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 Great RP that wasn't good enough to give me a win

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

Great RP that wasn't good enough to give me a win  Empty
PostSubject: Great RP that wasn't good enough to give me a win    Great RP that wasn't good enough to give me a win  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 3:11 pm

After (insert match here), we go to ringside. 

Hank Moody Lance Stevens: Well, that was a good match. Now, what we are about to show you is an interview with one of BFW's new up and coming stars. I think it is worth a look.

Camera transitions into footage of a beautiful white apartment. We see great decorations and and an aesthetic design. Suddenly, a man gets thrown into the camera frame and the wall, busting his head open in the process and leaving blood on said wall which shocks the cameraman shooting this. 

Cameraman: What the fuck?!

Jennifer Peterson: Holy shii-take mushrooms.. jesus.. um.. where is the dude we are interviewing? 

We see a bearded man wearing a black shirt. 

Unknown man: Hi there. Welcome to my humble abode. I'm Grant Wa.. Bennett. 

He smiles.  

Jennifer Peterson: Um.. hello. What is going on with.. that?

She points to the knocked out bleeding man pinned up against the wall. 

Grant Bennett: Sometimes these people get sent to my house as an insurance policy from the old job I had. I got used to it. Come into the living room and we'll talk. 

Jennifer does as asked. Jennifer and Grant sit down. Grant's demeanor is amused and laid back.

Grant Bennett: Is that what you are wearing for the interview? Do not wear that outfit again. 

Jennifer Peterson: What?

Grant Bennett: Wear a dress or a skirt. 

Jennifer Peterson: Don't like this one?

Grant Bennett: Come on.. you're prettier than that.

Jennifer Peterson: You must quite the ace if I was asked to come all the way to here for an interview. 

Grant Bennett: Yes. I am. I am the person to take BFW to the next level. 

Jennifer Peterson: Is that bragging? It seems like a lot of people say that.

Grant Bennett: It's not. What do you know about me?

Jennifer Peterson: I didn't mean to offe-

Grant Bennett: No. No. I want to know. What do you know about me?

Jennifer Peterson: You are an accomplished MMA fighter. Some who faced you have claimed you are one of the most lethal men ali-

Grant Bennett: Is that it? 

Jennifer Peterson: Is there something I missed?

Grant chuckles. 

Grant Bennett: Not even close to scratching the surface, are you?

Jennifer Peterson: How about you start with telling us what is that mysterious former job of yours that I keep vaguely hearing about?

Grant Bennett: No, that's not for you to know. Ask me another question.  

Jennifer Peterson: What made you want to join BWF?

Grant Bennett: I seem to have an obsession and constant need to inflict pain on people due to trauma I suffered as a kid and in my former line of work.. I like to beat people up. I like to.. uh.. see them bleed. 

Grant awaits for Jennifer's response. Jennifer does not know how to react so she moves on. 

Jennifer Peterson: Um. You seem like you tend to scar people from what I exper- heard when doing research. Do you think your future opponents will fear you? What will be running through their mind when facing Grant Bennett?

Grant Bennett: I don't give a shit what's running through their mind. What's more important is what's running down their legs. Piss. Yellow golden piss. 

Jennifer Peterson: OK.. now, I want to ask something personal. I hope I am not being invasive, but I heard a vicious rumor about you and it involves your family. You seem to know what I am talking about. I am sure it's false. Do you want to put those rumors to rest?

Grant goes from amused and laid back to blank and emotionless in a matter of seconds. 

Grant Bennett: It seems like this interview is over. Get out.

Jennifer Peterson: But.. 

Grant Bennett: Out you go now.

He shows her to the exit. 

Jennifer Peterson: But I have more questions an-

Grant Bennett: You have my phone number. Call it. 

He shoves her and the cameraman out of the door and the footage ends abruptly.
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Great RP that wasn't good enough to give me a win
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