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 Debut of the (not so) silent one

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Not so Silent Bob
SD! Wrestler
SD! Wrestler

Posts : 74
Join date : 2015-04-15

Debut of the (not so) silent one  Empty
PostSubject: Debut of the (not so) silent one    Debut of the (not so) silent one  I_icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2015 7:18 pm

Smoke fills out the entire arena. "Jungle Love" hits and the fans go wild.  

Philip Blake: It's him. He has arrived. MR. APRIL 20 HAS TTF. 

Devon Wyatt: It's Bob! 

Not so Silent Bob enters the ring and puts his cigarette out on the turnbuckle.  

NSSB: I am here. 

Crowd cheers. 

NSSB: If you don't know me me, I'm Bob. I am a former WGW champion and the man who kept that fed alive one more season that it should have been. Other than that I was also in wXw but I got fired due to politics. 

Philip Blake: It's true. I read the dirtsheets. 

NSSB: I will be debuting here tonight against one of the bests.. Soldier123. It will be an epic battle. We are both resistant but I have the better build. 

Crowd is split between Soldier123 and Bob. 

NSSB: I am pretty baked so I have to wrap this up.. Soldier123, get out here. 

He waits.
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Debut of the (not so) silent one
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