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 True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:37 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ttffig10
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Devon_10
Devon Wyatt: Welcome to the FINAL Fighting Spirit before our Californication II PPV!
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Philip10
Philip Blake: And it will be a great, great, great show! I can't stress how great it will be. It's a classic in the making. 
Devon Wyatt: Electrifyy VS Kenta Beifong! Roscar VS Raverage! Po1ski VS Flint! Entropy VS Not so Silent Bob!
Philip Blake: Calm the hell down. But yes, it's gonna be an amazing show. We will see developments and final confrontations. Feuds will either start or come to an end. And we will see the best wrestlers in the world going at it. Because this is Fighting Spirit. It's TTF. We're the best. And it's what we do. Now sit back, grab some soda and let's start this show!!!
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Tsukiyama
and his opponent: Supernatural
Supernatural gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Supernatural stares at Tsukiyama
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Supernatural prepares to hit the rival
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
Supernatural runs to Tsukiyama, standing by the turnbuckle
and jumps on him, splashing him with all his weight against the turnbuckle, perfoming a Stinger Splash
Supernatural garbs Tsukiyama to lift him
and throws him on his knee to perform Inverted Atomic Drop
Tsukiyama pulls himself together and fights back
Tsukiyama prepares to strike the adversary
Supernatural stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Tsukiyama prepares to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
Tsukiyama charges his arm
Supernatural blocks the Fist But easily
Tsukiyama prepares his arm to strike the adversary
Supernatural stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Supernatural gets next to Tsukiyama bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Tsukiyama's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Supernatural loads an arm towards himself
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Supernatural lifts Tsukiyama from the front
and lets him fall on the knee to perform an Inverted Atomic Drop
Supernatural grabs Tsukiyama's head placing his neck on the ropes
Tsukiyama easily avoids a Choke At Ropes, counterattacking
Tsukiyama catches Supernatural's leg through the shoulder
and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a Koji Clutch
Tsukiyama keeps his weak submission hold
Tsukiyama keeps his weak submission hold
Tsukiyama releases his grasp
Tsukiyama grabs Supernatural's leg
Supernatural avoids being trapped in the Koji Clutch
Supernatural grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands
and raises him and nobbles Tsukiyama down with the head on the ground executing a Two Handed Face Buster
Supernatural gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and throws himself toward Tsukiyama hitting him with a Double Axe Handle
Supernatural grabs Tsukiyama's head placing his neck on the ropes
and leans down pushing hard with a Choke At Ropes
Supernatural tries a pinning maneuver
Tsukiyama firmly pulls a shoulder up
Supernatural turns Tsukiyama up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Supernatural and Tsukiyama stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Supernatural prevails pushing Tsukiyama on the ground
Supernatural stares at Tsukiyama
and gives him an Ear Slap
Supernatural prepares to hit the rival
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Supernatural places himself nimbly behind Tsukiyama
grasps his arms, lifts him and then slams him to the ground executing a Full Nelson Slam
Supernatural tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Tsukiyama IS OUT!!!!!!
Supernatural WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Tsukiyama!!!
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 GM%20Office%202
** Sleepwalker knocks on the GM's door then enters. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 11-16
Sleepwalker: Sorry to bother you sir but I need to ask for a rematch with Warlock. I just can't accept losses by count out. To me it's a cowards way of winning.
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Gm_joh10
GM Johnny Wolf: Sure. No problem. Need something else while we are here? Cookie? Coffee?
Sleepwalker: No thanks sir. Not really a coffee person.
** Sleepwalker sweeps out. **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:38 pm

Rikishi's theme music fills the arena as he makes his way out of the backstage area and into the arena wearing his normal attire consisting of a pair of red lycra wrestling briefs and some black boots. Rikishi immediately heads down to the ring holding a microphone in hand. The crowd boos at him but he ignores them. Rikishi slides into the ring and walks into the center. Rikishi raises the microphone to his mouth.

Rikishi: "I want to start off by praising Roscar9GRE for his win. Now he has two titles attached to him. But it's such a shame that the titles belong to a loser like him."

The crowd boos Rikishi.

Rikishi: “So tonight you're having another match with the two titles on the line and all i've got to say is you better not lose them. Because next week at our ppv it's going to be you and me in the ring together. And this is going to be a night to remember so it's going to be a Kiss My Ass match!“

Rikishi starts to smile.

Rikishi: “Roscar9GRE I hope you're ready cause this match will be unforgetable. And i'm going to have so much fun giving you several stinkfaces!"

"Spit It Out" By Slipknot is heard around the arena. Roscar9GRE shows up. He wears a black hoodie with a big 9 and he holds a microphone and both the Fire and the Storng Style Wrestling championship belts. The crowd starts to cheer for him. 

Roscar9GRE: Hello Rikishi! You called me a loser? Wait... let me think for a little while? I beat Raverage, which you didn't do and now I'm the first ever double champion of TTF. And you think that I'm the loser? What an idiot, you are Rikishi.

Roscar9GRE: As for our match in TTF's next PPV, you can count me in, man. I am glad that our match will be a Kiss My Ass match. I would love to kick your big fat ass in your own match type. The stipulation you chose, might be disgusting, but after I show you THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS...

The crowd goes crazy.

Roscar9GRE: I will put my ass on your face for 20 whole minutes, even if you are dead. 

Raverage's theme song is heard all over the arena. Raverage heads to the ring, interrupting Roscar9GRE.

Raverage : Wait a second ! Wait a second !
Roscar9GRE, did you forget that we have a match tonight ?
Did you two thought that your match was seal ?
Non, Raverage won't let you do this.
So, that why I asked Mr. General Manager, to face you one more time for both titles.

*Raverage smiles while the crowd boos him*

Raverage : Not only I will win these titles but I,
will be the first ever man to defeat a double champion of all time.
And Rikishi, don't you think I forgot you.
I not done with you !
I'm the one who'll meet you at the PPV, not Roscar9GRE !
And once I'll take what is mine, you gonna kiss my ass at the PPV !
C'est compris (Is that clear) ?

