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World Champ
World Champ

Posts : 392
Join date : 2015-04-11

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PostSubject: title match   title match I_icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 6:07 pm

** Whydoicry is stairing in the mirror putting on his leather jacket on**
Whydoicry: I wish my dad was still alive to see this. To think I am fighting for the world title in a professional wrestling company. He would have loved this.

**We see Whydoicry as a child. He is with his dad. It is one of the few times that his dad is not drunk, passed out or a combination of both. They are at the Great American Bash. Whydoicry's Dad is ecstatic because the Road Warriors have just come out for their WarGames match.**

Dad: Watch these wrestlers son. These guys ooze excellence. These are the types of guys you don't screw with.

**After finishing the pay-per-view. Father and son went to get ice cream before they went home.**

**Fast forward a few years. Whydoicry is wrestling for his high school team and just won his first state championship match. Like the Great American Bash, this was one of the few times that Whydociry's father was sober **

Dad: This is one of the best days of my life. I couldn't be more proud of you.
**Fast forward to current times**

Whydoicry: **Tear rolls down the left side of his face** If only you were still around today dad. You would have been proud. Tonight I am going to kick the ever living crapt out of that asshole, Eminem.
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