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 Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)

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Not so Silent Bob
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Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) Empty
PostSubject: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2016 5:21 pm

After Flint and Po1ski's match, Bob shows up at ringside wearing his signature trench coat and title. He walks to ringside. He grabs a microphone.

NSSB: No, no , no, no and NO. This isn't how the last Fighting Spirit ever is going to end. It will end with ME! I am the man who took this fed to the top and I am the man who ends it!

Bob points to the backstage area.

NSSB: Get the hell out of my ring! NOW.

Bob waits for both men to get out.
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Raw Superstar
Raw Superstar

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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 10:38 am

** Po1ski, obviously exhausted, looks at bob with a disgusted look on his face. **

Po1ski: What in the [CENSORED] did you just say?
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Developmental talent
Developmental talent

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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 12:55 pm


Devon Wyatt: He has gone insane. He is a despicable son of a.. I have no words to describe such a sad man.

NSSB is fumming. He is enraged. He calms himself down before switching to a cocky look on his face.

NSSB: See.. Flint has the right idea. He is shutting his useless mouth. Because he knows he shouldn't talk back to a deity like me. He is scared. Because he knows that at the PPV, he will suffer the most humiliating loss of his life and will be forced to go back to working as a tax accountant or whatever it is his job was before TTF.

NSSB has a crap-eating grin on his face as he says those words.

NSSB: Same with you, Polish Beast.. after I bury you six feet under at the PPV, you will never get booked in another wrestling federation again. And even if you do.. you will be a side act.. a lower-tier midcarder at best.. an afterthought.. a guy that couldn't hack it outside of B-list feds. A LOSER.
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 6:40 pm

Guys, wrap this up sometime soon because I need to put it in the show.
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Raw Superstar
Raw Superstar

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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 6:41 pm

** Po1ski steps closer, coming eye to eye with Not So Silent Bob. He is enraged beyond words.**

Po1ski: You listen here you little no good waste of space. At the pay-per-view, you're gonna finally get what's coming to you. I'm not just gonna try to out-wrestle you. I'm going to beat you down. I'm going to hurt you, cripple you, injure you...DECIMATE you. You won't have your Hydra buddies to back you up. You don't need to worry about Flint. Because once I'm done kicking your arse up and down the arena, the last thing you're gonna be worried about is wrestling. You'll be more concerned with trying to remember where the hell you are.

** Po1ski takes a step back, letting the anger drain from his face. **

Po1ski: You know, I used to respect you. I never really liked you, but I respected you because you always did what you said you were gonna do. You didn't take no [CENSORED] from nobody, and you were real fun to watch. But then you joined Hydra, and you won that championship that everyone in this federation is after. And how you do respect it's glory and status? You say you're going to "kill" True Talent Fighting? How dare you.

** Po1ski once again steps to Bob's face. His face is still calm, but he can't hide the rage in his eyes any longer. **

Po1ski: I may be an arse kicker, but I never turn my back on the federation I'm in. What happens after the pay-per-view is irrelevant. What matters is that when push comes to shove, you can't handle my jock strap. And I'll prove to the whole world that you're just a paper champion. You're not even a has-been, you're a never-was.
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World Champ
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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 6:42 pm

**Flint with a disgusted look**

Flint: Are you shitting me? if you are a deity, I am your penis. What on earth makes you think that you can go around talking about building this fed up. I was the first TTF heavy weight champion. I carried it with pride and honor. Something you never had

Flint: You are a washed up never was. You couldn't cut it as a GM so you had to come to places like TTF in hopes of making something of yourself. But the fact is everything you touches dies. You are a worthless toad and a piece of garbage. You couldn't hold a candle to one of my turd's.

Flint: Whether I win, lose or draw, I will end you at the pay-per-view. You will not be able to walk or talk. Get out whatever you want to say now because after the pay-per-view you will go back to being a nothing.

Flint: Po1ski, May the best man win.

**Flint offers a hand shake to Po1ski**
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Not so Silent Bob
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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 6:49 pm

NSSB eyes his two opponents. Anger is visible in his face from being told off.

NSSB: You know what?! You know what?!

NSSB shoves Po1ski into Flint knocking them both. Bob quickly rolls out of the ring with his microphone and hightails it.

NSSB: I hope you enjoyed this little moment of yours.. because as of the end to this show.. TTF is officially DEAD!

He runs backstage.

OOC: Po1ski and Flint, interact with one another and end this RP in a cool fashion. Good job to all involved.
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Raw Superstar
Raw Superstar

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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 7:07 pm

** Po1ski looks at Flint. **

Po1ski: Man that guy really ticks me off. Anyway, I know at the pay-per-view that the plan is to take Bob out. And we WILL do that, guaranteed. And I know that afterwards we are gonna fight for that championship.

** Po1ski steps a bit closer, looking Flint dead in the eyes. **

Po1ski: But just know that I won't hold anything back. I'm gonna give you everything that the Polish Freight Train has to offer. My goal since day one, even with all the Hydra and NSSB drama, was to win a world title. So I'm gonna give you everything I have. Because I know you'll do the same. If this really is gonna be the last time we are apart of a pay-per-view in this federation, let's put on a helluva show. Let's show the world that we are the very best in the business. How's that sound?

** Po1ski extends his hand for one final handshake. **
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GM Chris Brooks
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GM Chris Brooks

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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 7:16 pm

Solid work, fellas. Flint, feel free to finish the RP so I can finish the show.
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World Champ
World Champ

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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 7:29 pm

**Flint accepts Po1ski's handshake.**

Flint: I won't expect anything less. If I am not going to win, I would rather lose to you than that closet homosexual, Frasier loving dolt we have as a champion now.

Flint: let's leave it in the ring and may the best non hydra member win.
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PostSubject: Re: Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski)   Final confrontation (for Flint and Po1ski) I_icon_minitime

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