there. I don't even care if the WWE sends up me a Legend contract, if this fed goes down, I'm going down with it. 
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Proud_10
Proud Manlet: Since when are you so loyal to the place we helped ruin?
Chris Brooks: First of all, with all due respect to Bob, I built this place to what it is now. If it wasn't for me forming this faction, this fed would have flopped in the second season. We are not ruining a thing. We brought life here. All we ever did.. all the people we attacked.. all of it was to help. We can't let this place die. Not on my watch. 
WarlockOPain: So suddenly we're all pro for this place? 
Chris Brooks: It was always the idea. It seems it was misunderstood. 
Soldier123: I remember talking to Bob a few nights ago.. he mentioned having some sort of plan. I didn't bother asking what it is. Go talk to him about this whole thing.
Chris Brooks: I will. But he is not at the arena at the moment and he is not answering his calls. Don't worry, guys. I will take care of this.
** Camera fades. **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: The Admirable Gameboy
and his opponent: whydoicry
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
whydoicry gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
whydoicry gets ready to hit The Admirable Gameboy
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm The Admirable Gameboy's jaw performing an European Uppercut
whydoicry catches the rival's head
and makes him fall with a twist in a Neckbreaker Cutter!!
whydoicry kneels on The Admirable Gameboy's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
whydoicry releases his grasp
whydoicry turns The Admirable Gameboy on his belly bending his arms behind his back
then he starts to pull them in an unnatural way executing a Chicken Wing
The Admirable Gameboy escapes from the hold
whydoicry bends The Admirable Gameboy's arm behind his back while he's laying on the mat
then he twists them in an unnatural way performing a Chicken Wing
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
The Admirable Gameboy escapes from the hold
whydoicry kneels on The Admirable Gameboy's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
The Admirable Gameboy escapes from the hold
whydoicry grasps The Admirable Gameboy's legs and head, kneeling on him
rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
The Admirable Gameboy escapes from the hold
whydoicry kneels on The Admirable Gameboy's back, grasping his legs and his head
rolls on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them
whydoicry keeps his ruthless submission hold
whydoicry keeps his ruthless submission hold
whydoicry releases his grasp
whydoicry grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
whydoicry lifts up The Admirable Gameboy on his shoulders to perform a Powerbomb twice
and throwing him down to the mat one more time with a Double Powerbomb
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy approaches his rival loading his arm
and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust
The Admirable Gameboy loads the leg
whydoicry stops the rival's leg preventing the execution of a Middle Kick
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms
whydoicry moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
whydoicry grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it,
then he crushes him face first to the ground with a Neckbreaker Cutter
whydoicry grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
whydoicry grabs one The Admirable Gameboy's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
whydoicry grabs The Admirable Gameboy from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin
The Admirable Gameboy gets up and resolutely fights back
The Admirable Gameboy leaves the ring
whydoicry takes a breath gaining stamina
The Admirable Gameboy goes up again in the ring
The Admirable Gameboy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
The Admirable Gameboy approaches whydoicry
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
The Admirable Gameboy loads an arm towards himself
whydoicry moves and dodges a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back
whydoicry holds The Admirable Gameboy at the ropes
performing a Chop At Ropes hitting The Admirable Gameboy's sternum, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
whydoicry grabs The Admirable Gameboy from behind
and makes him fall backwards onto upraised knees executing a Violent Tears !!
