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 The Final Countdown

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World Champ
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Join date : 2015-04-11

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PostSubject: The Final Countdown   The Final Countdown I_icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2015 5:59 pm

**The acoustic version of Simple Man by Shinedown starts playing. Whydoicry, dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a button down shirt, makes his way to the ring.**
Whydoicry: Over the last few weeks, I have been insulted and mocked by people such as that no talent, ass clown Dan Gildrow. I am tired of being mocked and talked down too like I am some worthless piece of refuse.
** Good Day to Die by Godsmack starts playing and Eminem exists his Pagani Zonda and makes his way towards the ring**
Eminem: I can't believe you still have a job. Johnny Wolf should have fired you but alas he didn't. I don't know how that incompetent monkey still has a job but that is another story for another time. I came out here today to show you that our first match was a fluke and that gutter trash such as yourself doesn't belong here.
**As Eminem is speaking, Dan Gildrow enters the ring quietly with some brass knuckles. **
Whydoicry: I am tired of your arrogance. Since day one it has been non-stop shitting on this federation. Who do you think you are coming in here mocking people and starting drama? You are nothing than a spoiled brat who has should have had his ass kicked a few more times than it has.
Eminem: I am your better. That's who I am. I come from a long line of wealthy business owners who have been keeping junk like you in line. I know for a fact that my Dad's mechanic shop employees your father. He is a drunk and a raging alcoholic. I am surprised he was able keep it up long enough to impregnate your mother.
**Whydoicry steps towards Eminem**
Eminem: I would be careful if I were you.
Whydoicry: I am going to destroy you.
Eminem: No you are not.
**Eminem points towards the back of the ring and Whydoicry turns around. As soon as Whydoicry turns, Dan hits him with the brass knuckles and proceeds to kick him a few times**
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The Archangel Jacob Jones
Developmental talent
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Age : 30
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PostSubject: Re: The Final Countdown   The Final Countdown I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2015 1:35 am

OOC: Simple Man is a GREAT song! not sure if I like the Lynyrd Skynyrd version or Shinedown version better
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World Champ
World Champ

Posts : 392
Join date : 2015-04-11

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PostSubject: Re: The Final Countdown   The Final Countdown I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2015 11:54 am

I prefer shinedown.
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PostSubject: Re: The Final Countdown   The Final Countdown I_icon_minitime

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