*Raverage leaves the ring. Commercial Break*
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:39 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: The Admirable Gameboy
and his opponent: Young Thug
Young Thug gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Young Thug prepares his arm
hitting him with a Punch
Young Thug droops quickly sideways to his rival
and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with Forearm On Leg
Young Thug bounces off by using the middle rope, performing a backflip in mid-air towards The Admirable Gameboy
and lands on him back first executing a Springboard Senton Splash
Young Thug rushes towards his rival on the ground
to hitt him straight with a punch, performing a Fist Drop
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Young Thug in front of him
Young Thug avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Young Thug Charges his arm
and strikes The Admirable Gameboy's face with Elbow Smash
Young Thug grabs The Admirable Gameboy's head
jumping with a 180° spin to perform a Jumping Twisting DDT
Young Thug quickly withdraws
and drops to the mat taking out The Admirable Gameboy at the shins with a Baseball Slide
Young Thug grabs The Admirable Gameboy's hair
Young Thug grabs one The Admirable Gameboy's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Young Thug stands behind The Admirable Gameboy
to hit The Admirable Gameboy in the back of the head with a Back Elbow Smash
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy approaches Young Thug
Young Thug wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
The Admirable Gameboy approaches Young Thug
Young Thug droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust
Young Thug gets next to The Admirable Gameboy bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Young Thug grabs The Admirable Gameboy's wrist twisting it climbing on the turnbuckle
then he gets on the ropes and jumps to hit The Admirable Gameboy's back by performing a Walk on The Rope
Young Thug gets close to The Admirable Gameboyl and jumps
to hit him with the fist executing a Fist Drop
Young Thug runs toward The Admirable Gameboy and leaps
grabbing the ropes, jumps up and down on him performing a Broncobuster
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy open his arms
Young Thug moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
Young Thug droops
and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a Forearm On Leg
Young Thug climbs the top turnbuckle
and jumps toward The Admirable Gameboy hitting him in the side of the head with a Diving Knee Drop
Young Thug tries a pinning maneuver
The Admirable Gameboy kicks out
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Young Thug in front of him
Young Thug avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Young Thug droops
and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a Forearm On Leg
Young Thug gives a mean look to the opponent performing Lucky Girl
Young Thug gives a mean look to the opponent performing Lucky Girl
The Admirable Gameboy gets up!!
Young Thug and The Admirable Gameboy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Young Thug prevails pushing The Admirable Gameboyon the ground
Young Thug prepares his arm to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a Punch
Young Thug grabs The Admirable Gameboy's wrist to twist it climbing on the turnbuckle
The Admirable Gameboy grabs the rope to avoid the Walk on The Rope
Young Thug gets ready to hit The Admirable Gameboy
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Young Thug charges his arm
and strikes The Admirable Gameboy with a Elbow Smash
The Admirable Gameboy pulls himself together and fights back
The Admirable Gameboy stares at Young Thug
Young Thug avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Young Thug turns against the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
Young Thug holds The Admirable Gameboy by the arm
and trips him to make his face fall to the ground, by performing Half Nelson Face Buster
Young Thug tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Admirable Gameboy gets up and resolutely fights back
The Admirable Gameboy opens wide his arms
Young Thug moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
Young Thug turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and hits hime with a Mule Kick on the groin
Young Thug hooks The Admirable Gameboy by the arm
jumping foward performing a Jumping Half Nelson Face Buster
Young Thug tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Admirable Gameboy IS OUT!!!!!!
Young Thug WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS The Admirable Gameboy!!!
After the match, Thugger celebrates his win
But all of a sudden, a familiar theme song plays..
Devon Wyatt: Is that..?
Philip Blake: It is! We haven't seen him in what feels like ages!
It's Coulrophobia! He runs into the ring with the speed of Usain Bolt!
Coul starts laying the smackdown on Thugger!
Punches on punches on punches!
Thug slides out of the ring and escapes as the enranged Coul takes off his shirt and throws it into the crowd
Devon Wyatt: It seems that Coulrophobia has returned!
Philip Blake: He was not seen since Thug brutally injured him with a DDT on the concrete floor! 
Devon Wyatt: And now Coul Homie Quan is back for revenge.
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
** After a commercial break, Electrifyy is in the ring and has a microphone. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Electr10
Electrifyy: Now I know I have a what will be an instant classic coming up later with Kenta Beifong, but it's not what I am here to talk about because I wanted to ask my PPV opponent something. So if Captain Rump is willing to come out here, that'd be great. 
** Electrifyy lowers his mic and awaits Rump. **
The crowd cheers as Captain Rump enters the arena, he slides into the ring confronting Electrifyy.
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Rump10
Captain Rump: I got to say it's grest being in the ring once more in front of the millions of fans. Now that i'm here what is it you wanted to ask me?
Captain Rump gives a quick smile, and waits for a response.
Electrifyy: I wanted to give you the privilege of choosing our match stipulation at the big show. Since if I recall correctly, last time we faced off.. 
** Electrifyy glances down at the ring mat for a few seconds. **
Electrifyy: I choose the match stip. So I wanted to let the Rumpmeister choose this time. What's it gonna be, friend? Singles? Submission? Last Man Standing? First Blood? Ambulance? Stinkface? Choose whatever feels right for such an epic rematch. 
Captain Rump: That's what you wanted to ask me? I hate to break it to you but I have no preference for the match type. Why not ask the wonderful fans their opinion?
Captain Rump smiles as the crowd begins to cheer.
Captain Rump: I'm going to leave the match type in your hands since you're the one who wanted a rematch. I look forward to stepping into the ring with you once more.
Electrifyy: Alright then. Let's ask the universe! We will give them three match options to choose from because this is a short show after all.. so.. fans, would you like to see a singles match? 
** A large portion of the crowd boos. Some few cheer. **
Electrifyy: OK, OK.. how about a Stinkface match?! 
** An indecisive mixed reaction is heard with some fans approving and other fans booing the thought of another Stinkface match. **
Electrifyy: Fair enough. We already have one, I guess. How about.. a submission match?
** Almost all of the crowd cheers in unison for that match. **
Electrifyy: Alright! Submission it is.. so it's an exact rematch from NGNG. I look forward to it. Maybe this time we will have a different outcome.. 
** Electrifyy offers Rump a handshake. **  
Captain Rump: I have a feeling the end result will be identical. 
** Rump accepts the hanshake and two men stare down as the camera. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: WarlockOPain
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
and his opponent: Sleepwalker
Sleepwalker gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Sleepwalker prepares the back of his hand
hitting WarlockOPain with a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Sleepwalker holds WarlockOPain
and strikes his throat with an Uppercut
Sleepwalker gains momentum by bouncing off the top rope, and leaps backwards on WarlockOPain
and lands on WarlockOPain, performing a Springboard Crossbody