whydoicry grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
whydoicry grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
whydoicry bounces on the ropes running towards The Admirable Gameboy
and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a Clothesline to Back
whydoicry bends The Admirable Gameboy's arm behind his back while he's laying on the mat
then he twists them in an unnatural way performing a Chicken Wing
whydoicry keeps his ruthless submission hold
whydoicry keeps his weak submission hold
whydoicry releases his grasp
whydoicry grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
whydoicry grabs one The Admirable Gameboy's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
whydoicry bounces against the ropes and runs toward The Admirable Gameboy
and spins hitting him with a Rolling Elbow Smash
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy approaches whydoicry
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
The Admirable Gameboy grabs the adversary with an arm
whydoicry escapes from the movement, with an elbow in the stomach, taking back the initiative
whydoicry Lifts the opponent on his shoulders, spins him around and performs an Alabama slam
and slams him on the mat
The Admirable Gameboy gets up and resolutely fights back
The Admirable Gameboy laughs
The Admirable Gameboy Shows off
whydoicry gives a mean look to the opponent performing woo woo woo
whydoicry capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
whydoicry gets next to The Admirable Gameboy bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm The Admirable Gameboy's jaw performing an European Uppercut
whydoicry steps back holding The Admirable Gameboy tightly against the ropes
hitting him with a Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
whydoicry holds The Admirable Gameboy from behind by the shoulders
and makes him fall backwards onto upraised knees executing a Back Cracker!!
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy gets up and resolutely fights back
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms
whydoicry moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
whydoicry grabs the adversary with an arm
and makes him fall on the ground with a Pepsi Twist
whydoicry lifts up The Admirable Gameboy
executing a Double Powerbomb!!
whydoicry gives a mean look to the opponent performing woo woo woo
The Admirable Gameboy gets up!!
whydoicry gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
whydoicry holds The Admirable Gameboy at the ropes
hitting him with a Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
whydoicry lifts The Admirable Gameboy on his shoulders
and hurls him on the mat with a Samoan Driver
whydoicry grabs The Admirable Gameboy's head placing his neck on the ropes
and leans down pushing hard with a Choke At Ropes
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy kicks out
The Admirable Gameboy and whydoicry stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort The Admirable Gameboy prevails pushing whydoicryon the ground
The Admirable Gameboy clutches his laying rival's head
whydoicry evades the Head Lock, taking back the initiative
whydoicry gives a mean look to the opponent performing woo woo woo
whydoicry jumps on the top turnbuckle
and dives toward The Admirable Gameboy kicking him with a Diving Thrust Kick
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy firmly pulls a shoulder up
whydoicry turns The Admirable Gameboy up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
The Admirable Gameboy approaches whydoicry
and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust
The Admirable Gameboy grabs his running opponent by the arm
and throws him down by performing an Uraken
The Admirable Gameboy goes up to the lying opponent
whydoicry avoids the Armbar with difficulty
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy kicks out
whydoicry lifts The Admirable Gameboy up, still groggy
The Admirable Gameboy laughs
whydoicry capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
whydoicry hooks the advesrary under the legs
and then puts his head between the knees, lifts him hooking a leg performing a Psycho Driver!!
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy kicks out
The Admirable Gameboy leaves the ring
whydoicry takes a breath gaining stamina
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
whydoicry leaves the ring
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The Admirable Gameboy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
The Admirable Gameboy grabs whydoicry
and slams him down, with a DDT on the Ground!!!
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Admirable Gameboy pulls whydoicry still groggy, by his hair
The Admirable Gameboy sets the commentators table and grabs the adversary
whydoicry escapes from the Power Bomb with a Back Body drop on the adversary and counterattacks!
whydoicry positions The Admirable Gameboy's head on the apron ring
to take a run-up and to land on The Admirable Gameboy with a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
whydoicry positions The Admirable Gameboy with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
whydoicry goes up again in the ring
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
whydoicry takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
whydoicry takes a breath gaining stamina
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
The Admirable Gameboy takes a breath gaining stamina
whydoicry takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
The Admirable Gameboy goes up again in the ring
whydoicry stares at The Admirable Gameboy
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy firmly pulls a shoulder up
whydoicry turns The Admirable Gameboy up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
The Admirable Gameboy laughs
whydoicry capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
whydoicry points to The Admirable Gameboy with decision
and gives him an Ear Slap
whydoicry grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it,
and makes him fall with a twist in a Neckbreaker Cutter!!
whydoicry tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy gets up and resolutely fights back
whydoicry gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
whydoicry points to The Admirable Gameboy with decision
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
whydoicry steps back holding The Admirable Gameboy tightly against the ropes
hitting him with a Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
whydoicry Lifts the opponent on his shoulders, spins him around and performs an Alabama slam
and slams him on the mat
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Admirable Gameboy IS OUT!!!!!!
whydoicry WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS The Admirable Gameboy!!!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
"Spit It Out" By Slipknot is heard around the arena. Roscar9GRE shows up. He wears a black hoodie with a big 9 and he holds a microphone and the Fire championship belt. The crowd boos him and he shows them his belt, while laughing. He slowly enters the ring and his grin turns to an angry face.
