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 Reducere diligimus hedum de morte II

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Connor Michalek
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 6
Join date : 2015-04-16

Reducere diligimus hedum de morte II Empty
PostSubject: Reducere diligimus hedum de morte II   Reducere diligimus hedum de morte II I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2015 10:55 pm

**In a dreaded graveyard.**

**It’s night time. Pitch blackness consumes everything on its path. The camera is pointing at a gravestone. There are candles surrounding it. Fresh flowers laid down by family and those who were touched by the story.**

**The grave stone reads. “Here lies Connor Michalek. Lover of wrestling”. All of the sudden camera shakes and it turns toward two people who are talking. It reveals Rita and The Wise Old Man.**

Rita: We have to perform our rituals somewhere.

**The old man looks at her in disbelief.**

The Old man: Why Dra’ me’ere? Why dra’ me t’ uni’ed s’a’ys? Why no’ bac’ home?

Rita: You see my love. This is where the perfect person is buried. We have to fulfill this person’s dream. We would be doing something good.

**The Old man gets five large stones out of a bag he was holding. He lays them in a star shape on top of the grave of Connor Michalek.**

The Wise Old Man: we ready t’ go.

**Rita moves out of the shot. After few seconds she reappears holding a cage with five baby animals.**

**A kitten. A Labrador puppy. A Small rabbit. A duckling. A pygmy goat kid.**

** She places the small animals on top of those gem stones.**

Rita: Connor Michalek. Your dreams of being a wrestler will be fulfilled. Life nor death will stand in the way of this. I will forever protect you. This is a promise.

**Rita is holding a knife. She cuts the heads off of all five baby animals. They don’t react as if they were expecting this fate. Even the coded instincts of the animals have no way of getting out of the situation. The necks gushes out blood and forms a shape of a pentagram.**

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Connor Michalek
Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 6
Join date : 2015-04-16

Reducere diligimus hedum de morte II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reducere diligimus hedum de morte II   Reducere diligimus hedum de morte II I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2015 9:56 am

Apparently the last part can't be posted. So here is the edited version

**In a dreaded graveyard.**

**It’s night time. Pitch blackness consumes everything on its path. The camera is pointing at a gravestone. There are candles surrounding it. Fresh flowers laid down by family and those who were touched by the story.**

**The grave stone reads. “Here lies Connor Michalek. Lover of wrestling”. All of the sudden camera shakes and it turns toward two people who are talking. It reveals Rita and The Wise Old Man.**

Rita: We have to perform our rituals somewhere.

**The old man looks at her in disbelief.**

The Old man: Why Dra’ me’ere? Why dra’ me t’ uni’ed s’a’ys? Why no’ bac’ home?

Rita: You see my love. This is where the perfect person is buried. We have to fulfill this person’s dream. We would be doing something good.

**The Old man gets five large stones out of a bag he was holding. He lays them in a star shape on top of the grave of Connor Michalek.**

The Wise Old Man: we ready t’ go.

**Rita moves out of the shot. After few seconds she reappears holding a cage with five baby animals.**

**A kitten. A Labrador puppy. A Small rabbit. A duckling. A pygmy goat kid.**

** She places the small animals on top of those gem stones.**

Rita: Connor Michalek. Your dreams of being a wrestler will be fulfilled. Life nor death will stand in the way of this. I will forever protect you. This is a promise.

**This part of the scene has been censored. **

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