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whydoicry Empty
PostSubject: whydoicry   whydoicry I_icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2015 12:11 am

**Whydoicry is staring in the mirror**
**The audience goes back in time and sees a young whydoicry walking home by himself**
It's a dark and dreary day. It has been overcast all day and looks like it could rain at any moment. School has ended over three hours ago and for the third time this week, his parent's didn't bother to pick him up.
Whydoicry: What could I have possibly done to ...
** A kid from school, who is a few years his senior, has his friend stop the car**
Kid: Hey whydoicry!!! Eat shit. **throws a big bag of dog shit at whydoicry and hits him. After seeing this, the kid and his friends drive away**
Whydoicry: Could this day get any worse?
Whydoicry wakes from his day dream because he hears his name being called.
**Whydoicry looks around and sees nobody**
Whydoicry says to himself: I am happy that hasn't happened in years.
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