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Roscar10
Roscar9GRE: You ungraceful people. Every show I prove why I am the champion. I dismantle my enemies every night, but you still aren't satisfied. You know something ? I don't care. I DON'T CARE !! Because you are just a bunch of ididots. Yeah, that's what you are... A bunch of idiots who can't understand real talent.
Philip Blake: The Fire champion looks pretty pissed off with the crowd.
Roscar9GRE's face turns back to an evil grin.
Roscar9GRE: Enough talking about you. From now on I will focus on the important things. My career and Hydra. Tonight, I have a Champ vs Champ match. It's always great to win an overrated wrestler. Plus, he is a champion.
Roscar9GRE is laughing so hard.
Roscar9GRE: That Strong style championship is the worst title ever. C'mon... look at the history of this title. Rikishi and Raverage. Two freaks. My cat has more talent than those two. Raverage is a champion just because Rikishi was hurt in his match with golfann. And Rikishi... what an overrated idiot. That fat-ass is worthless he lost in his own match type.
Devon Wyatt: Big words are coming out of Roscar9GRE's mouth tonight.
Roscar9GRE: After I literally destroy that smelly snail-eating French dude, I'll gladly kick Rikishi's fat ass anytime. That disgusting guy needs someone to teach him a lesson. Someone to teach him who rule TTF.
Crowd: Blowhard! Blowhard!
Roscar9GRE: I'm not a blow-hard dolts. I'm just telling the truth. Hail Hydra and HAIL ME !!!
Devon Wyatt: Roscar9GRE insulted two other wrestlers. This is not gonna end well.
Philip Blake: He is the FIRE CHAMPION. He has all the rightto insult them. 
Roscar9GRE drops his mic and he walks out as the camera fades out.
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Raverage
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Raverage makes his way to the ring
and his opponent: Roscar9GRE
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Roscar9GRE makes his way to the ring
wearing a black "Dead Kennedys" t-shirt
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Roscar9GRE gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm
hitting him with a Punch
Roscar9GRE holds Raverage at the ropes
hitting him with a Chop At Ropes followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE jumps placing his own feet beneath Raverage's shoulders
and makes Raverage roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin
Raverage kicks out
Raverage stares at Roscar9GRE in front of him
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Raverage prepare to hit Roscar9GRE with the hand
and hits him to the eyes with an Eye Rake on Ropes
Raverage hooks Roscar9GRE's arms on his back while his bent over
throwing him over his head and behind his back to the mat pinning him, executing a Chicken Wing Suplex Pin
Roscar9GRE gets up and resolutely fights back
Roscar9GRE prepares to strike the adversary
Raverage stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Roscar9GRE holds Raverage by the head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Roscar9GRE dives into Raverage with a clothesline
Raverage blocks the execution of a
Roscar9GRE prepares the back of his hand
Raverage dodges a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack
Raverage gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Roscar9GRE's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's wrist twisting it climbing on the turnbuckle
then he gets on the ropes and jumps to hit Roscar9GRE's back by performing a Walk on The Rope
Raverage leaves the ring
Roscar9GRE gets up!!