WarlockOPain firmly pulls a shoulder up
Sleepwalker turns WarlockOPain up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
WarlockOPain opens wide his arms
and strikes Sleepwalker's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
WarlockOPain taps on Sleepwalker's shoulder,
and delivers a big smash on his neck, performing a Standing Clothesline
WarlockOPain opens Sleepwalker's legs
performing a Kick to Groin
WarlockOPain grabs Sleepwalker's head placing his neck on the ropes
and leans down pushing hard with a Choke At Ropes
WarlockOPain grabs Sleepwalker's head placing his neck on the ropes
and leans down pushing hard with a Choke At Ropes
WarlockOPain grabs Sleepwalker's hair
WarlockOPain grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
WarlockOPain runs toward Sleepwalker grasping his head
and leaps driving him down to the ground performing a Running DDT
Sleepwalker pulls himself together and fights back
Sleepwalker open his hand
hitting WarlockOPain with the palm with a Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!
Sleepwalker gains momentum by boucing off the middle rope, and leaps backwards on WarlockOPain
connecting with a Springboard Dropkick on his charging opponent's torso
Sleepwalker leaves the ring
WarlockOPain gets up!!
Sleepwalker goes up again in the ring
WarlockOPain gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
WarlockOPain approaches Sleepwalker
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
WarlockOPain gets next to Sleepwalker who is at the ropes
and sticks the fingers in Sleepwalkerìs eyes performing a Eye Rake on Ropes
WarlockOPain grabs one Sleepwalker's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
WarlockOPain grabs Sleepwalker from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin
Sleepwalker firmly pulls a shoulder up
WarlockOPain turns Sleepwalker up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Sleepwalker points to WarlockOPain with decision
WarlockOPain protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Sleepwalker puts a hand on WarlockOPain's face
WarlockOPain blocks Sleepwalker's hand avoiding the execution of an Eye Rake
Sleepwalker and WarlockOPain stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort WarlockOPain prevails pushing Sleepwalker on the ground
WarlockOPain approaches Sleepwalker
and hits him to his throat with a Throat Thrust
WarlockOPain stares Sleepwalker's in his eyes
and knocks him down on the mat with a Standing Clothesline out of nowhere
WarlockOPain pulls Sleepwalker still groggy, by his hair
WarlockOPain raises Sleepwalker high
and drops him violently on an extended performing an Atomic Drop
WarlockOPain grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a Bleedbuster
Sleepwalker gets up!!
WarlockOPain gains momentum by boucing off the middle rope, and leaps backwards on Sleepwalker
and double-kicks him in his chest with a Springboard Dropkick
WarlockOPain gives a mean look to the opponent performing Cut-throat
Sleepwalker gets up!!
WarlockOPain gets ready to hit Sleepwalker
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
WarlockOPain approaches Sleepwalker, getting in close range,
and delivers a big smash on his neck, performing a Standing Clothesline
WarlockOPain tries a pinning maneuver
Sleepwalker kicks out
Sleepwalker puts a hand on WarlockOPain's face
and brings it down scratching him with an Eye Rake leaving him blind
Sleepwalker lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary
with an extreme power performing a Powerful Knee Strike
Sleepwalker prepares to hit WarlockOPain grasping him by his chest
executing a Tie Up Knee Strike
Sleepwalker takes WarlockOPain by an arm
and twists his body throwing WarlockOPain to the mat executing a Arm Dragon Screw
Sleepwalker takes a breath gaining stamina
WarlockOPain gets up!!
WarlockOPain gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
WarlockOPain opens wide his arms
and strikes Sleepwalker's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
WarlockOPain turns against the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
Devon Wyatt: I don't think the referee noticed that..
WarlockOPain tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sleepwalker IS OUT!!!!!!
WarlockOPain WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Sleepwalker!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:39 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Backstage
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Marcus11
?: It seems we've danced this dance before...
** The camera pans around before settling on the familiar form of Marcus Troy. **
Marcus Troy: Again we are pitted against Not So Silent Bob... WHY?! Why why WHY?! He's been defeated already, my client has dispatched of him so why does this inept management feel a need for a rerun? We don't want Not So Silent Bob... No... We want someone else...
** Marcus Troy pauses as anger seeps into his face... **
Marcus Troy: We want Supernatural... Yes, the fool who dared to dance with chaos, the fool who dared to still the waters of discord... We want the man who thought that he could stop my client Entropy with this...
** Marcus Troy brings out a steel chair and raises it up for everyone to see. **
Marcus Troy: You think a steel chair is enough to stop the embodiment of chaos? You are sorely mistaken Supernatural... What you did is the beginning of your undoing... Tonight, we shall dispatch of Not So Silent Bob again... And after that, chaos shall come after you... Chaos shall consume you... Be warned, be afraid for nothing shall stop Entropy from doing what he will do to this steel chair to you...
** The massive hands of Entropy reaches out from the shadows and grabs the steel chair from Troy's hand, with relative ease, he twists and crunches the chair until it becomes a nothing more than twisted metal, after which the scene fades to black. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Kenta Beifong
and his opponent: Electrifyy
Electrifyy and Kenta Beifong stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Kenta Beifong prevails pushing Electrifyy on the ground
Kenta Beifong stares at Electrifyy in front of him
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Kenta Beifong loads his arm chop style and
Electrifyy blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Kenta Beifong stares at Electrifyy
Electrifyy protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
Electrifyy grapples Kenta Beifong's head from behind, putting it around his right arm
and locks the chokehold by grabbing his own left arm's biceps performing a Sleeper Hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy catches Kenta Beifong's leg through the shoulder
Kenta Beifong avoids being trapped in the Koji Clutch
Kenta Beifong gets close to his grounded opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
Kenta Beifong gets close to his grounded opponent
Electrifyy blocks the Knee Stomp easely
Electrifyy pulls Kenta Beifong still groggy, by his hair
Electrifyy lifts Kenta Beifong on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop
Electrifyy grabs Kenta Beifong's hair
Electrifyy grabs one Kenta Beifong's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Electrifyy bounces against the ropes and runs toward Kenta Beifong
Kenta Beifong parryies the Rolling Elbow Smash not without effort
Kenta Beifong grabs Electrifyy's hair
Kenta Beifong grabs one Electrifyy's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Kenta Beifong grabs Electrifyy from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a Backslide Pin
Electrifyy kicks out
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong
and hits his face with an Ear Slap showing no respect
Electrifyy prepares to hit the rival
and strikes him with his forearm executing a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy grapples Kenta Beifong's head from behind, putting it around his right arm
and then grabs his own left arm's biceps, shutting off Kenta Beifong's jugular vein, connecting with a Sleeper Hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy grabs Kenta Beifong's leg
and he subdues him with a Leg Lock
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy grabs Kenta Beifong's leg
and he subdues him with a Leg Lock
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy leaves the ring
Electrifyy goes up again in the ring
Kenta Beifong gets up!!
Electrifyy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong in front of him
