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 Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)

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2 posters
GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)   Empty
PostSubject: Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)    Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)   I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2015 2:40 pm

** The camera pans in on the Hydra members backstage in the middle of a serious discussion. **

Chris Brooks: I know you all know this, but tonight is an important night for us. Hell, It's the most important night for us.. the three musketeers team of Po1ski, whydoicry and Kenta wants to ruin it for us. Are we gonna let them?!

** Hydra answers with unity. **

Hydra: NO!

Chris Brooks: Are we gonna let them take the result of hard work? Are we gonna let them remove us from the top of the food chain?!

Hydra: NO!

Chris Brooks: Damn right! Now tonight, Bob, Roscar and Warlock, hit hard and hit fast. Show no remorse. Do whatever it takes to keep the titles in our hands. I wish I could have been apart of the match too, but our GM keeps sticking me in squash matches against jobbers. He wants to keep me down and out of the title picture. It won't last for long.
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Not so Silent Bob
SD! Wrestler
SD! Wrestler

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Join date : 2015-04-15

Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)    Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)   I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2015 2:44 pm

NSSB: No, it won't. Don't worry, Christopher. Warlocks of Greece and I will get the job done. We will go in the ring, and beat the living hell out of the Resistance so hard, that they will never go after us again.. tonight, it's Hydra who cuts off the heads, but with them.. it won't grow back.
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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)    Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)   I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2015 2:50 pm

** Chris Brooks stands on a steel chair that was in the area. **

Chris Brooks: After tonight, we will be remembered with the greatest of all time. We will be remembered alongside legends of the business like Kouji Tanaka! Trevor Goodnight! Chris Fire!

** Chris looks at Roscar9GRE's title. **

Chris Brooks: Jeremiah Ace! And more! After tonight, the whole world will Hail.. Hydra.

** Hydra puts their arms up in the arm and chant. **


** Camera fades away. ** 
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PostSubject: Re: Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)    Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)   I_icon_minitime

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Hydra cuts off the heads (open to whichever Hydra member wants in)
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