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 Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)

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3 posters
GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 6:34 pm

** "The Jig Is Up" by Kendrick Lamar plays. No one knows who's theme this is. Suddenly Hydra comes out dressed in suits and walks into the ring. **

Devon Wyatt: Cliched bastards. Another suit wearing stable..

** All members enter the ring. Chris has the mic and starts talking. **

Chris Brooks: Did you see it coming?

** "Soldier123 sold out" chants begin. Soldier remains unphased. **

Chris Brooks: Expansion is necessary. Evolving is a must. I really don't know why you are booing us. We are all the same as we been before. Is it the random attacks? Warlock and Roscar have been doing that when this fed just started! It's not new! Bunch of bandwagoners.. Soldier is still the champ. Warlocks of Greece are still champs. Wicked is still as  hungry as ever. I'm still the one who sent Noah packing back to his fed.

** Booing intensifies. **

Chris Brooks: Oh well. Soldier123, care to give a speech about joining us?

** He hands Soldier123 a mic. **
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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 23
Join date : 2015-04-04
Age : 25
Location : In My Own Head

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 6:49 pm

** Soldier123 grabs the mic, nodding at Chris. He then glares at the crowd. **

Soldier123: Chris is right, evolution is a constant process in motion, and those who refuse to abide by it only lose to it. All of you have these petite and fragile images of how we have to be and act, but it's time we shatter those irrelevant thoughts. We're not going to change, we're going to remain the same, we're still the champions we have been, but now we're also members of Hydra. But it seems that small fact is too overbearing for your pathetic brains to handle. Nevertheless, things are going to be different around here. Hydra is the new "In", and anyone who opposes us is out. This is a direct warning to not only the fans, but to all those backstage. You have been warned.

** The crowd boos intently as Soldier passes the microphone back to Chris and stands face behind him. **
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 7:03 pm

Chris Brooks: Great monologue, Soldier123. Now you must have heard Devon claim we are another cliche stable with suits. So false. We are not just another stable. We are the new standard. Not the 4 Horsemen. Not the Nexus. Not the Shield. Want the nWo? Go get the DVD. And no.. not even Dark Lords. Dark Lords are a dead stable. A thing of the past. And I say that with much love to the DLs. We are Hydra. If you cut off one head.. two more will grow. 

** All of Hydra start tearing down their suits and throw them out of the ring to reveal black t-shirts with an image. **

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Hydra_%28Earth-199999%29_002

Chris Brooks: Hail us. 
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World Champ
World Champ

Posts : 392
Join date : 2015-04-11

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 7:12 pm

**Simple Man (Acoustic) starts playing. The crow goes wild. Chants of Whydoicry are heard echoing thru the arena. Whydoicry, dressed in a black wrestling trunks, comes out limping out carrying a set of brass knuckles. **

Whydoicry: I am tired of this shit. As I said to Robbie when I first entered the arena, their is nothing you can do or say in justifying the attacks. Especially you Soldier. You are the VGM. You are in a role of power and should be unbiased in your dealings. How can anybody trust how this company is run?

Whydoicry: How am I do know that you guys didn't screw with Eminem before my title victory because he refused to join you? I can not trust anything that comes out of your mouths. Everything you have said has been baseless lies and half-truths.

Whydoicry: Out of curiosity Soldier, did you force Wicked Blitz to lose? Did you guarantee him the True Talent Title? Did you tell him that I would win and that I could be taken care of/ easily erased?

Whydoicry: I am not someone who can be easily intimidated. You will not bully me. I will take down each and every one of you regardless of how long it takes. I will start with Soldier123 and make my way thru each and every one of you. Prepare for some of the worse months of your life.

Whydoicry: Soldier you are right about evolution. Without evolution, you die. However, evolution comes in many different shapes & sizes. You can do it with force or without. Not by taking from those who can not defend themselves. You guys have stolen everything from those of us who have poured blood, sweat and tears to get where we are now. From the top down, the powers that be are taking advantage of those around them.

Whydoicry: I will take down each and every one of you regardless of how long it takes. I will start with Soldier123 and make my way thru each and every one of you. Prepare for some of the worse months of your life.
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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 23
Join date : 2015-04-04
Age : 25
Location : In My Own Head

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 7:21 pm

** Soldier123 takes the microphone back from Chris, and begins to giggle loudly at Whydoicry through the boos and cheers of the crowd. **

Soldier123: That's what I like about you, you're very skeptical. However, skepticism is not always a gift. None of those things are true, no one has to worry about me being a "biased" VGM, or us even doing all the low things you mentioned. Why? Simply because we don't have to. We didn't steal anything, we just took what was rightfully ours from the weak.

** The crowd boos intently **

Soldier123: And speaking of taking things from the weak, their seems to be a title in your possession. Let's just say this, it won't be there for long.

** Soldier123 reveals a proud smirk. **
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World Champ
World Champ

Posts : 392
Join date : 2015-04-11

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 7:45 pm

Whydoicry: If your in a rush and would rather not wait for our tag match, fuck and you are a bit rusty. *points towards his brass knuckles*. I would love to knock some of the rust off.

**Whydoicry taunts Soldier123.**

Last edited by whydoicry on Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

Posts : 23
Join date : 2015-04-04
Age : 25
Location : In My Own Head

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 7:58 pm

Soldier123: Hypocritical in context, Mr. Cry. I was just giving a subtle notion, you seem to be in more of a rush than me. However, I will not stop you from coming to the ring and brawling with me.

** Soldier123 turns around and looks at the members of Hydra, making a motion with his hand. **

Soldier123: Depart men, I will be able to handle this fool by myself. I can't have him accuse me of being a coward and relying on my men, especially when he's brandishing a weapon.

** Soldier123 turns back and glares at whydoicry again **

Soldier123: Bring it on.
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 8:26 pm

** GM Johnny Wolf appears on the titantron. **

GM Johnny Wolf: Stop. Right. Now. Not a single one of you will brawl. Most of you have matches to have. So head to the back and prepare. And that's an order. One that I'd like to see you defy.. 

** All members of Hydra begins exiting the ring. **

GM Johnny Wolf: Hydra, I stayed silent. I stood from the side and watched.. but next week I will address what's going on here. You will not win this fight.  

** Wolf disappears from the tron and all men involved in the confrontation stare at each other as the camera fades. **
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PostSubject: Re: Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members)   Hydra Rising (open for Hydra members) I_icon_minitime

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