and gives him an Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
Kenta Beifong blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy points to Kenta Beifong with decision
Kenta Beifong protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy points to Kenta Beifong with decision
Kenta Beifong protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong
and gives him an Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
Kenta Beifong pulls himself together and fights back
Kenta Beifong grabs Electrifyy's head
Electrifyy easily parries a Knee on Head
Electrifyy points to Kenta Beifong with decision
and gives him an Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
Kenta Beifong blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Electrifyy prepares to hit the rival
Kenta Beifong blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong
Kenta Beifong avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Kenta Beifong loads his arm chop style and
hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a Forearm Smash
Kenta Beifong leaves the ring
Electrifyy takes a breath gaining stamina
Electrifyy takes a breath gaining stamina
Kenta Beifong goes up again in the ring
Kenta Beifong gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Kenta Beifong puts Electrifyy on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a Samoan Drop
Kenta Beifong tries a pinning maneuver
Electrifyy gets up and resolutely fights back
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong
Kenta Beifong protects his ears with the hands and stops the Ear Slap
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong in front of him
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
Kenta Beifong blocks the rival's arm preventing the execution of a Forearm Smash
Electrifyy stares at Kenta Beifong
and gives him an Ear Slap
Electrifyy loads his arm chop style and
and tosses it towards the rival executing a Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm
Electrifyy encircles Kenta Beifong's head with his right arm
and locks the chokehold by grabbing his own left arm's biceps performing a Sleeper Hold
Electrifyy keeps his weak submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Electrifyy releases his grasp
Electrifyy grabs Kenta Beifong's leg
locking him in a Leg Lock!!!
Electrifyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Electrifyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Kenta Beifong taps!
Kenta Beifong IS OUT!!!!!!
Electrifyy WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Kenta Beifong!!!
 After the match, Electrifyy offers Kenta a handshake
Kenta shakes his hand as a sign of respect
Devon Wyatt: What a great old school match and what a great show of sportmanship from these two legends. We witnessed something special tonight. Kudos to both men.
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:39 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Backstage
Rikishi is seen leaving his locker room and is approached by Daniel Gidlow and his cameraman.
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Daniel11
Daniel Gidlow: Rikishi, do you have anything to say to the fans out there before your match tonight? Tonight you're stepping into the ring with the great Chris Brooks. How do you feel about that?
Rikishi seems annoyed to have been stopped by Daniel.
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Rikish10
Rikishi: To be honest I don't care at all. Chris just seems like a washed up wrestler. Too much hype for an idiot. During my match tonight i'll show you how much of a jobber Chris Brooks really is.
Rikishi begins laughing at his remark. Daniel can't help smirking at Rikishi's remark.
Daniel Gidlow: Don't you think you're being a little cocky about your match tonight? Chris Brooks isn't some normal opponent, this isn't going to be an easy win for you. In fact I don't think you're going to be the victor tonight.
Rikishi looks pissed as he moves closer to Daniel. Rikishi turns around and bumps Daniel with his ass causing him to fall onto the floor.
Rikishi: Listen here you moron. You better watch what you say. There's no way i'm going to lose to that idiot. In fact not only am I going to kick his ass, I'm going to be sure to give Chris Brooks a stinkface neither him nor the moronic fans will forget. And if you continue to run your mouth i'm going to end up having to stinkface you.
Daniel looks terrified as Rikishi stares him down.
** As Rikishi stares Daniel, Chris Brooks enters the frame and stares down Rikishi. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Chris_10
Chris Brooks: If it isn't the ass fetishist himself.. Rikishi. 
** Chris Brooks smiles. **
Chris Brooks: It's been a while.. I can't believe we didn't cross paths sooner.
Rikishi turns his attention to Chris Brooks. 
Rikishi: We've never crossed paths because you're not worth my time.
Rikishi smirks.
Rikishi: Now get lost I don't have time for pathetic wrestlers like yourself.
Chris Brooks: Wow, that hurt.. 
** Chris Brooks pretends to sob. **
Chris Brooks: Well, you were never one to be mature and respectful. Always running that big mouth.. until someone shuts it up. First it was Tim then Rump and now Raverage. But the thing is.. no matter how bad someone humiliates you, you never learn the lesson. I guess now it's my turn.
Rikishi begins to get a little annoyed.
Rikishi: You really are a moron. 
Rikishi moves closer to Chris Brooks
Rikishi: I suggest you shut your mouth if you know what's good for you, or else I might have to end up kicking your ass right here and now. And once i'm done with that i'm going to give you a stinkface you'll never forget.
** Chris stands face to face with Rikishi and looks him in the eyes. **
Chris Brooks: Go ahead.. take a swing, big boy.
Rikishi smirks.
Rikishi: You're not worth my time moron.
Rikishi bumps his stomach against Chris Brooks.
** Chris Brooks shows disgust at the sight of Rikishi's gross stomach touching him. **
Chris Brooks: Yeah, that's what I thought.. I'll see you in the ring. 
** Chris Brooks walks away. Camera fades. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall and is a rematch for the Strong Style and Fire Chmpionships!
Introducing first: Raverage
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Raverage makes his way to the ring
and his opponent: Roscar9GRE
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Roscar9GRE makes his way to the ring
wearing a black 'Dead Kennedys' t-shirt
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Raverage gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Raverage stares at Roscar9GRE
and smacks his face with an Ear Slap
Raverage turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and kicks him with a Mule Kick!
Raverage tucks Roscar9GRE's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head
and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips Roscar9GRE over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a Snap Suplex
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
Raverage applies a front facelock and tucks Roscar9GRE's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head
and swings over Roscar9GRE and down to the ground, in a semi-circular motion, so that both the wrestlers fall to the ground back-first, performing a Swinging Neckbreaker
Roscar9GRE pulls himself together and fights back
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm to strike the adversary
hitting him with a Punch
Roscar9GRE grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him
Raverage stops Roscar9GRE's head preventing the execution of a Hard Headbutt
Roscar9GRE prepares the back of his hand
hitting Raverage with a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary
Raverage stops the right execution of a Powerful Knee Strike
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm to strike the adversary
performing a Punch
Roscar9GRE holds Raverage at the ropes
performing a Chop At Ropes hitting Raverage's chest, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE grasps Raverage's arms and blocks them with his own
Raverage makes a stand blocking the execution of a Trapping Headbutts
Raverage pulls himself together and fights back
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's neck
and lets it fall against his back to perform an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker
Raverage gives a mean look to the opponent performing Raised Arms
Roscar9GRE gets up!!
