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 Reducere diligimus hedum de morte IV

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Connor Michalek
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 6
Join date : 2015-04-16

Reducere diligimus hedum de morte IV Empty
PostSubject: Reducere diligimus hedum de morte IV   Reducere diligimus hedum de morte IV I_icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2015 10:28 pm

**A little boy crying. The sight no one want to see. Tears falls down Connor Michalek’s face. The night can’t hide away the tears. The pain. The disappointment. The excitement and the thrill he had is gone. Disappeared with the rejection from his birth mother.**

Connor Michalek: Why doesn’t she want to see me? What have I done?

**He cry and cry as the old man watches on. Momma Rita approaches him. Embrace him with the warmest of hugs.**

Momma Rita: I love you baby. Even if she doesn’t. I am going to make you achieve your potential. You shall become the greatest as you wanted. This is a promise.

**Connor is still unsettled. He looks around. Lights are on some houses. People peeking through the windows to get a glimpse of Connor.**

Connor Michalek: Why do they hate me?

**Momma Rita shakes her head**

Momma Rita: They don’t hate you. You are special. They want to see how special you are. They want to see your beautiful face.

**At this moment a child on a bicycle goes riding past them. With instinct the child breaks at the scene.**

Child: What is that?

**He points at Connor. With that statement Connor burst into tears once again.**

Momma Rita: Honey, don’t cry. Do something about this ma love.

**The old man approaches the child.**

Old Man: Ge’ ou’ he’e Kid!

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