Raverage goes up again in the ring
Roscar9GRE prepares the back of his hand
hitting Raverage with a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE takes the adversary's head and
tryes to strike him with a powerful heading performing a Hard Headbutt
Roscar9GRE jumps onto the second rope with the Raverage pressed against the turnbuckle
Raverage avoids the 10 Punches at Turnbuckle with difficulty
Raverage lifts Roscar9GRE's leg
and hits it with an elbow performing a French Drop
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
Raverage grabs one Roscar9GRE's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Raverage bounces on the ropes running towards Roscar9GRE
hitting him with his extended arm performing a Clothesline
Raverage opens Roscar9GRE's legs charging his leg
performing a Kick to Groin
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
Raverage grabs one Roscar9GRE's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Raverage stretches in flight with his feet held togheter
and hits him with a Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat
Raverage gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE by opening his legs
hitting him with a Kick to Groin
Roscar9GRE pulls himself together and fights back
Roscar9GRE and Raverage stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Roscar9GRE prevails pushing Raverage on the ground
Roscar9GRE prepares the back of his hand
performing a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE dives into Raverage with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Roscar9GRE clutches Raverage's head under a shoulder
and strikes him with a series of blows, performing a Head Lock & Punch
Roscar9GRE open his arms in a threatening gesture
Raverage knocks Roscar9GREs hands aside blocking a Brain Squeezer
Raverage gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE by opening his legs
hitting him with a Kick to Groin
Raverage gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE by opening his legs
hitting him with a Kick to Groin
Raverage moves a foot towards the rival sitting at the turnbuckle and
and starts to push levering on the ropes performing a Foot Choke
Raverage lifts Roscar9GRE's leg
raises his elbow and performs a French Drop
Roscar9GRE pulls himself together and fights back
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
Roscar9GRE strongly grabs the head of the adversary
Raverage stops Roscar9GRE's head preventing the execution of a Hard Headbutt
Roscar9GRE hits Raverage with the back of his hand
hitting Raverage with a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary
performing a Powerful Knee Strike
Roscar9GRE grabs Raverage by his arm
Raverage avoids the execution of Dream Crusher
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
Raverage lunges himself on the ropes
Raverage waits for the running adversary
and throws him backwards with a Monkey Flip
Raverage pulls Roscar9GRE still groggy, by his hair
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE by the neck
to let him fall against his back connecting with an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker
Raverage go on the top rope
and execute a moonsault
Roscar9GRE firmly pulls a shoulder up
Raverage turns Roscar9GRE up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Roscar9GRE hugs Raverage's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Roscar9GRE dives into Raverage with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Roscar9GRE lunges himself on the ropes
Roscar9GRE waits for the running adversary,
and grabs him by the arm throwing him on the ground performing a Modified Monkey Toss
Roscar9GRE jumps to hit Raverage with a knee
then he jumps to hit it with his knee, executing a Knee on Leg
Roscar9GRE approaches his laying opponent
to hit him with a Squash Time
Roscar9GRE Punches 7 times the opponent, grabs him
and performs an Exploder suplex
Raverage kicks out
Roscar9GRE lifts Raverage up, still groggy
Raverage gets ready to hit Roscar9GRE
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Raverage garbs his running opponent by the arm
and throws him down by performing an Uraken
Raverage stands behind his rival
and twist his face to perform a Face Stretch
Raverage go on the top rope
and execute a moonsault
Roscar9GRE kicks out
Roscar9GRE hits Raverage with the back of his hand
hitting Raverage across the chest with a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE leaves the ring
Raverage takes a breath gaining stamina
Raverage leaves the ring
Roscar9GRE positions Raverage's head on the apron ring
to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Roscar9GRE positions Raverage with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to take a run-up and to land on Raverage with a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Roscar9GRE positions Raverage with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Roscar9GRE positions Raverage with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
Raverage blocks Roscar9GRE's arm and avoids the offensive move!!
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Roscar9GRE positions Raverage's head on the apron ring
to take a run-up and to land on Raverage with a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Roscar9GRE positions Raverage with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring
to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing a Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!
Raverage pulls himself together and fights back
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Raverage puts Roscar9GRE's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm
then raises Roscar9GRE and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Roscar9GRE down to the steel step shoulder and neck first, performing a Suplex on Step Ladder
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Raverage goes up again in the ring
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Roscar9GRE gets up!!
Raverage takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
As the referee checks up on Raverage and is distracted, Rikishi jumps out of the crowd and shoves Roscar9GRE into the ring post! Rikishi jumps back into the crowd and escapes!