Roscar9GRE gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Roscar9GRE holds Raverage by the head
Raverage easily parries a Knee on Head
Roscar9GRE holds Raverage by the head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Roscar9GRE is ready to hits the rival
Raverage stops the right execution of a Powerful Knee Strike
Roscar9GRE holds Raverage by the head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Roscar9GRE lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary
Raverage moves away avoiding a Powerful Knee Strike , taking back the initiative
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's neck
and lets it fall against his back to perform an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker
Raverage lifts Roscar9GRE's leg
and lets himself fall over it with a Elbow drop to inner thigh
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
Raverage grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
Raverage runs, approching Roscar9GRE with a jump
kicking him on the back of his neck, connecting with a Shining Wizard
Raverage grabs Roscar9GRE's hair
Raverage grabs one Roscar9GRE's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Raverage jumps onto Roscar9GRE with his feet held togheter
hitting him with a Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the ground
Roscar9GRE pulls himself together and fights back
Roscar9GRE hits Raverage with the back of his hand
Raverage blocks Roscar9GRE's hand, stopping a Back Hand Chop
Roscar9GRE prepares his arm
performing a Punch
Roscar9GRE dives into Raverage with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Roscar9GRE grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
Roscar9GRE runs toward Raverage grasping his head
and drives him down to the ground performing a Running DDT
Roscar9GRE grabs Raverage's hair
Roscar9GRE lunges himself on the ropes
Roscar9GRE runs toward Raverage
Raverage prevents from being thrown with a Running Arm Drag
Roscar9GRE prepares to strike the adversary
Raverage stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Raverage pulls himself together and fights back
Raverage climbs onto the second rope with Roscar9GRE pressed against the turnbuckle
and hits him repeatedly performing a 10 Punches at Turnbuckle
Raverage lifts Roscar9GRE on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a Souvenir
Raverage opens Roscar9GRE's legs
and hits him to the groin with a Kick to Groin
Referee seems to have missed that hit..
Raverage stands behind his rival
stretching his face to show his dentist's bad work performing a Face Stretch
Roscar9GRE pulls himself together and fights back
Roscar9GRE grabs Raverage's head
and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head
Roscar9GRE grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him
tryes to strike him with a powerful heading performing a Hard Headbutt
Roscar9GRE bounces against the ropes and runs toward Raverage's back
slamming him down to the mat face first grasping his head, performing a Bulldog
Roscar9GRE gives a mean look to the opponent performing Wish You Were Beer
Roscar9GRE gets close to his grounded opponent
and hits him executing a Squash Time
Roscar9GRE leaves the ring
Raverage gets up!!
Raverage takes a breath gaining stamina
Roscar9GRE takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Roscar9GRE goes up again in the ring
Raverage open his arms ready to hit Roscar9GRE
and strikes Roscar9GRE's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Raverage dives into Roscar9GRE with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Raverage loads Roscar9GRE on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Souvenir
Raverage lifts Roscar9GRE's leg
and lets himself fall over it with a French Drop
Roscar9GRE pulls himself together and fights back
Roscar9GRE prepares the back of his hand
performing a Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!
Roscar9GRE lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary
performing a Powerful Knee Strike
Roscar9GRE lunges himself on the ropes
Roscar9GRE runs toward Raverage and jumps
driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a Running Arm Drag
Roscar9GRE punches 7 times the opponent, grabs him
and performs an Exploder suplex
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Raverage IS OUT!!!!!!
Devon Wyatt: And Roscar gets the final win in what seems to be the end of the Roscar VS Raverage trilogy.
Philip Blake: He retained his titles and that means he will go on to defend them at Californication II against Rikishi. I am looking forward to seeing Roscar stinkface that fat oger..
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Backstage
 ** Flint and Supernatural are seen standing in the background as the whole Rikishi v Chris Brooks stare down occurs as this was a pre-taped segment. Flint is holding a six pack and Supernatural has the poker chips and cards. Flint looks towards Supernatural. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Whodoi11
Flint: Look at those two no talent ass clowns. Posturing like they are tough and mean something to this fed. Get the hell out of here. Between the two of them, they have the IQ of a handball.
Philip Blake: Strong words coming from the federation's biggest pretard. I hope that if Bob ever manages to close down the fed, all Flint will do is lose at which ever fed he joins.
Flint: They couldn't hold a candle to my dead great grandmother's rotting corpse. Come on let's get to our office. I want to win some money off your worthless ass.
 ** Flint and Supernatural starts walking towards the office. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Supern10
Supernatural: We need to find some players. I am tired of losing all my money to you.
Flint: That's because you are a bigger dope than the two dolt's we were just talking about. Blackjack is not hard to learn or play.  I see that you have a match against Entropy.
Supernatural: It's a little to late at this point. But better late than never. I am going to kick his worthless ass up and down the ring. I am going to pin him square in the middle of the ring. 1... 2... 3.... I will beat him so bad that he will wake up in the middle of next week.
Supernatural: I hear that you are in the title bout at the pay-per-view.
 * Flint opens the office door and grabs a chair. *
Flint: I hope I win but I don't think that will happen. I have been about as useful as tits on a man lately.
Supernatural: Get that ego out of here. You have never been useful. It's why you lost the title to that closeted Not So Silent Bob.
 * Scene ends. *
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:40 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Chris Brooks
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion. The fans go wild for him. What a stud.
and his opponent: Rikishi
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
Rikishi makes his way to the ring
wearing a simple wrestling costume
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Chris Brooks gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Chris Brooks prepares his arm to strike the adversary
Rikishi stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Rikishi gets ready to hit Chris Brooks
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Rikishi turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
to hit him with a Mule Kick there in his 'secret'!
Rikishi tucks his head in Chris Brooks's armpit and wraps his arm around the head,
lifts Chris Brooks up, turns 90° and falls backwards, bringing Chris Brooks over him and slamming him down to the mat back first, with a Strong Sambo Suplex
Rikishi takes a short run
and dives on Chris Brooks with a Big Splash Pin
Chris Brooks firmly pulls a shoulder up
Rikishi turns Chris Brooks up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Chris Brooks gets ready to hit Rikishi
Rikishi blocks Chris Brooks's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Chris Brooks prepares his arm to strike the adversary
Rikishi stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Chris Brooks hugs Rikishi's head
Rikishi easily parries a Knee on Head
Chris Brooks prepares to strike the adversary
Rikishi stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
Rikishi stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
performing a Punch
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
Rikishi blocks the Fist But easily
Rikishi pulls himself together and fights back
