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 Hydra confused

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 47
Location : Land of Confusion

Hydra confused  Empty
PostSubject: Hydra confused    Hydra confused  I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2016 6:02 pm

** After the match, we see Hydra minus Roscar and Bob sitting in Chris Brooks' locker room and are in mid-conversation. Looking confused and puzzled. **

Soldier123: What the hell did Bob mean when he said he is going to kill the fed?

Chris Brooks: I don't know.

Soldier123: Where will we go if this fed closes down? Who will take us?

WarlockOPain: I'm sure a lot of other feds will want us.

Chris Brooks: I don't know about you, but I ain't joining any of those other crappy feds out there. I don't even care if the WWE sends up me a Legend contract, if this fed goes down, I'm going down with it.

Proud Manlet: Since when are you so loyal to the place we helped ruin?

Chris Brooks: First of all, with all due respect to Bob, I built this place to what it is now. If it wasn't for me forming this faction, this fed would have flopped in the second season. We are not ruining a thing. We brought life here. All we ever did.. all the people we attacked.. all of it was to help. We can't let this place die. Not on my watch.

WarlockOPain: So suddenly we're all pro for this place?

Chris Brooks: It was always the idea. It seems it was misunderstood.

Soldier123: I remember talking to Bob a few nights ago.. he mentioned having some sort of plan. I didn't bother asking what it is. Go talk to him about this whole thing.

Chris Brooks: I will. But he is not at the arena at the moment and he is not answering his calls. Don't worry, guys. I will take care of this.

** Camera fades. **
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