Philip Blake: What?! What is this fatso doing?!
Referee: TEN!
Roscar9GRE IS OUT!!!!!!

Devon Wyatt: Roscar9GRE just got screwed! And I approve, damn it! Serves him right, folks!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Backstage
** Electrifyy is seen backstage getting ready for his match. He is stretching and kickboxing against a pad. **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Electr10
Electrifyy: Tonight I am facing the Warlock of pain. Great name.. anyway, me and the kid Warlock have quite a lot in common. We both made an impact in the companies we started in a short amount of time. We are both of Georgian descent. And we both kick a lot of respective asses. 
** Electrifyy stops his exercise. **
Electrifyy: But I am not afraid of the Warlock. Nor am I backing down from this fight. See, I am planning to use this match tonight to kickstart my return to the top. After I become the first man to ever tap out Warlock tonight, I plan on doing something very special for the PPV. And that something will be announced right after my win. So stay tuned, kids. 
** Electrifyy starts walking to the ring. **

Last edited by GM Chris Brooks on Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016   True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2016 5:42 pm

True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: WarlockOPain
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
and his opponent: Electrifyy
WarlockOPain gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
WarlockOPain approaches Electrifyy
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
WarlockOPain dives into Electrifyy with a clothesline
Electrifyy blocks the execution of a move
WarlockOPain opens wide his arms
and hits Electrifyy on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
WarlockOPain turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
Electrifyy stops the rival's leg preventing the execution of a Mule Kick
Electrifyy pulls himself together and fights back
Electrifyy loads WarlockOPain on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop
Electrifyy grabs WarlockOPain's hair
Electrifyy lunges himself on the ropes
Electrifyy runs toward WarlockOPain
and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a Running Arm Drag
Electrifyy approaches his laying opponent
to hit him with a Knee Stomp
Electrifyy grabs WarlockOPain's hair
WarlockOPain approaches his rival loading his arm
and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust
WarlockOPain taps on Electrifyy's shoulder,
Electrifyy parries WarlockOPain's blow, hindering the Standing Clothesline execution
WarlockOPain gets ready to hit Electrifyy
Electrifyy blocks WarlockOPain's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
WarlockOPain approaches Electrifyy
Electrifyy wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
Electrifyy pulls himself together and fights back
Electrifyy stares at WarlockOPain
WarlockOPain protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy stares at WarlockOPain
and gives him a Slap
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy encircles WarlockOPain's head with his right arm
and locks the chokehold by grabbing his own left arm's biceps performing a Sleeper Hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy catches WarlockOPain's leg through the shoulder
then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a Koji Clutch
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases the hold and transitions into an Ankle Lock!
Electrifyy keeps his brutal submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his brutal submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his brutal submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his brutal submission hold
WarlockOPain can't resist anymore and taps out!!
WarlockOPain IS OUT!!!!!!
Electrifyy WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS WarlockOPain!!!
Devon Wyatt: Warlock tapped! He tapped!

Philip Blake: I don't think he ever tapped out before! It's a first!

Devon Wyatt: Just goes to show how much of a skilled and lethal submission artist Electrifyy is. Warlock gave him a fight, but once the submissions started.. it was game over. Hydra is not doing well tonight at all.

** After his big win against WarlockOPain, Electrifyy grabs a microphone. **
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Electr10
Electrifyy: I said that after I make history and be the first man to tap out Warlock, I will announce something. 
 ** Electrifyy looks over to the entrance ramp. **
Electrifyy: Rump..
 ** Crowd goes wild because they know where he is going with this. **
Electrifyy: You and me. At the PPV.. one more time! It's a new year. New federation. And it's new versions of us. Let's give this federation a match to remember. Give me your answer next week. 
** Electrifyy drops the mic and heads backstage. ** 
Philip Blake: WOW! Elec VS Rump part two! I hope that happens! Listen to the fans.. they want this!