Rikishi tucks his head in Chris Brooks's armpit and wraps his arm around the head,
and lifts him up, turns 90° and falls backwards, bringing Chris Brooks over him and slamming him down to the mat back first, executing a Strong Sambo Suplex
Rikishi pulls Chris Brooks still groggy, by his hair
Rikishi easily grabs Chris Brooks and lifts him up over the head
and lets him fall in front of him to perform a Gorilla Press Slam
Rikishi bounces against the ropes
and dives on Chris Brooks with a Super Splash Pin
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chris Brooks kicks out
Rikishi lifts Chris Brooks up, still groggy
Chris Brooks gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
Rikishi stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Rikishi gets ready to hit Chris Brooks
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Rikishi dives into Chris Brooks with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Rikishi places himself behind Chris Brooks, blocking his arms
Chris Brooks blocks the execution of a Full Nelson Bomb with difficulty
Rikishi approaches Chris Brooks
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
Chris Brooks pulls himself together and fights back
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
Rikishi stops the adversary's arm avoiding the right execution of a Punch
Chris Brooks approaches his rival loading his arm
Rikishi wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
and hits the adversary with a Punch
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
Rikishi blocks the Fist But easily
Chris Brooks prepares his arm
and hits the adversary with a Punch
Chris Brooks charges his arm
Rikishi blocks the Fist But easily
Chris Brooks gets ready to hit Rikishi
Rikishi blocks Chris Brooks's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Rikishi pulls himself together and fights back
Rikishi approaches Chris Brooks
and executes a Throat Thrust hitting Chris Brooks to the neck
Rikishi tries a pinning maneuver
Chris Brooks kicks out
Chris Brooks gives a mean look to the opponent performing Fake Handosheiku
Rikishi capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Rikishi tries a pinning maneuver
Chris Brooks kicks out
Chris Brooks gets ready to hit Rikishi
Rikishi blocks Chris Brooks's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Chris Brooks leaves the ring
Rikishi takes a breath gaining stamina
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
Rikishi takes a breath gaining stamina
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
Rikishi takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
Rikishi gives a mean look to the opponent performing RumpShaker
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
Rikishi cuts his throat with his thumb performing RumpShaker
The referee is counting: Foooooooooooooooour
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
Rikishi raises his hands to the sky, setting the crowd on fire performing RumpShaker
The referee is counting: Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rikishi gives a mean look to the opponent performing RumpShaker
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
Rikishi cuts his throat with his thumb performing RumpShaker
The referee is counting: Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
Rikishi raises his hands to the sky, setting the crowd on fire performing RumpShaker
The referee is counting: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Rikishi takes a breath gaining stamina
Chris Brooks takes a breath gaining stamina
The referee is counting: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
Rikishi takes a breath gaining stamina
Chris Brooks goes up again in the ring
Chris Brooks gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Chris Brooks gets ready to hit Rikishi
Rikishi blocks Chris Brooks's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Rikishi gets ready to hit Chris Brooks
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
Rikishi dives into Chris Brooks with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Rikishi grabs Chris Brooks's arms while jumping
throwing him on the mat with a somersault covering him with a Victory Roll
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
Chris Brooks KICKS OUT!!!!!!
Chris Brooks uses all his force to stand up, using the fans and their energy as motivation
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Rikishi tries fighting back with a chop of his own, but gets blocked and hit with another chop!
Philip Blake: What an insane display of will! After getting dominated the entire the match, Chris Brooks uses all the power he has left to get back in this match.
Devon Wyatt: Chris claimed he has been given matches with inferior opponents on purpose and demanded this match with one of the big dogs. He wants to show the world he can hang with the stars.
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Chris Brooks slaps Rikishi's chest as hard as he can executing a Chop!
Devon Wyatt: Showing shades of his soon to be retired rival, Kenta.. with all these chops!
Chris Brooks tries scooping up Rikishi for a slam, but fails as Rikishi is too damn big
Chris Brooks changes his plans and rebounds from the ropes to hit Rikishi with a strong jumping knee to the face which drops him out of the ring!
Chris Brooks starts thinking here..
He takes a few steps back to start running..
And he dives over the ropes doing a front-flip in the air landing right on top of Rikishi!
Devon Wyatt: I haven't seen such fire from Chris Brooks in a long time!
Chris Brooks sends Rikishi back to the ring
He enters the ring again
Chris Brooks grabs Rikishi's ankle and starts twisting it like a straw!
Philip Blake: Goodnight! He has the Goodnight locked in!
Rikishi screams in agony!
Rikishi screams in pain!
Rikishi drags himself forward and gets to the ropes!
Devon Wyatt: So close!
Rikishi tries standing up in the corner
Chris Brooks runs to Rikishi and nails him with a high knee to the jaw!
Followed with a clothesline!
Chris Brooks signals that it's time for a nap..
Philip Blake: Who does this remind me of, Devon?!
Devon Wyatt: I don't know, but it's a reminder that it is bed time!
Chris Brooks picks up Rikishi and places him over his shoulder using all the strength he can muster
Philip Blake: He lifted Rikishi! Since when do people lift Rikishi?! Look at that strength!!
Rikishi climbs down his shoulder and kicks Chris Brooks in his the family jewels!  
Devon Wyatt: LOW BLOW! And that's a DQ for sure. What a foul ending to this awesome match..
Chris Brooks WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Rikishi via DQ!!!
 Rikishi exits the ring as Chris is down
Rikishi makes his way backstage
Roscar9GRE comes out!
He is holding a lead pipe!
He chases Rikishi back into the ring!
Rikishi enters the ring
Chris Brooks picks up Rikishi on his shoulders and drops him face first into his knee!
Philip Blake: GO 2 SLEEP! Rikishi is out of it! I juscan't describe how intense was the showdown we just witnessed.. this will go down as a classic moment in the federation's history for me.
Devon Wyatt: I have to agree, this was just amazing from beginning to end.
Roscar and Chris Brooks embrace in the ring and Roscar raises his two championship titles over his pride as a message to Rikishi 
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Backstage
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Whodoi11
Flint: I won again. 21
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Supern10
Supernatural: Sh..! This is the third straight hand that you won. And back to back ace's and kings.  I swear you are cheating.
Flint: I did not ...
Supernatural: Shut up for one minute. Entropy is on the screen.
Marcus Troy: It seems we've danced this dance before...
Supernatural: What a dolt. Is he from men without hats?
Flint: Who the hell are men without hats? And for that matter who cares about that obscure reference?
 ** The massive hands of Entropy reaches out from the shadows and grabs the steel chair from Troy's hand, with relative ease, he twists and crunches the chair until it becomes a nothing more than twisted metal, after which the scene fades to black. **
Supernatural: You know what, bite me.
Flint: Are you afraid of Entropy now that he broke the chair?
Supernatural: No. He has the ego the size of guam. He will get his ass kicked at the pay-per-view.
Philip Blake: I hope he gets torn apart at the PPV..
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

