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 Destruction(This is for you whydoicry)

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2 posters
SD! Wrestler
SD! Wrestler

Posts : 70
Join date : 2015-04-05
Location : California

Destruction(This is for you whydoicry) Empty
PostSubject: Destruction(This is for you whydoicry)   Destruction(This is for you whydoicry) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2015 7:59 pm

Rikishi is seen walking through the backstage area holding pizza slices in each hand. Rikishi isn't paying attention and bumps into a parked motorcycle causing him to drop his food.

Rikishi: “Son of a Bitch...”

Rikishi looks pissed as he stares down the motorcycle. Rikishi begins to kick the motorcycle over and over.

Rikishi: “Who the fuck just leaves their motorcycle in my way.“

Rikishi closely examines the now scratched up motorcycle.

Rikishi: “Oh this is whydoicry's motorcycle. Dumbass.“

Rikishi grabs one of the mirrors, breaks it off, and continues to kick the motorcycle. After a few minutes Rikishi leaves the area.

Last edited by Rikishi on Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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World Champ
World Champ

Posts : 392
Join date : 2015-04-11

Destruction(This is for you whydoicry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction(This is for you whydoicry)   Destruction(This is for you whydoicry) I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 4:55 pm

**whydoicry enters the garage and see his bike completely destroyed**

Whydoicry: Who the fuck ...

**Dan Gildrow walks into the garage**

Dan: It's was Rikishi. It's nice to see that some one has the balls to step up to you.

**Whydoicry turns around and pops Dan in the face.**

Whydoicry: I am really tired of your shit. It's about time some put you in your place.

**Whydoicry looks towards the camera**

Whydoicry: Rikishi if you are watching this, know this: I will destroy you. You screwed me out of a match against Hydra and now you destroyed my bike. I don't tolerate that type of shit.

Whydoicry: When you least expect it, I will punish you. It doesn't have to be in the ring. I will find you at your home or when you are on the toilet. But you will pay
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Destruction(This is for you whydoicry)
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