Devon Wyatt: I am more hyped for that than the new Kanye ft. Kendrick song! Talk about a dream rematch! Rump, please accept the match!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Not so Silent Bob
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
and his opponent: Entropy
Entropy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Entropy holds Not so Silent Bob by the head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's neck
and crashes him on the mat after an half turn with a Neckbreaker Cutter
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly
Not so Silent Bob blocks the execution of the Crucifix Armbar
Not so Silent Bob bounces against the ropes
and dives on Entropy with a Big Splash Pin
Entropy kicks out
Not so Silent Bob lifts Entropy up, still groggy
Entropy hugs Not so Silent Bob's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob standing up, and raises him on the shoulders
then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an Augmented Fireman Carry
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's hair
Entropy grabs one Not so Silent Bob's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob from behind
Not so Silent Bob pushes away Entropy blocking a Backslide Pin
Not so Silent Bob bounces against the ropes
Entropy dodges the Big Splash Pin, taking the initiative
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's hair
Entropy grabs one Not so Silent Bob's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Entropy jumps onto Not so Silent Bob with his feet held togheter
and hits him with a Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's hair
Entropy lunges himself on the ropes
Entropy grasps Not so Silent Bob's head with an arm
and hits him on the face performing a Real Deal!!!
Marcus Troy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Not so Silent Bob gets up!!
Marcus Troy then lights a cigar and blows the smoke towards his opponent performing a demeaning Troy's Conceit!
Not so Silent Bob grabs Entropy's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob prepares to strike the rival
Entropy stops the rival's leg preventing the execution of a Middle Kick
Not so Silent Bob grabs Entropy's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob prepares to strike the rival loading the leg
lifting his own leg and hitting him with a Middle Kick
Not so Silent Bob grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
Not so Silent Bob bounces on the ropes running towards Entropy
stretching his arm hitting his back with a Clothesline to Back
Not so Silent Bob leaves the ring
Entropy gets up!!
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Not so Silent Bob goes up again in the ring
Entropy and Not so Silent Bob stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Not so Silent Bob prevails pushing Entropy on the ground
Not so Silent Bob prepares to strike the adversary
Entropy stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Not so Silent Bob hugs Entropy's head
Entropy easily parries a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob and Entropy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Not so Silent Bob prevails pushing Entropy on the ground
Not so Silent Bob open his arms
Entropy defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
Not so Silent Bob open his arms ready to hit Entropy
Entropy moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob standing up, and raises him on his shoulders
then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an Augmented Fireman Carry!
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly
and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a Crucifix Armbar
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Not so Silent Bob escapes from the hold
Entropy stands behind his rival
stretching his face to show his dentist's bad work performing a Face Stretch
Marcus Troy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Not so Silent Bob gets up!!
Marcus Troy then lights a cigar and blows the smoke towards his opponent performing a demeaning Troy's Conceit!
Entropy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Entropy opens wide his arms
and hits Not so Silent Bob on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's neck
Not so Silent Bob escapes from the lock, gaining back momentum
Not so Silent Bob lifts Entropy on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop
Not so Silent Bob bounces against the ropes
and dives on Entropy with a Modified Big Splash Pin
Entropy firmly pulls a shoulder up
Not so Silent Bob turns Entropy up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Entropy gets ready to hit Not so Silent Bob
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Entropy grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it,
and crashes him on the mat after an half turn with a Neckbreaker Cutter
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob and lifts him
to throw him down with a Modified Uranage
Entropy stands behind his rival
and twist his face to perform a Face Stretch
Not so Silent Bob pulls himself together and fights back
Not so Silent Bob grabs Entropy's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob loads the leg
Entropy stops the rival's leg preventing the execution of a Middle Kick
Not so Silent Bob holds Entropy by the head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob loads his arm chop style and
Entropy blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Not so Silent Bob open his arms ready to hit Entropy