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Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:40 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Entropy
and his opponent: Not so Silent Bob
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Entropy gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Entropy open his arms ready to hit Not so Silent Bob
and strikes Not so Silent Bob's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob standing up, and raises him on his shoulders
then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an Augmented Fireman Carry!
Entropy stands behind his rival
and stretches his face skin furiously performing a Face Stretch
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's arm and gets on the ground on his side
and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a Crucifix Armbar
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy releases his grasp
Entropy leaves the ring
Not so Silent Bob gets up!!
Entropy goes up again in the ring
Entropy and Not so Silent Bob stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Not so Silent Bob prevails pushing Entropy on the ground
Not so Silent Bob open his arms ready to hit Entropy
Entropy defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
Not so Silent Bob and Entropy stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Not so Silent Bob prevails pushing Entropy on the ground
Not so Silent Bob slams his stunned opponent down
Entropy hardly parries the Walk on Belly
Entropy locks Not so Silent Bob's legs with his own shaping a 4
and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin
Not so Silent Bob kicks out
Not so Silent Bob grabs Entropy's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
Not so Silent Bob prepares to strike the rival loading the leg
Entropy stops the rival's leg preventing the execution of a Middle Kick
Not so Silent Bob opens wide his arms
Entropy defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
Not so Silent Bob hugs Entropy's head
Entropy easily parries a Knee on Head
Entropy pulls himself together and fights back
Entropy dives over Not so Silent Bob who is facing him and applies a waistlock on him from behind
and lands back-first behind Not so Silent Bob rolling forward into a sitting position, pulling Not so Silent Bob over backwards and down to the canvas so that he lands on his back, powerbombing him with a Sunset Flip Bomb
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly
and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a Crucifix Armbar
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy releases his grasp
Entropy pulls Not so Silent Bob still groggy, by his hair
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's head
grabbing the opponet by his head with the arms, plunging him on the floor with an Troy's Special No. 1
Marcus Troy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Marcus Troy then lights a cigar and blows the smoke towards his opponent performing a demeaning Troy's Conceit!
Marcus Troy finally walks towards his opponent and puts his cigar out on his opponent's face performing a burning Troy's Reproach!
Not so Silent Bob gets up!!
Not so Silent Bob gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Not so Silent Bob opens wide his arms
Entropy moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
Entropy catches the rival's head
then he crushes him face first to the ground with a Neckbreaker Cutter
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly
then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a Crucifix Armbar
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy releases his grasp
Entropy grabs Not so Silent Bob's legs and locks them
holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin
Not so Silent Bob firmly pulls a shoulder up
Entropy turns Not so Silent Bob up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
Not so Silent Bob open his arms
and strikes Entropy's face with both hands performing a Mongolian Chop
Not so Silent Bob leaves the ring
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Entropy takes a breath gaining stamina
Not so Silent Bob goes up again in the ring
Not so Silent Bob gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Not so Silent Bob steps back holding Entropy tightly against the ropes
Entropy dodges the Chop At Ropes and gains the initiative
Entropy lifts up his opponet so Not so Silent Bob's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder
then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a Canadian Back Breaker
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy keeps his weak submission hold
Entropy releases his grasp
Marcus Troy smirks at and insults his opponent performing a degrading Troy's Contempt!
Marcus Troy then lights a cigar and blows the smoke towards his opponent performing a demeaning Troy's Conceit!
Referee notices Marcus messing with Bob and he ejects him from the match!
Marcus is livid!
He is forced to leave
Not so Silent Bob gets up!!
Not so Silent Bob capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Bob throws Entropy out of the ring and follows him
Devon Wyatt: After the monster was in control for the entire match, Bob is looking to get back in this.
Bob starts pummeling Entropy on the outside
He is raining punches and kick on him
Bob slams Entropy into the barricade more than once 
Bob runs back into the ring and starts recovering
Supernatural emerges from the crowd and stalks Entropy!
Philip Blake: What's he doing here?!
Bob notices Supernatural and distracts the ref by telling him he is injured
Supernatural removes something from his pants
Brass knuckles!
He puts them on and hits Entropy with a strong right hand!
Entropy is still on his feet!
Supernatural hits him with three alternating hooks and he falls to his feet!
Supernatural hides under the ring so the ref won't be able to see him!
Ref leaves Bob alone and starts the count
Not so Silent Bob wins the match!
Bob returns backstage as soon as possible
Devon Wyatt: Bob steals a win thanks to an unexpected assist from Supernatural. 
Philip Blake: He must have really wanted to send a message to the beast.
After the match, Supernatural walks up to the recovering beast and starts talking trash
Entropy ducks down
and slams an uppercut into Supernatural's groin!
 Philip Blake: And that was a dumb idea from Supernatural.. don't provoke a beast. Good luck at the PPV, idiot. Gonna need it.
Devon Wyatt: Do I need to state that this is his first loss in this fed? He lost! He is still unpinnable and never tapped though.
Entropy stares down his fallen rival
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:41 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: John Loven
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and his opponent: Soldier123
Soldier123 gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Soldier123 gets ready to hit John Loven
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Soldier123 places John Loven belly on his shoulders
making him fly over his head slamming him on the mat performing a Fireman Carry
Soldier123 grabs John Loven's hair
Soldier123 lunges himself on the ropes
Soldier123 waits for the running opponent
hooking him by the arm to make him fall on the ground with a Hip Toss
Soldier123 bounces against the ropes
John Loven deadens the blow with his own knees, blocking the Big Splash Pin
John Loven jumps towards his fallen opponent, raising his leg
and lands his leg across his throat executing a Leg Drop
John Loven grabs Soldier123's head placing his neck on the ropes
and leans down pushing hard with a Choke At Ropes
John Loven goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both the hands
and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a Two Handed Face Buster
John Loven grabs Soldier123 tight by his legs
and, whirling, drags Soldier123 all over the ring performing a Fire Spin
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 hugs John Loven's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Soldier123 dives into John Loven with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Soldier123 lifts John Loven on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with Samoan Drop
Soldier123 slams his stunned opponent down
and gets on his belly with both feet performing a Modified Walk on Belly
Soldier123 slams his stunned opponent down
John Loven hardly parries the Walk on Belly
John Loven jumps towards his fallen opponent, raising his leg
to land across Soldier123's chest by performing a The castle drop
John Loven grabs Soldier123's hair
John Loven grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
John Loven takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards Soldier123
stretching his arm hitting his back with a Clothesline to Back
John Loven jumps towards his fallen opponent, raising his leg
and lands his leg across his throat executing a The castle drop
John Loven jumps towards his fallen opponent, raising his leg
landing across his throat connecting with a The castle drop
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 approaches John Loven
John Loven wards off a Throat Thrust blocking it with an arm
Soldier123 hugs John Loven's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Soldier123 strongly grabs the head of the adversary
and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a Hard Headbutt
Soldier123 grabs John Loven by the head with both arms then rocks his whole body back
and hits John Loven in the head whith his own performing a Big Headbutt
Soldier123 approaches his laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a Knee Stomp
John Loven pulls himself together and fights back
John Loven and Soldier123 stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Soldier123 prevails pushing John Loven on the ground
Soldier123 takes a short run
performing a Big Splash Pin
John Loven kicks out
Soldier123 lifts John Loven up, still groggy
John Loven gets ready to hit Soldier123
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a European Uppercut
John Loven charges his arm
and connects with a Big Punch
John Loven lifts the rival holding him horizontally on his chest
and falls to the ground throwing Soldier123 backwards making him fly over his head executing Fallaway Slam
John Loven grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a Rocket Launcher
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Soldier123 has fallen out of the ring!!!!
Soldier123 pulls himself together and fights back
Soldier123 goes up again in the ring
John Loven holds Soldier123 by the head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
John Loven swings his whole body back
and connects with a Big Punch
John Loven places Soldier123 on his shoulders
and bends his back with power performing a Torture Rack
John Loven keeps his ruthless submission hold
John Loven keeps his ruthless submission hold
John Loven releases his grasp
John Loven tries a pinning maneuver
Soldier123 kicks out
Soldier123 and John Loven stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Soldier123 prevails pushing John Loven on the ground
Soldier123 approaches his rival loading his arm
and gives a blow to his throat executing a Throat Thrust
Soldier123 places John Loven belly on his shoulders
John Loven blocks the execution of the Fireman Carry
Soldier123 gets ready to hit John Loven
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm John Loven's jaw performing an European Uppercut
Soldier123 dives into John Loven with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a 3 Point Stance Charge
Soldier123 Lifts the opponent on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat
John Loven kicks out
John Loven hugs Soldier123's head
and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a Knee on Head
John Loven swings his whole body back
and hits Soldier123's face with a Big Punch
John Loven grabs Soldier123 by the throat with one hand
then he lifts him up and slams him to the ground performing a Chokeslam
John Loven tries a pinning maneuver
Soldier123 gets up and resolutely fights back
Soldier123 gets ready to hit John Loven
John Loven blocks Soldier123's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Soldier123 gets next to John Loven bringing down an arm
John Loven blocks Soldier123's arm avoiding the execution of an European Uppercut
Soldier123 grabs John Loven's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Soldier123 strongly grabs the head of the adversary
and strikes him with unheard strength with a Hard Headbutt
Soldier123 drapes John Loven over his shoulders in a fireman's carry position
and throws John Loven's legs out in front of him to spin them out while the attacking wrestler falls backwards to driveJohn Loven's head in to the mat, performing a Super Body Slam
Soldier123 tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
The referee is counting: Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The referee is counting: Twooooooooooooooooo
The referee is counting: Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Soldier123 IS OUT!!!!!!
Soldier123 WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS John Loven!!!
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Empty
PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 7:41 pm

