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 TTF: Hydra Edition

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

TTF: Hydra Edition  Empty
PostSubject: TTF: Hydra Edition    TTF: Hydra Edition  I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2015 1:28 pm

** As the show begins, we get Hydra in it's full incarnation standing in the ring. Chris Brooks, Warlock, Roscar, Soldier123, Bob and Proud Manlet are there. **

Chris Brooks: Hello ladies and gentleman! And welcome.. to TTF.. IS.. HYDRA!

** Crowd boos and begins to throw junk into the ring. **

Chris Brooks: Have some class! What is this? WCW 1998? Shame on you! Anyway, tonight is the night you all waited for. WarlockOPain is utilizing his right from season 1 to book an edition of Fighting Spirit! It's gonna be the best episode of Fighting Spirit ever. Dead serious. Hydra, let's tell the fans what are the main matches for tonight's show.

** Soldier123 picks up a piece of paper and begins to read. **

Soldier123: Soldier123 defends his title against.. WHAT? WHAT?! SOLDIER123 VS ENTROPY?!!!

** Crowd goes wild. **

Chris Brooks: Relax!


Chris Brooks: Wolf forced my hands with that. A contract was signed for the match during last week. We can't do a thing about it.. relax, champ. You got this. Pass it around and keep reading.

** Soldier gives Roscar the paper. **

Roscar9GRE: Roscar9GRE VS golffan101 for the Fire chjampionship!

Philip Blake: What a great idea! We need a new champ, who better than Roscar?

Devon Wyatt: Just what I expected. A blatant abuse of power. Vintage Hydra..

** Proud Manlet grabs the paper. **

Proud Manlet: I will crush Johnny Sins.

** WarlockOPain gets the note. **

WarlockOPain: I will be stomping Po1ski into the ground.. AGAIN.

** And finally Bob gets the note. **

NSSB: And for the True Talent championship, whydoicry will face.. me.

** Bob stands there with a smug face soaking in all the boos. **

Philip Blake: WOW! Bob VS whydoicry II! Last time that happened, we saw Chris Brooks help Bob get the win! Will it happen again?

Devon Wyatt: One thing for sure, it will be a great match.

Chris Brooks: I told you all this will be the best episode of this show. I ain't lying. Now after this info has been given, we will go to commercial break. We will be right back with Fighting Spirit!

** Camera cuts to commercials. **
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