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 Wolf addresses the Hydra

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GM Chris Brooks
Best In The World
Best In The World
GM Chris Brooks

Posts : 1348
Join date : 2014-09-28
Age : 48
Location : Land of Confusion

Wolf addresses the Hydra  Empty
PostSubject: Wolf addresses the Hydra    Wolf addresses the Hydra  I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2015 12:32 pm

** GM Johnny Wolf is in his office. He looks around before starting to speak. **

GM Johnny Wolf: As you all know.. since the previous PPV we have been dealing with issues caused by.. Hy..dra.

** He sighs. **

GM Johnny Wolf: See.. here's the part that hurts the most. My very own head VGM turns against me and joins that group of renegades. I trusted Soldier123. I gave him a job after he was a misused loser in GXWS and DDE.

** "Loser" chants erupt. **

GM Johnny Wolf: I don't know what to do about Hydra as a whole. But I know what I can do about Soldier123. He wants a shot at whydoicry? He'll get one. At the next PPV, it will be Soldier123 VS whydoicry with the True Talent on the line. In the first ever LMS match in our fed. If Soldier wins? He's the champ. But if he loses.. he will no longer be my VGM and will no longer be able to book his friends into power. Good luck Hydra. You're gonna need it.

Philip Blake: Hydra will win... Hydra is unstoppable. Like it or not.
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Wolf addresses the Hydra
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