True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Ring%202
The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!
Introducing first: Flint
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler's greatest victories and most powerful moves
greeting the mob from the limousine's roof
and his opponent: Po1ski
Flint gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
Flint gets ready to hit Po1ski
and hits him with the forearm executing an European Uppercut
Flint grabs Po1ski's neck
then he crushes him face first to the ground with a Neckbreaker Cutter
Flint grabs Po1ski's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly
and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a Crucifix Armbar
Po1ski escapes from the hold
Flint pulls Po1ski still groggy, by his hair
Flint grabs Po1ski from behind
and makes him fall backwards onto upraised knees executing a Back Cracker!!
Po1ski pulls himself together and fights back
Po1ski hugs Flint's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a Knee on Head
Po1ski grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him
Po1ski lifts Flint and slams him down to the mat, holding him
and slams him down to the ground twice performing a Double Powerbomb!!
Devon Wyatt: I am so glad we are getting to such a match on the go-home show! A meeting between two wrestling generations. Nothing can ruin this!
Not so Silent Bob's theme hits and he starts walking down the ring
Philip Blake: Spoke too soon, Devon..
Po1ski and Flint take a break from the match to figure out what Bob is doing
After Flint and Po1ski's match, Bob shows up at ringside wearing his signature trench coat and title. He walks to ringside. He grabs a microphone. 
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Not_so10
NSSB: No, no , no, no and NO. This isn't how the last Fighting Spirit ever is going to end. It will end with ME! I am the man who took this fed to the top and I am the man who ends it! 
Bob points to the backstage area. 
NSSB: Get the hell out of my ring! NOW. 
Bob waits for both men to get out.
** Po1ski, obviously exhausted, looks at Bob with a disgusted look on his face. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Po1ski10
Po1ski: What in the [CENSORED] did you just say?
Devon Wyatt: He has gone insane. He is a despicable son of a.. I have no words to describe such a sad man. 
NSSB is fumming. He is enraged. He calms himself down before switching to a cocky look on his face.
NSSB: See.. Flint has the right idea. He is shutting his useless mouth. Because he knows he shouldn't talk back to a deity like me. He is scared. Because he knows that at the PPV, he will suffer the most humiliating loss of his life and will be forced to go back to working as a tax accountant or whatever it is his job was before TTF. 
NSSB has a crap-eating grin on his face as he says those words. 
NSSB: Same with you, Polish Beast.. after I bury you six feet under at the PPV, you will never get booked in another wrestling federation again. And even if you do.. you will be a side act.. a lower-tier midcarder at best.. an afterthought.. a guy that couldn't hack it outside of B-list feds. A LOSER.
** Po1ski steps closer, coming eye to eye with Not So Silent Bob. He is enraged beyond words.**
Po1ski: You listen here you little no good waste of space. At the pay-per-view, you're gonna finally get what's coming to you. I'm not just gonna try to out-wrestle you. I'm going to beat you down. I'm going to hurt you, cripple you, injure you...DECIMATE you. You won't have your Hydra buddies to back you up. You don't need to worry about Flint. Because once I'm done kicking your arse up and down the arena, the last thing you're gonna be worried about is wrestling. You'll be more concerned with trying to remember where the hell you are.
** Po1ski takes a step back, letting the anger drain from his face. **
Po1ski: You know, I used to respect you. I never really liked you, but I respected you because you always did what you said you were gonna do. You didn't take no [CENSORED] from nobody, and you were real fun to watch. But then you joined Hydra, and you won that championship that everyone in this federation is after. And how you do respect it's glory and status? You say you're going to "kill" True Talent Fighting? How dare you.
** Po1ski once again steps to Bob's face. His face is still calm, but he can't hide the rage in his eyes any longer. **
Po1ski: I may be an arse kicker, but I never turn my back on the federation I'm in. What happens after the pay-per-view is irrelevant. What matters is that when push comes to shove, you can't handle my jock strap. And I'll prove to the whole world that you're just a paper champion. You're not even a has-been, you're a never-was.
 ** Flint is with a disgusted look. **
True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 Whodoi11
Flint: Are you *censored* me? if you are a deity, I am your penis. What on earth makes you think that you can go around talking about building this fed up. I was the first TTF heavy weight champion. I carried it with pride and honor. Something you never had. You are a washed up never was. You couldn't cut it as a GM so you had to come to places like TTF in hopes of making something of yourself. But the fact is everything you touches dies. You are a worthless toad and a piece of garbage. You couldn't hold a candle to one of my turd's. Whether I win, lose or draw, I will end you at the pay-per-view. You will not be able to walk or talk. Get out whatever you want to say now because after the pay-per-view you will go back to being a nothing. Po1ski, may the best man win.
 ** Flint offers a hand shake to Po1ski. **
NSSB eyes his two opponents. Anger is visible in his face from being told off. 
NSSB: You know what?! You know what?! 
NSSB shoves Po1ski into Flint knocking them both down. Bob quickly rolls out of the ring with his microphone and hightails it. 
NSSB: I hope you enjoyed this little moment of yours.. because as of the end to this show.. TTF is officially DEAD! 
He runs backstage.
** Po1ski looks at Flint. **
Po1ski: Man that guy really ticks me off. Anyway, I know at the pay-per-view that the plan is to take Bob out. And we WILL do that, guaranteed. And I know that afterwards we are gonna fight for that championship.
** Po1ski steps a bit closer, looking Flint dead in the eyes. **
Po1ski: But just know that I won't hold anything back. I'm gonna give you everything that the Polish Freight Train has to offer. My goal since day one, even with all the Hydra and NSSB drama, was to win a world title. So I'm gonna give you everything I have. Because I know you'll do the same. If this really is gonna be the last time we are apart of a pay-per-view in this federation, let's put on a helluva show. Let's show the world that we are the very best in the business. How's that sound?
** Po1ski extends his hand for one final handshake. **
 ** Flint accepts Po1ski's handshake. **
Flint: I won't expect anything less. If I am not going to win, I would rather lose to you than that closeted Frasier loving dolt we have as a champion now.
Flint: Let's leave it in the ring and may the best non-Hydra member win.
Philip Blake: It's gonna be one hell of a match. 
Not so Silent Bob suddenly re-emerges from the back and he is dragging a knocked out Raistlin Majere on the ramp
Devon Wyatt: What the hell is he doing with Raistlin?
Bob grabs a knife from his coat
Bob takes the knife and jams into Raistlin's stomach! 
Blood is gushing from Raistlin
Bob escapes backstage as Po1ski and Flint rush to aid Raistlin
Devon Wyatt: Oh god.. oh god.. cut the camera feed.. cut the feed!
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PostSubject: Re: True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016    True Talent Fighting 8/2/2016  	 I_icon_minitime

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