and hits Entropy on the face with the palms of the hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Not so Silent Bob prepares to strike the rival
hitting the adversary with a Middle Kick
Entropy pulls himself together and fights back
Entropy leaves the ring
Not so Silent Bob takes a breath gaining stamina
Not so Silent Bob takes a breath gaining stamina
Entropy goes up again in the ring
Entropy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Entropy gets ready to hit Not so Silent Bob
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Not so Silent Bob's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Entropy grabs his running opponent by the arm
and throws him down by performing an Uraken
Entropy holds Not so Silent Bob by the neck
to throw him by performing a Modified Uranage
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's arm and gets on the ground on his side
then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a Crucifix Armbar
Not so Silent Bob escapes from the hold
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's legs and locks them
holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin
Not so Silent Bob gets up and resolutely fights back
Not so Silent Bob open his arms
and strikes Entropy's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Not so Silent Bob loads an arm towards himself
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Not so Silent Bob runs to Entropy, who is resting close to the turnbuckle
Entropy somehow, cushions the impact of the Stinger Splash
Not so Silent Bob grabs Entropy's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob loads an arm towards himself
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Not so Silent Bob loads Entropy on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a Samoan Drop
Entropy pulls himself together and fights back
Entropy hugs Not so Silent Bob's head
Not so Silent Bob easily parries a Knee on Head
Entropy holds Not so Silent Bob by the head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Entropy lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm
to throw him down with an Uraken
Entropy locks Not so Silent Bob's legs with his own shaping a 4
and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin
Not so Silent Bob kicks out
Entropy lifts Not so Silent Bob up, still groggy
Not so Silent Bob holds Entropy by the head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob prepares to hit the rival
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
Not so Silent Bob puts Entropy on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a Samoan Drop
Not so Silent Bob tries a pinning maneuver
Entropy gets up and resolutely fights back
Entropy and Not so Silent Bob stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Not so Silent Bob prevails pushing Entropy on the ground
Not so Silent Bob watches Entropy laying on the mat
and gets on his belly with both feet performing a Walk on Belly
Not so Silent Bob looks up to the sky as Jay drops from out of no where
Entropy somehow block the Snoogans surprise
Not so Silent Bob leaves the ring
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Entropy leaves the ring
Not so Silent Bob grabs the adversary and easly lifts him up
to crash him on the ground with a Powerslam on the Ground!!
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Not so Silent Bob removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections
to crash the adversary on it with a Powerslam on the Table!!
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Not so Silent Bob pulls Entropy still groggy, by his hair
Not so Silent Bob grabs Entropy and lift him up over the head
and lets him fall behind by performing a Modified Gorilla Press Slam
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Not so Silent Bob takes a short run
performing a Modified Big Splash Pin
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Bob throws Entropy back into the ring
Bob climbs the apron and sees Entropy recovering and standing up
Bob drops from the apron, takes his title and starts walking backstage
Referee: NINE!
Bob has left the arena and is backstage
The referee is counting: TEEEN! OUT! Ring the Bell! Ring the Bell!
Ring Announcer Jim: And the winner via count out, Entropy! 

Devon Wyatt: And the champ cheats us out of a good match.. thanks, champ!

Philip Blake: He has nothing left to prove! He took this monster to the limit and deserves a rest!  
Bob is seen running out back to the arena with his title
Po1ski and whydoicry are chasing him down!
Philip Blake: What?! I thought we moved on past this! Where is Hydra to help their champion?!
Devon Wyatt: It seems Bob has displeased Hydra and is all alone! Look!
Po1ski and whydoicry knock down Bob
Po1ski and whydoicry grab Bob and throw him back into the ring where Entropy is!
Philip Blake: Wait! Look out, Bob!
Entropy catches Bob and whirls him before slamming him into the canvas executing an upheaving Maelstrom!!!
Devon Wyatt: Bob just got leveled by Entropy!
Marcus raises his clients hand after dismantling the champion
Po1ski and whydoicry leave the arena
Marcus celebrates his client's symbolic win
Bob is laid out cold
Philip Blake: I guess that the feud between Hydra and these two is far from over. 
Devon Wyatt: I don't see Hydra here. It's become more than the just the two groups. It's personal now. And on that note, we have filled our show time requirements and need to stop airing now. So have a great new year and don't dare forgetting to tune in next week!
Philip Blake: PEACE!
True Talent Fighting 18/1/2016 Ttffig10
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